Sex, Strategy and the Stratosphere

Book Description

This book provides an historical account of how discriminatory practices develop and change. The author presents a historical account of the discriminatory practices of airline companies British Airways, Air Canada and Pan American Airways. It covers the years 1919 to 1991 and is organized around key periods in the treatment of female employees.

Discourse on Leadership

Book Description

A critical study of the concept of leadership within both a historical and cultural context.

Handbook of Longitudinal Research Methods in Organisation and Business Studies

Book Description

This Handbook is a very timely contribution to organization and business studies. Most calls for longitudinal research are made in sections of published work that deal with limitations of the study or suggestions for further research. This book places longitudinal research methods at center stage. With its practical, hands-on approach it guides us how to design a longitudinal study in and around organizations whether qualitative or quantitative and how to implement it. I warmly recommend this Handbook to ambitious senior and junior researchers. It makes the commonly presented excuses for not undertaking longitudinal research completely redundant. Rebecca Piekkari, Aalto University, School of Business in Helsinki, Finland This is a very timely book that fills an important gap in the field of research methods. So far very little attention has been paid to longitudinal research methods, while the usefulness of this type of research has often been discussed in many papers and conferences. Insights provided by scholars who have been doing this type of research provide useful guidelines for anyone interested in research methods from senior scholars to young researchers and PhD candidates. This volume will serve as an excellent complement to the existing range of books on research methods. Pervez Ghauri, Kings College London, UK This innovative Handbook demonstrates that there is no single best approach to conducting longitudinal studies. At their best, longitudinal research designs yield rich, contextualised, multilevel and deep understanding of the studied phenomenon. The lack of resources in terms of time, funding and people can pose a serious challenge to conducting longitudinal research. This book tackles many of these challenges and discusses the role of longitudinal research programmes in overcoming such obstacles. This book shows how longitudinal research methods enable the understanding of dynamics, mechanisms, causalities and interrelationships of organizational and business concepts in context and in relation to time. It discusses the richness and versatility of longitudinal research and offers, to students and experienced scholars alike, numerous viewpoints, reflections and personal accounts about conducting longitudinal research, from planning and fieldwork to reporting and managing of research projects.

Insights and Research on the Study of Gender and Intersectionality in International Airline Cultures

Book Description

This book brings together three decades of research by Albert J. Mills and his colleagues on the gendering of airline cultures over time. Inspired by feminist theory and drawing largely on archival research, it traces the way that gender discrimination develops, takes hold and changes in the formation of organizational cultures.

Handbook of Gender, Work and Organization

Book Description

This work of reference represents a remarkably complete, detailedand extensive review of the field of gender, work and organizationin the second decade of the 21st century. Its authorsrepresent eight countries and many disciplines includingmanagement, sociology, political science, and gender studies. Thechapters, by top scholars in their areas of expertise, offer bothreviews and empirical findings, and insights and challenges forfurther work. The chapters are organized in five sections:Histories and Philosophies; Organizing Work and the GenderedOrganization; Embodiment; Globalization; and Diversity. Theoretical and conceptual developments at the cutting edge ofthe field are explicated and illustrated by the handbook’sauthors. Methods for conducting research into gender, work andorganization are reviewed and assessed as well as illustrated inthe work of several chapters. Efforts to produce greater gender equality in the workplaceare covered in nearly every chapter, in terms of past successes andfailures. Military organizations are presented as one of thedifficult to change in regards to gender (with the result thatwomen are marginalized in practice even when official policies andgoals require their full inclusion). The role of the body/embodiment is emphasized in severalchapters, with attention both to how organizations disciplinebodies and how organizational members use their bodies to gainadvantage. Particular attention is paid to sexuality in/andorganizations, including sexual harassment, policies to alleviatebias, and the likelihood that future work will pay more attentionto the body’s presence and role in work andorganizations. Many chapters also address “change efforts” thathave been employed by individuals, groups, and organizations,including transnational ones such as the European Union, the UnitedNations, and so on. In addition to its value for teachers and students within thisfield, it also offers insights that would be of value to policymakers and practitioners who need to reflect on the latest thinkingrelating to gender at work and in organizations.

Absent Aviators

Book Description

The objective of this book is to present a number of related chapters on the subject of gender issues in the workplace of the aviation industry. More specifically, the chapters address the continuing shortfall in the number of women pilots in both civilian and military aviation. Considerable research has been carried out on gender issues in the workplace and, for example, women represent about 10% of employees in engineering. This example is often used to show that the consequences of gender discrimination are embedded and difficult to overcome in masculine-dominated occupations. However, women represent only 5-6% of the profession of pilot. Clearly there are many factors which mitigate women seeking to become pilots. The chapters within this volume raise both theoretical and practical issues, endeavouring to address the imbalance of women pilots in this occupation. Absent Aviators consolidates a diverse range of issues from a number of authors from Australia, Austria, the United States, Canada, South Africa and the United Kingdom. Each of the chapters is research-based and aims to present a broad picture of gender issues in aviation, gendered workplaces and sociology, underpinned by sound theoretical perspectives and methodologies. One chapter additionally raises issues on the historical exclusion of race from an airline. The book will prove to be a valuable contribution to the debates on women in masculine-oriented occupations and a practical guide for the aviation industry to help overcome the looming shortfall of pilots. It is also hoped it will directly encourage young women to identify and overcome the barriers to becoming a civilian or military pilot.

Handbook of Research Methods in Diversity Management, Equality and Inclusion at Work

Book Description

Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) have become features of organizations as a result of both legal and societal advances, as well as neoliberal economic reasoning and considerations. Current research approaches frequently fall short of addressing the challenges faced in EDI research, and this benchmark Handbook brings up to date coverage of research methods in EDI, and advances the development of research in the field.

The Routledge Companion to Management and Organizational History

Book Description

The field of management and organizational history has reached a level of maturity that means an overview is long overdue. Written by a team of globally renowned scholars, this comprehensive companion analyses management and organizational history, reflecting on the most influential periods and highlighting gaps for future research. From the impact of the Cold War to Global Warming, it examines the field from a wide array of perspectives from humanities to the social sciences. Covering the entire spectrum of the field, this volume provides an essential resource for researchers of business and management.

Encyclopedia of Case Study Research

Book Description

This is the authoritative reference work in the field. An interdisciplinary set, it investigates the extensive history, design and methods of case study research.