Book Description

CONTENTS 1. The Lord Who Turned the Darkness into Light (Genesis 1:1-5) 2. God Builds His Church through His Servants (Genesis 2:1-3) 3. God Has Already Blessed Us the Believers As He Had Blessed Abraham (Genesis 12:1-5) 4. Obedience Is Better Than Sacrifice (Genesis 12:1-4) 5. God Has Given Us the Same Blessings as Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4) 6. Get Out of Your Country from Your Family and from Your Father’s House (Genesis 12:1-4) 7. God and Abraham (Genesis 12:1-4) 8. Have the Faith That Hopes for the Kingdom of Heaven (Genesis 12:1) 9. The Laborers of God (Genesis 7:1-24) 10. We Must Be Able to Discern the Work of the Spirit from That of the Flesh (Genesis 7:1-24) 11. Cast Aside Your Carnal Thoughts That Are Like a Mist (Genesis 2:4-17) 12. Circumcision as God’s Covenant (Genesis 17:1-15) 13. Do Not Look Back as Lot’s Wife Did (Genesis 19:23-29) 14. The People of True Faith Are Different from the Rest (Genesis 21:8-12) 15. God Blesses Those Who Obey and Believe in The Word of God (Genesis 22:1-18) 16. God Desires to Accomplish His Will through the People of Faith Who Trust in the Servants of God (Genesis 24:1-20) 17. Go to My Family and Take a Wife for My Son (Genesis 24:1-4) This book is a collection of sermons that have been written to direct our fellow coworkers and saints and to show them how to lead a life as a true servant of God. For this reason, this book is titled "Sermons for Those Who Have Become Our Coworkers." The author earnestly desires to share fellowship with coworkers within the faith, those who believe wholeheartedly in the righteousness of Christ, excluding personal interests. He does really desire this because he has met them by faith in the Lord's righteousness and they are also preaching it now. The New Life Mission


Book Description

CONTENTS 1. Only Those Born of the Word of Promise Are God’s Children (Genesis 17:1-22) 2. We Who Are the Spiritually Circumcised Are God’s Children (Genesis 17:1-14) 3. God Has Made Us Righteous by Doing the Impossible (Genesis 17:15-22) 4. Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:12-22) 5. The Church of God Is Magnificently Beautiful (Genesis 20:1-18) 6. The Word of God Is Fulfilled without Fail (Genesis 21:1-7) 7. Remember and Believe in the Love of God (Genesis 22:1-13) 8. We Are the Spiritual People Who Are Married to the Lord (Genesis 24:47-67) 9. The Reason God Loved Jacob (Genesis 25:19-34) 10. In Whom Did God Find Joy? (Genesis 25:19-34) 11. The Lord Works When We Believe in the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit and Wait for His Guidance (Genesis 26:1-15) 12. Dig Spiritual Wells (Genesis 26:12-22) 13. Take the Blessings Given to Jacob (Genesis 27:1-29) 14. Jacob Became a Source of Blessings by Trusting His Mother’s Word (Genesis 28:10-22) 15. God Blessed Those Who Are Unlovable in a Physical Sense (Genesis 29:31-35) This book is a collection of sermons that have been written to direct our fellow coworkers and saints and to show them how to lead a life as a true servant of God. For this reason, this book is titled "Sermons for Those Who Have Become Our Coworkers." The author earnestly desires to share fellowship with coworkers within the faith, those who believe wholeheartedly in the righteousness of Christ, excluding personal interests. He does really desire this because he has met them by faith in the Lord's righteousness and they are also preaching it now. The New Life Mission


