Ser un lder/ Being a Leader

Book Description

An introduction to leadership at school, at home, and with friends, with specific examples of how to be a leader at home and school.

Como Ser Un Lider / What Makes a Leader

Book Description

Translation of: What makes a leader: why emotional intelligence matters.

Leaders Become Leadership | Los Líderes Se Convierten En Liderazgo

Book Description

Leader and Leadership are management functions that are vital in directing an organization to improve efficiency, achieve goals, and center policies and procedures on the company vision. This how to do book will help the less experienced reader on various aspects involved with leaders and leadership. The sustained analysis and the variety of topics discussed regarding leaders and leadership qualities in the business sector and in the military and ethical behaviors, and their part in decision-making makes the works of the book compelling. This book shows the author deep knowledge and understanding of leaders becoming leadership. Líder y Liderazgo son funciones de gestión que son vitals para dirigir una organización a mejorar la eficiencia, alcanzar objetivos y centrar las políticas y procedimientos en la vision de la empresa. Este libro de cómo hacer ayudará al lector menos experimentado en varios aspectos relacionados con los líderes y el liderazgo. El análisis sostenido y la variedad de temas discutidos con respecto a los líderes y las cualidades de liderazgo en el sector empresarial y en los comportamientos militares y éticos, y su parte en la toma de decisiones hace que las obras del libro sean convincentes. Este libro muestra al autor un profundo conocimiento y comprensión de los líderes que se convierten en líderes.

El Liderazgo de Jesus

Book Description

Being a Leader

Book Description

Introduces the concept of leadership and provides examples of leadership actions.

Being the Boss

Book Description

You never dreamed being the boss would be so hard. You're caught in a web of conflicting expectations from subordinates, your supervisor, peers, and customers. You're not alone. As Linda Hill and Kent Lineback reveal in Being the Boss, becoming an effective manager is a painful, difficult journey. It's trial and error, endless effort, and slowly acquired personal insight. Many managers never complete the journey. At best, they just learn to get by. At worst, they become terrible bosses. This new book explains how to avoid that fate, by mastering three imperatives: · Manage yourself: Learn that management isn't about getting things done yourself. It's about accomplishing things through others. · Manage a network: Understand how power and influence work in your organization and build a network of mutually beneficial relationships to navigate your company's complex political environment. · Manage a team: Forge a high-performing "we" out of all the "I"s who report to you. Packed with compelling stories and practical guidance, Being the Boss is an indispensable guide for not only first-time managers but all managers seeking to master the most daunting challenges of leadership.

Cómo ser un lider

Book Description

Jesus on Leadership

Book Description

Interested in growing Christian servant leaders in the next generation? It doesn't happen by accident.

The Heart of Leadership

Book Description

Are you the type of leader people want to follow? You can be—but first, you've got to understand what sets great leaders apart from all the rest. Certainly, leaders need people skills, execution skills, a deep knowledge of industry trends, the ability to articulate a vision, and more—they must be competent—but that's just the tip of the iceberg. What's below the waterline? What's deep inside the best leaders that makes them different? Mark Miller contends it is their leadership character. In his latest enlightening and entertaining business fable, he describes the five unique character traits exhibited by exceptional leaders and how to cultivate them. The Heart of Leadership begins with young and ambitious Blake Brown being passed over for a desperately wanted promotion, despite an outstanding individual performance. Confused and frustrated, he turns to his former mentor, Debbie Brewster. Rather than attempting to solve Blake's problem for him, she sends him on a quest to meet with five of his late father's colleagues, each of whom holds a piece of the puzzle he's trying to solve. As Blake puts the pieces together, he discovers that in the final analysis, a lack of skills isn't what holds most leaders back; skills are too easy to learn. Without demonstrated leadership character, however, a skill set will never be enough. Most often, when leaders fail to reach their full potential, it is an issue of the heart. This is Blake's ultimate revelation. This book shows us that leadership needn't be the purview of the few—it is within reach for millions around the world. The Heart of Leadership is a road map for every person who desires to make a difference in the lives of others and become a leader people want to follow.

El corazón del liderazgo

Book Description

What makes for a truly exceptional leader? Certainly, leaders need people skills, execution skills, a deep knowledge of industry trends, the ability to articulate a vision, and more—they must be competent—but that's just the tip of the iceberg. What's below the waterline? What's deep inside the best leaders that makes them different? Mark Miller contends it is their leadership character. In this enlightening and entertaining business fable, young and ambitious leader Blake Brown goes on a journey to discover the five unique traits exhibited by exceptional leaders and how to cultivate them. This book shows us that leadership needn't be the purview of the few—it is within reach for millions around the world. The Heart of Leadership is a road map for every person who desires to make a difference in the lives of others and become a leader people want to follow. ¿Qué es lo que hace que un líder sea verdaderamente excepcional? Sin duda, los líderes necesitan don de gentes, habilidades de ejecución, un conocimiento profundo de las tendencias de la industria, y la capacidad de articular una visión; y más aún: deben ser competentes. Pero eso es sólo la punta del iceberg. ¿Qué hay debajo de la línea de flotación? ¿Qué se esconde dentro de los mejores líderes, que los hace diferentes? Mark Miller sostiene que es el carácter. En esta fábula empresarial, clarificadora y amena, el joven y ambicioso líder Blake Brown emprende un viaje para descubrir los cinco rasgos únicos que distinguen a los líderes excepcionales, y cómo cultivarlos. Este libro nos muestra que el liderazgo no tiene por qué ser la meta de unos pocos, sino que está al alcance de millones de personas de todo el mundo. El corazón del liderazgo es un mapa para todo aquel que desee marcar una diferencia en la vida de los demás y convertirse en un líder que la gente quiera seguir.