Somaclonal Variation and Induced Mutations in Crop Improvement

Book Description

Genetic variability is an important parameter for plant breeders in any con ventional crop improvement programme. Very often the desired variation is un available in the right combination, or simply does not exist at all. However, plant breeders have successfully recombined the desired genes from cultivated crop gerrnplasm and related wild species by sexual hybridization, and have been able to develop new cultivars with desirable agronomie traits, such as high yield, disease, pest, and drought resistance. So far, conventional breeding methods have managed to feed the world's ever-growing population. Continued population growth, no further scope of expanding arable land, soil degradation, environ mental pollution and global warrning are causes of concern to plant biologists and planners. Plant breeders are under continuous pressure to improve and develop new cultivars for sustainable food production. However, it takes several years to develop a new cultivar. Therefore, they have to look for new technologies, which could be combined with conventional methods to create more genetic variability, and reduce the time in developing new cultivars, with early-maturity, and improved yield. The first report on induced mutation of a gene by HJ. Muller in 1927 was a major mi1estone in enhancing variation, and also indicated the potential applica tions of mutagenesis in plant improvement. Radiation sources, such as X-rays, gamma rays and fast neutrons, and chemical mutagens (e. g. , ethyl methane sulphonate) have been widely used to induce mutations.

Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement II

Book Description

In continuation of Somaclonal Variation and Crop Improvement I (1990), this volume is comprised of twenty-four chapters dealing with somaclonal variants showing resistance to salt/drought, herbicides, viruses, Alternaria, Fusarium, Glomerella, Verticillium, Phytophthora, fall armyworm, etc. in a number of plants of economic importance. It is divided into two sections: Section I. Somaclonal Variation in Agricultural Crops: wheat, rice, maize, sorghum, potato, tomato, Lotus, Stylosanthes, banana, strawberry, citrus, colt cherry. Section II. Somaclonal Variation in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: Atropa, Carthamus, Hypericum, Lavatera, Nicotiana, Primula, Rauwolfia, Scilla, and Zinnia. This book will be of great assistance to research workers, teachers, and advanced students of plant pathology, tissue culture, pharmacy, horticulture, and especially plant breeding.

Somaclonal Variation in Crop Improvement I

Book Description

Somaclonal Variations and Crop Improvement

Book Description

Proceedings of a Seminar in the CEC Programme of the Coordination of Research on Plant Protein Improvement, held in Gembloux, Belgium, Sept. 3-5, 1985

Genetic Engineering of Plants

Book Description

William C. Taylor Department of Genetics University of California Berkeley, California 94720 It is evident by now that there is a great deal of interest in exploiting the new technologies to genetically engineer new forms of plants. A purpose of this meeting is to assess the possibilities. The papers that follow are concerned with the analysis of single genes or small gene families. We will read about genes found within the nucleus, plastids, and bacteria which are responsible for agri culturally important traits. Given that these genes can be isolated by recombinant DNA techniques, there are two possible strategies for plant engineering. One involves isolating a gene from a cultivated plant, changing it in a specific way and then inserting it back into the same plant where it produces an altered gene product. An example might be changing the amino acid composition of a seed pro tein so as to make the seed a more efficient food source. A second strategy is to isolate a gene from one species and transfer it to another species where it produces a desirable feature. An example might be the transfer of a gene which encodes a more efficient pho tosynthetic enzyme from a wild relative into a cultivated species. There are three technical hurdles which must be overcome for either strategy to work. The gene of interest must be physically isolated.

Crop Improvement Utilizing Biotechnology

Book Description

This book discusses; somaclonal variation in crop improvement, the role of tissue culture in rapid clonal propagation and production of pathogen-free plant, protoplasts in crop improvement, cell selection and long-term high-frequency regeneration of cereals and legumes, agrobacteria-mediated gene transformation and vectors for gene cloning in plants, and plant frost injury and its management.