Seeking & Finding God's Hidden Treasure

Book Description

As God blesses through giving me the devotions I share with my coworkers at Southeastern University– I bless Him by giving them to others as He leads me. It is my birthday gift back to God and is my passion. He has given me insight in His Word I count as treasures. They are hidden treasures, as God’s Word says until they are found. Step deeper into the river, as I have, only after seeking God’s attributes. God Bless You! Cherilyn Buhlmann

Seeking and Finding God's Hidden Treasure

Book Description

As God blesses through giving me the devotions I share with my coworkers at Southeastern University- I bless Him by giving them to others as He leads me. It is my birthday gift back to God and is my passion. He has given me insight in His Word I count as treasures. They are hidden treasures, as God's Word says until they are found. Step deeper into the river, as I have, only after seeking God's attributes. God Bless You! Cherilyn Buhlmann


Book Description

Searching: Discovering Gods Hidden Treasures is a thirty-day devotional for anyone seeking to know who God is or desiring to know God on a deeper level. Join Brooke as she demonstrates what an intimate relationship with the heavenly Father looks like and how to live out your faith day by day.

Hidden Treasure

Book Description

Asking the questions who?, what?, when? and why?, Janice has found many hidden treasures and that the Bible is not only a Book of many stories, but one story - all pointing to the Lamb of God, our savior, Jesus Christ.

Seeking Hidden Treasures

Book Description

Seeking Hidden Treasures is a book relevant for the tumultuous times of today, a journey filled with personal stories, adventures, challenges, and rewards as you collect the treasures and spoils of war. As you read and study God's Word, you will be given insight into God's answers for your daily challenges. You will be given insight into the invisible realm of the kingdom of God and how it affects your daily life. Do you want to go deeper into the mysteries of God? Journey with the author, investigating the Scriptures, discovering the knowledge and wisdom of God, his spiritual technology and the strategy of his ways. As you are pulled into a reality of the presence and proximity of God, you will dwell in a new spiritual dimension of Christ. You will partner with him on a faith-based journey into greater maturity and victory. Following the clues highlighted by color to learn the character of God and his ways, you will find the treasures of wisdom and knowledge that are hidden in the Father and in Christ. As you journey with the author from mountain to mountain, you will war against darkness and deception to discover truth and light. You will be fortified by the Word and strengthened as you put on the armor of God to pull down strongholds of deception in your mind. Your declarations of truth are rewarded with an illumination of light. Then, giving glory to God, there is a space to journal the "riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God" that you have discovered (Colossians 2:2-3).

Hidden Treasure Quest: Knowing God Through Jesus

Book Description

Join Ben in this second book as he discovers how to know God by exploring the life of Jesus. Learn about prayer, how faith works, what it means to be a light, how to find God's path for your life, Jesus' existence in history, and much more! Hidden Treasure Quest is an engaging and in-depth book series for ages 9 to 14 that focuses on helping kids develop their own personal relationship with the Lord through knowledge of God's Word. Knowing God Through Jesus is book two in the Hidden Treasure Quest series. Visit the Hide and Seek Ministries' website to learn more about the series. ------ Book Excerpt, Copyright 2019. Introduction: A Note From Ben I can still remember the frustrated look on my dad's face after we had been driving for hours in his old red truck. My dad didn't see the need for the map that was tucked away in the side of his briefcase. He was convinced he knew where he was going. But after driving for three hours, I heard my dad sigh and he slowed down to a stop. "I don't remember this fork in the road," my dad said with that frustrated look I remember so well. He pulled off to the side of the road and stared out the window at what lay ahead. I watched several cars drive by us. Most of the cars continued to drive down the bigger of the two roads without even hesitating. This road was much wider than the other and was by far the busiest. It looked like it could hold hundreds of cars at once. It took several minutes before I finally saw a car drive down the second smaller road, and I wondered why there weren't many people traveling in that direction. After the cars made their choice of road, you could only see them for a few more seconds before they disappeared over the top of the hill. "Should I get the map, Dad?" I asked as I glanced behind his seat at his black briefcase. "Maybe that smaller road doesn't lead to anything important since not very many are driving that way." But my comments didn't seem to help. He still had that look on his face, and he started tapping his fingers on the steering wheel. After a few more minutes, he reached for his phone to check the signal again. We had not had phone service for the past hour, and I don't think that was helping my dad's mood. He let out another sigh and started fumbling with his briefcase until he found the right pocket. My dad needed a map. In fact, we all need a map. *** You will make millions of decisions during your lifetime. But the most important decision you will ever make is whether you will take the wide or narrow road...... To follow Jesus down the narrow road you need a map just like Ben's dad did. Your map is the Bible. A map helps you see which way to go, and that's exactly what the Bible does. The Bible is God's way of helping you follow Jesus down the narrow road. Notice no one forced Ben's dad to take the narrow road on that trip they took. And no one will force you to follow Jesus. It is your choice. Following Jesus, and going on the narrow road, is not always easy. And it is definitely not always popular. But as you avoid that busy, wide road, you will find how great it is to be different. And the good news is you do not have to be perfect to do this.... In this book, we will be talking about this narrow road as your "path". God has a special path planned just for you, and He wants to help you follow it.

