Sociological Aspects of Crime and Delinquency (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

The field of crime and delinquency attracts a great deal of heated and partial opinion, prejudice and other forms of mal-thinking. When there is a scientific approach there tends to be a psychological explanation. This book, first published in 1971, is a corrective to both trends. It is a discussion of criminal behaviour in relation to a wide range of behaviours which could be called deviance and regards the whole field from the sociological point of view. The whole discussion is related to social policy, and is vital reading for students of sociology and criminology.

Sociological Aspects of Crime and Delinquency (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

The field of crime and delinquency attracts a great deal of heated and partial opinion, prejudice and other forms of mal-thinking. When there is a scientific approach there tends to be a psychological explanation. This book, first published in 1971, is a corrective to both trends. It is a discussion of criminal behaviour in relation to a wide range of behaviours which could be called deviance and regards the whole field from the sociological point of view. The whole discussion is related to social policy, and is vital reading for students of sociology and criminology.

Inequality, Crime and Public Policy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1979, Inequality, Crime, and Public Policy integrates and interprets the vast corpus of existing research on social class, slums, and crime, and presents its own findings on these matters. It explores two major questions. First, do policies designed to redistribute wealth and power within capitalist societies have effects upon crime? Second, do policies created to overcome the residential segregation of social classes have effects on crime? The book provides a brilliantly comprehensive and systematic review of the empirical evidence to support or refute the classic theories of Engles, Bonger, Merton, Cloward and Ohlin, Cohen, Miller, Shaw and McKay, amongst many others. Braithwaite confronts these theories with evidence of the extent and nature of white collar crime, and a consideration of the way law enhancement and law enforcement might serve class interest.

Critical Criminology (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1975, this collection of essays expands upon the themes and ideas developed in the editors’ previous work, the visionary and groundbreaking text: The New Criminology. Directed at orthodox criminology, this is a partisan work written by a group of criminologists committed to a social transformation: a transformation to a society that does not criminalize deviance. Included are American contributions, particularly from the School of Criminology at Berkeley, represented by Hermann and Julia Schwendinger and Tony Platt, together with essays by Richard Quinney and William Chambliss. From Britain, Geoff Pearson considers deviancy theory as ‘misfit sociology’ and Paul Hirst attacks deviancy theory from an Althusserian Marxist position. The editors contribute a detailed introductory essay extending the position developed in The New Criminology, and two other pieces which attempt to continue the task of translating criminology from its traditional correctionalist stance to a commitment to socialist diversity and a crime-free set of social arrangements.

Progress in Urban Geography (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

A substantial proportion of the world’s population now live in towns and cities, so it is not surprising that urban geography has emerged as a major focus for research. This edited collection, first published in 1983, is concerned with the effects on the city of a wide range of economic, social and political processes, including pollution, housing, health and finance. With a detailed introduction to the themes and developments under discussion written by Michael Pacione, this comprehensive work provides an essential overview for scholars and students of urban geography and planning.

Inequality, Crime and Public Policy (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1979, Inequality, Crime, and Public Policy integrates and interprets the vast corpus of existing research on social class, slums, and crime, and presents its own findings on these matters. It explores two major questions. First, do policies designed to redistribute wealth and power within capitalist societies have effects upon crime? Second, do policies created to overcome the residential segregation of social classes have effects on crime? The book provides a brilliantly comprehensive and systematic review of the empirical evidence to support or refute the classic theories of Engles, Bonger, Merton, Cloward and Ohlin, Cohen, Miller, Shaw and McKay, amongst many others. Braithwaite confronts these theories with evidence of the extent and nature of white collar crime, and a consideration of the way law enhancement and law enforcement might serve class interest.

Rehabilitation and Deviance (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1976, this book examines rehabilitation within the penal system in Britain in the 1970s. It argues that the ‘rehabilitative ideal’ is not the only possible alternative to a penal policy but an option which has now become institutionalized and alien to traditional concepts of justice. Using a framework derived from the sociology of law, Philip Bean looks at aspects of rehabilitation as it is operated in the courts and in certain penal institutions. He shows how the concept of rehabilitation has had an important but harmful effect on penal policy as it is often incompatible with penal aims. This book considers the impact that sentencing, social enquiry reports and modern prison policies have on rehabilitation. The concluding chapter asks for a return to concepts of justice and a move away from discussions about personal lives of deviant members of society.

The Delinquent Solution (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1966, The Delinquent Solution presents a study of crime associated with the nature of subcultures. The book discusses issues such as the concept and theory of subcultures, the life of delinquent gangs, and the English experience of delinquent subcultures. It also takes an in-depth look at the Stepney and Poplar survey on crime from 1960, analysing both statistical data and more informal observations. Although the book was written over forty years ago, the issues discussed remain relevant and strong areas of interest.

The Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Subcultures (Routledge Revivals)

Book Description

First published in 1980, this book argues that subcultures are formed in defence of collectively experienced problems that arise from defects and contradictions in social structures. Mike Brake looks at the development of post-war youth culture in a sociological context and considers the class base of youth subcultures, showing that they generate a form of collective identity from which an individual identity can be achieved, outside that ascribed by class, education or occupation. Black youth and young females are two groups given special attention here since Brake notes they are prone to particular problems resulting from the racism and sexism inherent in much youth culture.