Direct and Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulence

Book Description

This volume contains papers presented to a EUROMECH-Colloquium held in Munich, September 30 to October 2, 1985. The Colloquium is number 199 in a series of colloquia inaugurated by the European Mechanics Committee. The meeting was jointly organized by the 'Lehrstuhl fur Stromungsmechanik' at the 'Technische Universitat Munchen' and the 'Institut fur Physik der Atmosphare' of the 'Deutsche Forschungs- und Versuchsanstalt fur Luft- und Raumfahrt' (DFVLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen. 'Direct' and 'large eddy simulation' are terms which denote two closely con nected methods of turbulence research. In a 'direct simulation' (DS), turbu lent motion is simulated by numerically integrating the Navier-Stokes equations in three-dimensional space and as a function of time. Besides ini tial and boundary conditions no physical simplifications are involved. Com puter resources limit the resolution in time and space, though simulations with an order of one million discrete points in space are feasible. The simu lated flow fields can be considered as true realizations of turbulent flow fields and analysed to answer questions on the basic behaviour of turbulence. Direct simulations are valid as long as all the excited scales remain within the band of resolved scales. This means that viscosity must be strong enough to damp out the not resolved scales or the simulation is restricted to a lim ited integration-time interval only. In summary, DS provides a tool to investigate turbulent motions from first principles at least for a finite band of scales.

Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics

Book Description

This is a book about spectral methods for partial differential equations: when to use them, how to implement them, and what can be learned from their of spectral methods has evolved rigorous theory. The computational side vigorously since the early 1970s, especially in computationally intensive of the more spectacular applications are applications in fluid dynamics. Some of the power of these discussed here, first in general terms as examples of the methods have been methods and later in great detail after the specifics covered. This book pays special attention to those algorithmic details which are essential to successful implementation of spectral methods. The focus is on algorithms for fluid dynamical problems in transition, turbulence, and aero dynamics. This book does not address specific applications in meteorology, partly because of the lack of experience of the authors in this field and partly because of the coverage provided by Haltiner and Williams (1980). The success of spectral methods in practical computations has led to an increasing interest in their theoretical aspects, especially since the mid-1970s. Although the theory does not yet cover the complete spectrum of applications, the analytical techniques which have been developed in recent years have facilitated the examination of an increasing number of problems of practical interest. In this book we present a unified theory of the mathematical analysis of spectral methods and apply it to many of the algorithms in current use.

High Performance Scientific and Engineering Computing

Book Description

Since the creation of the term "Scientific Computing" and of its German counterpart "Wissenschaftliches Rechnen" (whoever has to be blamed for that), scientists from outside the field have been confused about the some what strange distinction between scientific and non-scientific computations. And the insiders, i. e. those who are, at least, convinced of always comput ing in a very scientific way, are far from being happy with this summary of their daily work, even if further characterizations like "High Performance" or "Engineering" try to make things clearer - usually with very modest suc cess, however. Moreover, to increase the unfortunate confusion of terms, who knows the differences between "Computational Science and Engineering" , as indicated in the title of the series these proceedings were given the honour to be published in, and "Scientific and Engineering Computing", as chosen for the title of our book? Actually, though the protagonists of scientific com puting persist in its independence as a scientific discipline (and rightly so, of course), the ideas behind the term diverge wildly. Consequently, the variety of answers one can get to the question "What is scientific computing?" is really impressive and ranges from the (serious) "nothing else but numerical analysis" up to the more mocking "consuming as much CPU-time as possible on the most powerful number crunchers accessible" .