Skunk River Basin

Book Description

General Reevaluation Report, Upper Skunk River Basin, Iowa (Ames Lake).

Book Description

This General Reevaluation Study was prepared to analyze alternatives to the Ames Lake project which would satisfy the authorized project purposes of flood control, low-flow augmentation, and water-based recreation. Water supply was not a designated project purpose for the authorized project; however, based on the city of Ames' concern over their future water supply, solutions to Ames' water supply also were evaluated as part of this multiple-purpose reevaluation study. The authorized project is not economically feasible today. Smaller reservoirs, levees, nostructural methods, soil conservation practices, and channel modifications were studied as alternatives to the authorized project. A smaller reservoir at the authorized project site is economically feasible, having an estimated cost of $42 million and a benefit-to-cost ratio of 1.2. The State of Iowa does not support the smaller reservoir and will not sponsor it. The city of Ames also is not interested in sponsoring the project. It is therefore recommended that Federal involvement in the Ames Lake project be terminated at this time because the project is not acceptable and there is not State or local project sponsor.