Risk Management Series: Site and Urban Design for Security - Guidance Against Potential Terrorist Attacks

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed this publication, Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance against Potential Terrorist Attacks, to provide information and design concepts for the protection of buildings and occupants, from site perimeters to the faces of buildings. The intended audience includes the design community of architects, landscape architects, engineers and other consultants working for private institutions, building owners and managers and state and local government officials concerned with site planning and design. Immediately after September 11, 2001, extensive site security measures were put in place, particularly in the two target cities of New York and Washington. However, many of these security measures were applied on an ad hoc basis, with little regard for their impacts on development pat-terns and community character. Property owners, government entities and others erected security barriers to limit street access and installed a wide variety of security devices on sidewalks, buildings, and transportation facilities. The short-term impacts of these measures were certainly justified in the immediate aftermath of the events of September 11, 2001, but traffic patterns, pedestrian mobility, and the vitality of downtown street life were increasingly jeopardized. Hence, while the main objective of this manual is to reduce physical damage to buildings and related infrastructure through site design, the purpose of FEMA 430 is also to ensure that security design provides careful attention to urban design values by maintaining or even enhancing the site amenities and aesthetic quality in urban and semi-urban areas. This publication focuses on site design aimed to protect buildings from attackers using vehicles carrying explosives. These represent the most serious form of attack. Large trucks enable terrorists to carry very large amounts of explosives that are capable of causing casualties and destruction over a range of many hundreds of yards. Perimeter barriers and protective design within the site can greatly reduce the possibility of vehicle penetration. Introduction of smaller explosive devices, carried in suitcases or backpacks, must be prevented by pedestrian screening methods. Site design for security, however, may impact the function and amenity of the site, and barrier and access control design may impact the quality of the public space within the adjacent neighborhood and community. The designer's role is to ensure that public amenity and the aesthetics of the site surroundings are kept in balance with security needs. This publication contains a number of examples in which the security/ amenity balance has been maintained through careful design and collaboration between designers and security experts. Much security design work since September 11, 2001, has been applied to federal and state projects, and these provide many of the design examples shown. At present, federal government projects are subject to mandatory security guidelines that do not apply to private sector projects, but these guidelines provide a valuable information resource in the absence of comparable guidelines or regulations applying to private development. Operations and management issues and the detailed design of access control, intrusion alarm systems, electronic perimeter protection, and physical security devices, such as locking devices, are the province of the security consultant and are not covered here, except as they may impact the conceptual design of the site. Limited information only is provided on some aspects of chemical, biological and radiological (CBR) attacks that are significant for site designers; extensive discussion of approaches to these threats can be found in FEMA 426.

Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance Against Potential Terrorist Attacks

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has developed this publication, Site and Urban Design for Security: Guidance against Potential Terrorist Attacks, to provide information and design concepts for the protection of buildings and occupants, from site perimeters to the faces of buildings. The intended audience includes the design community of architects, landscape architects, engineers and other consultants working for private institutions, building owners and managers and state and local government officials concerned with site planning and design. This publication, FEMA 430, is one of a series that addresses security issues in high-population private-sector buildings. It is a companion to the Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 426), which provides an understanding of the assessment of threats, hazards, vulnerability, and risk, and the design methods needed to improve protection of new and existing buildings and the people occupying them. Chapter 2 of FEMA 426 provides guidance on site layout and design and discusses architectural and engineering design considerations for risk mitigation, starting at the property line, including the orientation and placement of buildings on the site. This publication represents an expansion of Chapter 2 and focuses in more detail on information useful to the site security design team. In addition, this publication expands on Instruction Unit IX, "Site and Layout Design Guidance," in the Building Design for Homeland Security Training Course (FEMA E155) and also summarizes some of the concepts in Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings (FEMA 452). Some of the technical information on design against blast contained in the Primer for Design of Commercial Buildings to Mitigate Terrorist Attacks (FEMA 427) is also summarized. These publications are part of the FEMA Risk Management Series (RMS).

