Letting God's Word Speak

Book Description

Grace is a gift God gives freely, but should our response to God's grace end when we accept Jesus as Lord and Savior? Is there more? Letting God's Word Speak is a collection of topics built on solid scriptural references through which we can deepen our relationship with the triune God. The philosophy "know what you believe and why you believe it" is reinforced throughout the pages of this book. It will open up new revelations to familiar texts and simultaneously challenge you to further hear, explore, and understand God's Word. It will encourage you to "work out your own salvation" by surrendering your will to Him and striving daily to be more like Christ while savoring the trust you have in God's love.

Speak Your Faith

Book Description

Throughout Scripture God instructs His people to speak His Word. His Word spoken as words out of our mouths with faith in our hearts, cause His creative, miracle-working power to be released in our natural realm. His Word spoken as words out of our mouths become our weapon against the enemy. We can shape our world through speaking God's Word over our present and our future. We must learn to speak faith-filled words at all times in all situations. To speak in faith is not to deny the existence of a mountain or the fierceness of a prevailing storm. Rather faith speaks to the mountain denying its right to continue standing in the way. Faith speaks to the winds and the storms depriving it of its right to wreck havoc, and instead, give way to the peace and calm that God releases. Faith speaks to sickness commanding it to leave and give way to healing and wholeness that comes from God. This book will establish you in this Biblical truth and inspire you to speak your faith, at all times! Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed worship, Word and ministry for healing, miracles and deliverance. YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/allpeopleschurchbangalore WEBSITE: https://apcwo.org/live Our other websites and free resources: CHURCH: https://apcwo.org FREE SERMONS: https://apcwo.org/sermons FREE BOOKS: https://apcwo.org/books DAILY DEVOTIONALS: https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotional JESUS CHRIST: https://examiningjesus.com BIBLE COLLEGE: https://apcbiblecollege.org E-LEARNING: https://apcbiblecollege.org/elearn COUNSELING: https://chrysalislife.org MUSIC: https://apcmusic.org MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP: https://pamfi.org CHURCH APP: https://apcwo.org/app CHURCHES: https://apcwo.org/ministries/churches This book may be freely used by individuals, small groups, churches, and ministries, for non-commercial purposes. These are not to be sold and must be distributed freely.

Ministering Healing And Deliverance

Book Description

The Lord Jesus intended for every person who believed in Him to do the works He did and even greater works (John 14:12). While God does have specific gifts, calling, and anointing placed on specific individuals with a ministry function in the Body of Christ, the power and authority to minister healing and deliverance is given to every believer. The Lord desires to see every child of His, young and old, moving in the power of His Spirit, in the authority of Jesus’ name, doing the works of the Father, so that people will know and experience the living Jesus in their lives! This book will equip you to minister healing and deliverance in Jesus' name! Watch our online Sunday Church service live stream every Sunday at 10:30am (Indian Time, GMT+5:30). Spirit filled, anointed worship, Word and ministry for healing, miracles and deliverance. YOUTUBE: https://youtube.com/allpeopleschurchbangalore WEBSITE: https://apcwo.org/live Our other websites and free resources: CHURCH: https://apcwo.org FREE SERMONS: https://apcwo.org/sermons FREE BOOKS: https://apcwo.org/books DAILY DEVOTIONALS: https://apcwo.org/resources/daily-devotional JESUS CHRIST: https://examiningjesus.com BIBLE COLLEGE: https://apcbiblecollege.org E-LEARNING: https://apcbiblecollege.org/elearn COUNSELING: https://chrysalislife.org MUSIC: https://apcmusic.org MINISTERS FELLOWSHIP: https://pamfi.org CHURCH APP: https://apcwo.org/app CHURCHES: https://apcwo.org/ministries/churches This book may be freely used by individuals, small groups, churches, and ministries, for non-commercial purposes. These are not to be sold and must be distributed freely.

That's a Great Question

Book Description

Is the Bible really true? How can I prove it? This book is especially helpful for newer Christians just coming to grips with the implications of the gospel in all areas of their lives. What do you say when someone at work asks you why the gospel stories differ? How do you answer your neighbor when she asks what you think about all those "errors" in the Bible? Glenn Pearson offers simple, accessible principles that provide any Christian with the tools he or she needs to confidently respond to skeptical inquiries.

Knocking on Heaven's Door

Book Description

Offers a cohesive New Testament theology of petitionary prayer.

To All Believers... It's As Simple As This

Book Description

This booklet is a condensed version of what Norman Grubb daringly called the Total Truth, and which he gave the last years of his life to spread to the Church. Beginning with God, the All in all, he takes the reader through the biblical basis for the Christian's union with Christ, the fallacy of having two natures, the difference between sin and temptation, how to operate as a truly liberated self, speaking the word of faith and intercession. Those who have read Mr. Grubb's books will find familiar themes, and those who are new to his teaching will be blessed by his passion to reveal the radical core of the Gospel, "Christ in you."

Faith Understood

Book Description

Here is one man's extraordinary near-death experience and how it transformed his life. But it's more than merely an incredible account of a successful businessman's brush with death and his miraculous recovery. This is also a story of hope-a credible testimony of God's presence and grace-filled activity in our lives.

Learning to Speak God from Scratch

Book Description

In a rapidly changing culture, many of us struggle to talk about faith. We can no longer assume our friends understand words such as grace or gospel. Others, like lost and sin, have become so negative they are nearly conversation-enders. Jonathan Merritt knows this frustration well. After moving from the Bible Belt to New York City, he discovered that the sacred terms he used to describe his spiritual life didn’t connect as they had in the past. This launched him into an exploration of an increasing American reluctance to talk about faith—and the data he uncovered revealed a quiet crisis of affecting millions. In this groundbreaking book, Jonathan revives ancient expressions through incisive cultural commentary, vulnerable personal narratives, and surprising biblical insights. Both provocative and liberating, Learning to Speak God from Scratch will breathe new life into your spiritual conversations and invite you into the embrace of the God who inhabits them.

How to Make Your Faith Work!

Book Description