Book Description

CONTENTS 1. Guard Your Faith in the Righteousness of God (Genesis 26:1-11) 2. Blessings Are Conveyed through God’s Church (Genesis 27:1-30) 3. All the Blessings Given to Us Have Also Come from Our Lord (Genesis 27:1-29) 4. God Has Given Us Spiritual Blessings (Genesis 27:1-29) 5. God Blesses Jacob-like People (Genesis 27:1-29) 6. Who Are Blessed by God? (Genesis 28:10-19) 7. Discern Correctly between a True Shepherd and a False One (Genesis 29:1-14) 8. Let Us Live for the Righteousness of God (Genesis 30:25-43) 9. Let Us Do Special Ministry before the Presence of God (Genesis 30:25-43) 10. Live in This World by Faith (Genesis 34:1-17) 11. Marry within Your Own Tribe (Genesis 34:18-27) 12. The Righteous Must Fulfill Their Duty (Genesis 38:1-30) 13. What Scripture Can Save Sinners from the Sins of the World (Genesis 40:1-23) 14. Store Up the Bread of Life by Faith throughout the Whole World (Genesis 41:46-57) 15. Do God’s Work with the Eyes That Look Far Ahead (Genesis 42:1-5) This book is a collection of sermons that have been written to direct our fellow coworkers and saints and to show them how to lead a life as a true servant of God. For this reason, this book is titled "Sermons for Those Who Have Become Our Coworkers." The author earnestly desires to share fellowship with coworkers within the faith, those who believe wholeheartedly in the righteousness of Christ, excluding personal interests. He does really desire this because he has met them by faith in the Lord's righteousness and they are also preaching it now. The New Life Mission


Book Description

CONTENTS 1. Those Who Enter by the Narrow Gate and Those Who Enter by the Wide Gate (Matthew 7:13-27) 2. Is Our Faith the Same as Abraham’s Faith? (Romans 4:1-11) 3. By What Are We Justified? (Romans 3:19-28) 4. The Lord Has Saved All Sinners and Given Them True Life (Mark 2:13-22) 5. Heirs of the Righteousness Which Is According to Faith (Hebrews 11:7) 6. We Must Obey the Will of God by Faith (Judges 3:1-11) 7. To Those Who Ask, “What Good Thing Shall I Do That I May Have Eternal Life?” (Matthew 19:16-26) 8. What Will Happen to Those Who Cause Young Saints to Sin? (Matthew 18:1-14) 9. Who Has a Hardened Heart? (Mark 3:1-6) 10. Your Sins Are Forgiven You for His Name’s Sake (1 John 2:12-29) 11. Is It Beneficial for God’s Church to Have Judges? (Judges 3:7-14) 12. We Must Promptly Preach the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit (Mark 2:1-12) 13. God Blesses the Lives Devoted to Spreading the Gospel (1 Kings 11:1-13) 14. How We Should Pray to God (Matthew 6:5-8) This book is a collection of sermons that have been written to direct our fellow coworkers and saints and to show them how to lead a life as a true servant of God. For this reason, this book is titled "Sermons for Those Who Have Become Our Coworkers." The author earnestly desires to share fellowship with coworkers within the faith, those who believe wholeheartedly in the righteousness of Christ, excluding personal interests. He does really desire this because he has met them by faith in the Lord's righteousness and they are also preaching it now. The New Life Mission


Book Description

CONTENTS 1. Blessed Are Those Who Share the Bread of Life in This Last Age (Matthew 24:32-51) 2. Enter by the Narrow Gate (Matthew 7:13-27) 3. Illuminate the Children of Deception with the Gospel of Light (Isaiah 1:21-31) 4. God Has Blotted Out the Sin of the World (Isaiah 1:10-18) 5. How Was Pseudo Christianity Formed? (1 Kings 11:26-40) 6. The Righteousness of Jesus Christ: An Absolute Necessity (Romans 8:1-11) 7. Repent and Return to the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit (Matthew 4:12-25) 8. The Word Is God (John 1:1-14) 9. We Have Received the Beatitudes! (Matthew 5:1-16) 10. Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord God (Genesis 6:1-22) 11. Duties of the Gospel Preacher (Matthew 13:1-23) 12. Hoping for the Day When We Will Lead a Perfect Life (Romans 8:18-28) This book is a collection of sermons that have been written to direct our fellow coworkers and saints and to show them how to lead a life as a true servant of God. For this reason, this book is titled "Sermons for Those Who Have Become Our Coworkers." The author earnestly desires to share fellowship with coworkers within the faith, those who believe wholeheartedly in the righteousness of Christ, excluding personal interests. He does really desire this because he has met them by faith in the Lord's righteousness and they are also preaching it now. The New Life Mission

Let It Go

Book Description

Shares uplifting advice about the virtues of forgiveness, offering strategic and biblically based advice on how to achieve peace and personal fulfillment by letting go of past wrongs.