Risk Management Series: Incremental Protection for Existing Commercial Buildings from Terrorist Attack

Book Description

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) developed FEMA 459, Incremental Protection for Existing Commercial Buildings from Terrorist Attack, to provide guidance to owners of existing commercial buildings and their architects and engineers on security and operational enhancements to address vulnerabilities to explosive blasts and chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. It also addresses how to integrate these enhancements into the ongoing building maintenance and capital improvement programs. These enhancements are intended to mitigate or eliminate long-term risk to people and property. FEMA's Risk Management Series publications addressing security risks are based on two core documents: FEMA 426, Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against buildings, and FEMA 452, Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings. FEMA 426 provides guidance to the building science community of architects and engineers on reducing physical damage caused by terrorist assaults to buildings, related infrastructure, and people. FEMA 452 outlines methods for identifying the critical assets and functions within buildings, determining the potential threats to those assets, and assessing the building's vulnerabilities to those threats. This assessment of risks facilitates hazard mitigation decision-making. Specifically, the document addresses methods for reducing physical damage to structural and nonstructural components of buildings and related infrastructure and reducing resultant casualties during conventional bomb attacks, as well as attacks involving chemical, biological, and radiological agents. FEMA 459 can be used in conjunction with FEMA 452. This manual presents an integrated, incremental rehabilitation approach to implementing the outcomes of a risk assessment completed in accordance with FEMA 452, Risk Assessment: A How-To Guide to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Building. This approach is intended to minimize disruption to building operations and control costs for existing commercial buildings. The integrated incremental approach to risk reduction in buildings was initially developed in relation to seismic risk and was first articulated in FEMA's Risk Management Series in the widely disseminated FEMA 395, Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation of School Buildings (K-12), published in June 2003. In 2004 and 2005, FEMA also published Incremental Seismic Rehabilitation manuals (FEMA 396-400) for hospitals, office buildings, multifamily apartments, retail buildings, and hotels and motels. This manual outlines an approach to incremental security enhancement in four types of existing commercial buildings: office buildings, retail buildings, multifamily apartment buildings, and hotel and motel buildings. It addresses both physical and operational enhancements that reduce building vulnerabilities to blasts and chemical, biological, and radiological attacks, within the constraints of the existing site conditions and building configurations.

Private Security

Book Description

Private Security: An Introduction to Principles and Practice, Second Edition explains foundational security principles—defining terms and outlining the increasing scope of security in daily life—while reflecting current practices of private security as an industry and profession. The book looks at the development and history of the industry, outlines fundamental security principles, and the growing dynamic and overlap that exists between the private sector security and public safety and law enforcement—especially since the events of 9/11. Chapters focus on current practice, reflecting the technology-driven, fast-paced, global security environment. Such topics covered include security law and legal issues, risk management, physical security, human resources and personnel considerations, investigations, institutional and industry-specific security, crisis and emergency planning, computer, and information security. A running theme of this edition is highlighting—where appropriate—how security awareness, features, and applications have permeated all aspects of our modern lives. Key Features: Provides current best practices detailing the skills that professionals, in the diverse and expanding range of career options, need to succeed in the field Outlines the unique role of private sector security companies as compared to federal and state law enforcement responsibilities Includes key terms, learning objectives, end of chapter questions, Web exercises, and numerous references—throughout the book—to enhance student learning Critical infrastructure protection and terrorism concepts, increasingly of interest and relevant to the private sector, are referenced throughout the book. Threat assessment and information sharing partnerships between private security entities public sector authorities—at the state and federal levels—are highlighted. Private Security, Second Edition takes a fresh, practical approach to the private security industry’s role and impact in a dynamic, ever-changing threat landscape.

