Separation of Commercial and Investment Banking

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The latest in a series of studies in banking and international finance. This book deals with all aspects of the Glass-Steagall Act, and the relationship between the commercial banks and the investment banks.

Commercial and Investment Banking

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This paper discusses the arguments for and counter-arguments against the separation of the services of investment and commercial banks. It firstly, looks at banking in general and the intermediary role of banks in promoting economic development through the allocations resources, and analyses the key features of main branches of banking including commercial, investment and universal banking. The paper also deduces the fundamental differences between commercial and investment banking in terms of services provided, regulation, sources of revenue and modes of operations. The Banking Act of 1933 referred to as Glass - Steagall Act was promulgated in the United States of America to promote the separation of commercial and investment banks, (Tabarrok, 1998; Jackson, 1987; Filipiak, 2009; Mayer, 2009). This Act was said to be occasioned by the financial crisis of the 1930s where the U.S stock fell by 90% from its 1929 peak. (Tabarrok, 1998). The proponents of this Act cited conflict of interest amongst other things to support the need for the separation. One counter argument put forward by Casserley, Härle and Macdonald (n.d) is that sophisticated global economy requires one-stop large banks where customers can be offered vast range of products and services. It is concluded that though universal banking is highly beneficial, there is the need for strict regulation, constant and effective supervision in order to avoid conflict of interest, monopoly and possible failure of the banking system.

Separation of Investment Banking and Commercial Banking

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The purpose of this paper is to critically examine existing literature on separation of commercial banking activities from investment banking activities in order to advise whether the commercial and investment banking activities should be combined or separated. Introduction of new regulation in the wake of global financial crisis bring with it additional operating cost to operators of the financial sectors. While supervising plethora of regulations by central banks becomes difficulty and in the end nothing is achieve from it. The paper identified the causes of the global financial crisis that commenced in the mid-2007 as a result of global financial imbalance; long period of low interest rates in the advanced economies; consumer failure to monitor for themselves; managers compensation schemes encouraged risk-taking; skewed incentives of the rating agencies and finally, the limitation of risk measurement and regulation. These reasons contributed to the global financial crises and not the repealed Glass-Steagall Act. The study concluded that the repealed of the Act did not cause the global financial crisis in 2007 but was rather due to inadequate supervision by the regulators. The study adopts content analysis to assess the risks associated with combining the two operations together and those who posit that the combination should be separated and those in favour of it. The study professed some recommendations that will protect public interest and private capital while carrying out combined operations of commercial banking and investment banking activities.

Making Banks Safer

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This paper assesses proposals to redefine the scope of activities of systemically important financial institutions. Alongside reform of prudential regulation and oversight, these have been offered as solutions to the too-important-to-fail problem. It is argued that while the more radical of these proposals such as narrow utility banking do not adequately address key policy objectives, two concrete policy measures - the Volcker Rule in the United States and retail ring-fencing in the United Kingdom - are more promising while still entailing significant implementation challenges. A risk factor common to all the measures is the potential for activities identified as too risky for retail banks to migrate to the unregulated parts of the financial system. Since this could lead to accumulation of systemic risk if left unchecked, it appears unlikely that any structural engineering will lessen the policing burden on prudential authorities and on the banks.

Who Benefits from Deregulating the Separation of Banking Activities? Differential Effects on Commercial Bank, Investment Bank, and Thrift Stock Returns

Book Description

We analyze the deregulation impact on commercial banks, investment banks, and thrifts associated with four major events progressively integrating commercial and investment banking activities in the United States during the 1990s. We find that commercial banks are the only group to react favorably to Federal Reserve announcements relaxing firewalls and easing restrictions on commercial bank revenues from investment banking activities. These regulations primarily benefit large banks. The Bankers Trust acquisition announcement of investment bank Alex Brown is associated with increased wealth for each of the three types of financial service institutions. At the eventual deregulation of the financial services industry, with the passage of the Financial Services Modernization Act in 1999, the values of commercial banks and investment banks increase significantly although thrifts are not affected.