Hidden Treasures

Book Description

In a busy world surrounded by all sorts of distractions, it becomes an uphill task to strike a balance between our work, family, and social life. Through this hustle and bustle, we find ourselves struggling to stay connected to God through His Word on a daily basis. That’s where Hidden Treasures can come in handy. In Proverbs 3:4-5, the writer exhorts us to seek God’s wisdom as if they were hidden treasures so that we understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God. With that goal in mind, each day’s devotional draws your attention to a short passage or a few verses in the Bible. While some of the stories, events, and characters from these passages may be well-known, the information presented is meant to help you gain fresh insights from the already-familiar sections of Scripture. We all know that Lazarus was raised from the dead but now find out how Martha missed out on her miracle. And, read on if you’ve been curious why Jesus cursed the fig tree even though it was not the season for figs! Hidden Treasures will inspire you to love the Lord deeper, make your faith stronger, seek His counsel and comfort while you navigate life’s trials, and challenge you to become more Christ-like with each passing day.

Hidden Treasure

Book Description

Hidden Treasure, Finding God in Unexpected Places, is about the author's journey from reluctant do-gooder to leader of a successful international ministry that now seeks to replicate that success in other parts of Guatemala. Although she was a Christian when she first started serving the poor, her faith deepened and her relationship with God became the driving force for her life of service.

Not Afraid of the Deep

Book Description

When Jesus decided to speak to the multitudes in parables there was a purpose in doing so. He so badly wanted to weed out those that were not sold out to Him. He knew and believed that if His messages were not easily understood, only those who really hungered for a genuine spiritual experience would continue to seek Him out. His actions were predicated on the fact that He wanted them to go deeper in spiritual matters. Not Afraid of the Deep was written with the same purpose. The deep, priceless, hidden things of God will not rise to the surface. They will have to be pursued as one seeking hidden treasure. If you are willing to read with an open mind and heart this book will truly minister to your life. It is time to go deeper in the things of the Lord. Go deeper in Him and you will never be the same.

Treasures of Darkness

Book Description

Treasures of Darkness: Finding God When Hope Seems Hidden People generally consider dark times in life as times that are filled with pain, fear, anxiety, depression, loss, or sadness. Tara Soughers recognizes such moments in her own life. When hope seemed hidden, however, she encountered God. She tells us that she does not always recognize her times of darkness as grace-filled. “There are times when God seems absent in the darkness. There are times when I feel lost and even abandoned. But my journeys through the darkness have revealed God to me in ways that I could never have imagined.” She shares personal stories about dark times in her life and how she encountered God through the experiences. She invites us to embrace the darkness as an opportunity to experience the treasure of God’s love, presence, and power. Soughers invites us to explore several biblical stories in which darkness plays a major role, and each of the scripture readings offers a unique treasure in the darkness. Psalm 139:12 proclaims a powerful truth about God. “Even the darkness is not dark to you; the night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you.” God creates in darkness (Genesis 1). God gives us “life . . . the light of all people” in Jesus Christ (John 1:4). Abraham, Paul, Jacob, Job, Nicodemus, and Jesus encounter treasures from God in the darkness. As Soughers explores each biblical account, she offers a unique point of contact for contemporary Christians, treasures that can sustain us as we encounter darkness in our lives. Book contents contain: Prologue: Discovering Treasures in Darkness 1. Darkness is as Light to You (Psalm 139:7-12) 2. Let There Be Light: Creation and Creativity (Genesis 1:1-5) 3. Count the Stars: Hearing God's Promise (Genesis 15) 4. Who Are You? Overcoming our Blindness (Acts 9:1-19) 5. Why Have You Forsaken Me? Bringing Life Out of Death (Matthew 27:45-56) 6. Wrestling with God: Transformation (Genesis 32:22-32) 7. Listen to this Dream: Enlightenment through Dreams (Genesis 37:1-11; 41:1-36) 8. Out of the Whirlwind: God as Mystery (Job 3:1-8; 38:4-21) 9. How Can These Things Be? Being Born Again (John 3:1-10) 10. Gate of Heaven: Encountering God Where Least Expected (Genesis 28:10-22) 11. The Light Shines in the Darkness: God's Self-Revelation (John 1:1-15) 12. The Night Is as Bright as the Day (Psalm 139:7-12) Epilogue: Treasures of Darkness Each chapter includes questions for reflection and discussion.This book is ideal for use in local church book groups.