Reference Manual to Mitigate Potential Terrorist Attacks Against Buildings

Book Description

The text provides guidance to the building science community of architects and engineers, to reduce physical damage to buildings, related infrastructure, and people caused by terrorist assaults. It presents incremental approaches that can be implemented over time to decrease the vulnerability of buildings to terrorist threats. Many of the recommendations can be implemented quickly and cost-effectively. The manual contains many how-to aspects based upon current information contained in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Department of Commerce, Department of Defense, Department of Justice, General Services Administration, Department of Veterans Affairs, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, and other publications. It describes a threat assessment methodology and presents a Building Vulnerability Assessment Checklist to support the assessment process. It also discusses architectural and engineering design considerations, standoff distances, explosive blast, and chemical, biological, and radiological (CBR) information. The appendices includes a glossary of CBR definitions as well as general definitions of key terminologies used in the building science security area. The appendices also describe design considerations for electronic security systems and provide a listing of associations and organizations currently working in the building science security area.

Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, No.3, Vol.1, 2019

Book Description

Urban Planning as an Extension of War Planning The Case of Shenyang, China, 1898-1966 HUAQING WANG, Dr., GALEN NEWMAN, Dr., ZHIFANG WANG, Dr. 1-12 PDF HTML Evaluating Staff Perceptions of Supportive Healing Environment in Healthcare Facilities PATRICK CHUKWUEMEKE UWAJEH, Dr., IKENNA STEPHEN EZENNIA, Ph.D. candidate 13-25 PDF HTML From Zoning Based Area To A Hybrid Space; The Transformation Strategies FARHAN ABDULLAH ALI, Dr. 26-37 PDF HTML The Role Of Urban Density And Morphology In The Air Pollution Of Tehran Metropolitan ROUHOLLAH OSHRIEH, Ph.D. candidate, EHSAN VALIPOUR, Dr. 38-43 PDF HTML Urban Sprawl Negative Impact: Enkomi Return Phase KAMYAR FULADLU, Dr. 44-51 PDF HTML Economic Diversification and the Urban Image; Changing the Narrative on Street Vending MUHAMMAD K BALARABE, Ph.D. Candidate, ABDULSALAM SHEMA IBRAHIM, Ph.D. Candidate, MARYAM AHMAD, M.Sc. 52-61 PDF HTML Environmental Regulations and Rules: United Nations Perspective and the Nigeria Experience FASHUYI OLUGBENGA, Dr. 62-66 PDF HTML Evaluation of the Sustainable Aspects In Housing Sector To Overcome Housing Stress In Northern Iraq RAHEL MOHAMMED AMIN, M.Sc., SALAR SALAH MUHY AL-DIN, Dr. 67-81 PDF HTML Access to Land Influencing the Urban Development of Egypt MOHAMED RASLAN, Dr., HANY AYYAD, Dr. 82-91 PDF HTML Learning from Resilience: Cities towards a Self-Organizing System CEMALIYE EKEN, Ph.D. candidate 92-103 PDF HTML Impact of A Community Place in Regards to Sustainable Design towards Decreasing Social Crime Nadereh Afzhool, M.A. 104-108 PDF HTML Effects of Architectural and Urban Design Project Competitions on Built Environment and New Discourses Brought Thereby OSMAN UMIT Sirel, M.Sc., AYSE SIREL, Dr., BURAK TURSOY, M.Sc. 109-120 PDF HTML Cultural landscape devastation as a consequence of poor Sustainable Urban Development practice Case study: Kostanjica, Boka Bay, Montenegro KOSARA KUJUNDZIC, Ph.D. Candidate, SLAVICA STAMATOVIC VUCKOVIC, Dr. 121-131 PDF HTML Urban Rights and Sustainability in Latin-America: First Steps towards Urban Justice Operationalization Javier Alonso Gómez Dávila, Dr. 132-142 PDF HTML Evaluating Gender Based Behavior in Historical Urban Public Place Case study: Grand Bazaar, Kerman, Iran Ph. D Candidate. Aida Jalalkamali , MA. Elham Anjomshoa 143-153 PDF HTML Establishment of Space syntax to read and analyze urban network; the case of study, Famagusta city of Cyprus EHSAN VALIPOUR, Dr., ABDOLLAH MOBARAKI, Ph.D. candidate, MOJDEH NIKOOFAM, Ph.D. candidate, SAMIRA TAYYEBISOUDKOLAEI, BSc 154-160 PDF HTML Concomitant Recital of a Prolonged Reign: Dilation of the Dutch Empire and Enticement of Ascendency, Delineating Batavia, Victim and Valedictorian SIEPAN KHALIL, B.A., PAKINAM ZEID, B.A. 161-174 PDF HTML Visual pollution phenomena and sensitivity of residences in heritage city centers Case of: Old district of Manama city, Kingdom of Bahrain ISLAM H. EL-GHONAIMY, Dr. 175-190 PDF HTML The Effects of Built Environment Landscaping on Site Security: Reviews on Selected Shopping Centers in Istanbul Gökçen Firdevs Yücel Caymaz 191-201 PDF HTML

