Selective Heat Sensitivity of Cancer Cells

Book Description

Since the first observations of Busch in 1866, the possible use of heat as a therapeutic agent in the cure of cancer has been repeatedly subject to bursts of interest, almost invariably followed by periods of neglect and skepticism. In 1963-1964, this problem was again attacked by us both from the biochemical and from the clinical points of view. The first results of this joint effort were positive beyond expectation, and generated a new revial of studies aimed at the identification of the nature of the bio chemical lesion as well as at the optimization of technique and of the therapeutic schedules connected with clinical use. Although the number of mammalian tumors which have been proved to be heat-sensitive is now relatively large, and although in some cases a correlation has been demonstrated between tumorigenicity and heat-sensitivity of in vitro cultured cell lines, the question of a direct and constant relationship between neoplastic character and higher sensitivity to hyperthermic exposure is still open to continuing investigation and reappraisal. Several studies deal in fact with the determination of the conditions under which, in vitro and or in vivo, different tumors are efficiently damaged by elevated temperatures.

Hyperthermia In Cancer Treatment: A Primer

Book Description

Following an introductory overview, Hyperthermia In Cancer Treatment: A Primer comprehensively describes the biological reasons for associating hyperthermia with radiation and chemotherapy and the biological and clinical effects of hyperthermia on cancerous and normal tissues. The volume’s 20 chapters are arranged in three principal parts: physical and methodological studies, biologic principles, and clinical studies.

Resistance to Photodynamic Therapy in Cancer

Book Description

This volume provides a comprehensive review of resistance induced by photodynamic therapy (PDT) in tumor cells. Understanding the underlying mechanisms in this process leads to the improvement of therapeutic modality, in combination with chemotherapy, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy. Photodynamic therapy is a minimally invasive therapeutic procedure that can exert a selective or preferential cytotoxic activity toward malignant cells. The procedure involves administration of an intrinsically non-toxic photosensitizing agent (PS) followed by irradiation at a wavelength corresponding to a visible absorption band of the sensitizer. In the presence of oxygen, a series of events lead to direct tumor cell death, damage to the microvasculature, and induction of a local inflammatory reaction. Studies reveal that PDT can be curative, particularly in early stage tumors and this volume explores the potential of PDT, but also reveals strategic approaches to overcome resistance in tumor cells.

Heat Shock Proteins in Cancer

Book Description

Heat shock proteins are emerging as important molecules in the development of cancer and as key targets in cancer therapy. These proteins enhance the growth of cancer cells and protect tumors from treatments such as drugs or surgery. However, new drugs have recently been developed particularly those targeting heat shock protein 90. As heat shock protein 90 functions to stabilize many of the oncogenes and growth promoting proteins in cancer cells, such drugs have broad specificity in many types of cancer cell and offer the possibility of evading the development of resistance through point mutation or use of compensatory pathways. Heat shock proteins have a further property that makes them tempting targets in cancer immunotherapy. These proteins have the ability to induce an inflammatory response when released in tumors and to carry tumor antigens to antigen presenting cells. They have thus become important components of anticancer vaccines. Overall, heat shock proteins are important new targets in molecular cancer therapy and can be approached in a number of contrasting approaches to therapy.

Encyclopedia of Cancer

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Oncothermia: Principles and Practices

Book Description

Oncothermia is the next generation medical innovation that delivers selective, controlled and deep energy for cancer treatment. The basic principles for oncothermia stem from oncological hyperthermia, the oldest approach to treating cancer. Nevertheless, hyperthermia has been wrought with significant controversy, mostly stemming from shortcomings of controlled energy delivery. Oncothermia has been able to overcome these insufficiencies and prove to be a controlled, safe and efficacious treatment option. This book is the first attempt to elucidate the theory and practice of oncothermia, based on rigorous mathematical and biophysical analysis, not centered on the temperature increase. It is supported by numerous in-vitro and in-vivo findings and twenty years of clinical experience. This book will help scientists, researchers and medical practitioners in understanding the scientific and conceptual underpinnings of oncothermia and will add another valuable tool in the fight against cancer. Professor Andras Szasz is the inventor of oncothermia and the Head of St Istvan University's Biotechnics Department in Hungary. He has published over 300 papers and lectured at various universities around the world. Dr. Oliver Szasz is the managing director of Oncotherm, the global manufacturer and distributor of medical devices for cancer treatment used in Europe & Asia since the late 1980s. Dr. Nora Szasz is currently a management consultant in healthcare for McKinsey & Co.

Thermoradiotherapy and Thermochemotherapy

Book Description

Hyperthermia has been found to be of great benefit in combination with radiation therapy or chemotherapy in the management of patients with difficult and com plicated tumor problems. It has been demonstrated to increase the efficacy, of ionising radiation when used locally but also has been of help in combination with systemic chemotherapy where hyperthermia is carried out to the total body. Problems remain with regard to maximizing the effects of hyperthermia as in fluenced by blood flow, heat loss, etc. The present volume defines the current knowledge relative to hyperthermia with radiation therapy and/or chemotherapy, giving a comprehensive overview of its use in cancer management. Philadelphia/Hamburg, June 1995 L.W. BRADY H.-P. HEILMANN Preface In an attempt to overcome tumor resistance, hypoxia, or unfavorable tumor condi tions, oncological research has come to focus on gene therapy, immunotherapy, new cytotoxic agents, and increasingly sophisticated radiotherapy. Radiation research has been directed towards heavy particle therapy and modification of the radiation response by either protecting or sensitizing agents. Improved dose localization using rotational or conformal strategies has also been implemented. Recently, changes in radiation fractionation schedules have shown promise of better results. Hyperthermia in cancer therapy can be viewed similarly as another means to increase the sensitivity of tumors to radio- and chemotherapy.

Comparative Oncology

Book Description

Hyperthermia and Cancer

Book Description

Hyperthermia as a tool for the treatment of malignant disease is rapidly becoming a clinical reality. In this book I am attempting to summarize the known biological and physical underpinnings that have led to this development. I also present a compilation of existing clinical results, limited as these are. My aim is to provide oncologists and other physicians with up-to-date information on this modality, which is both new and old, as well as to make available to biologists, physicists and engineers sum maries of currently available information on specific areas of hyperthermic research. Many people have helped me with this book. Specifically, thanks are due to Drs. William Dewey, Jean Dutreix, Peter Fessenden, Gloria Li, and Jane Marmor. Their suggestions have been invaluable. I hope that not too many errors and omissions have crept into the volume, but in any case, for these I have only myself to blame. I also wish to express my appreciation to David Betten and Marie Graham for their help. Most of this material was written while I was on sabbatical leave on the shores of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala. There I enjoyed the hospitality of a gracious, friendly, and proud people who deserve better than fate seems to have in store for them.