Incremental Protection for Existing Commercial Buildings from Terrorist Attack: Providng Protection to People and Buildings

Book Description

NOTE: NO FURTHER DISCOUNT FOR THIS PRINT PRODUCT-- OVERSTOCK SALE --Significantly reduced list price This publication provides guidance to owners of existing commerical builidings and their architects and engineers on security and opeerational enhancements to address vulnerabilities to explosive blasts and chemical, biological, and radiological hazards. It also addresses how to integrate these enhancements to into the ongoing building maintenance and capital improvement programs. These enhancements are intended to mitigate or eliminate long-term risk to people and property. This manual provides building owners and their design consultants with guidance on developing a program of incremental security enhancements that can be implemented over a period of time. Chapter 1 provides an overview of integrated incremental rehabilitation of buildings, potential terrorist threats to buildings, the mitigation of the risks of terrorist attacks, special issues related to security in existing commercial buildings, a process for integrating incremental mitigation into the normal facility management process, and a step-by step approach to implementation of an incremental enhancement program. It is intended for building owners and their risk managers and facility managers. Chapter 2 describes the relationship between this manual and FEMA 452 and includes a list of terrorism risk reduction measures. It also discusses the implementation of an integrated incremental program and links (in the form of matrices) specific physical and operational enhancement measures to normal maintenance and capital improvement programs associated with commercial buildings. It is intended for risk managers, facility managers, and design professionals. Chapter 3 discusses blast threats to buildings and physical enhancements that reduce the vulnerability to blasts. It is intended for design professionals and their blast consultants. Chapter 4 discusses chemical, biological, and radiological threats to buildings and physical and operational enhancements that reduce the vulnerability to these threats. It is intended for design professionals and their CBR consultants. Chapter 5 discusses operational security measures that reduce commercial building vulnerabilities to terrorist threats. It is intended for design professionals and security personnel. Audience This manual addresses the specific needs and practices of commercial building owners, and guides building owners and managers through a process that will reduce the risks to their buildings from terrorist attacks. It is intended for use by both technical and non-technical audiences, including building owners, facility managers, risk managers, security consultants, and design professionals. Related products: Hazardous Materials (HAZMAT & CBRNE) collection can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/catalog/security-defense-law-enforcement/hazardous-materials-hazmat-cbrne Terrorism and 9/11 history related products resources collection can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/catalog/us-military-history/terrorism-911-history Other products produced by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) can be found here: https://bookstore.gpo.gov/agency/528

Official (ISC)2 Guide to the CISSP CBK

Book Description

As a result of a rigorous, methodical process that (ISC) follows to routinely update its credential exams, it has announced that enhancements will be made to both the Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) credential, beginning April 15, 2015. (ISC) conducts this process on a regular basis to ensure that the examinations and