Spectral Methods in Soliton Equations

Book Description

Soliton theory as a method for solving some classes of nonlinear evolution equations (soliton equations) is one of the most actively developing topics in mathematical physics. This book presents some spectral theory methods for the investigation of soliton equations ad the inverse scattering problems related to these equations. The authors give the theory of expansions for the Sturm-Liouville operator and the Dirac operator. On this basis, the spectral theory of recursion operators generating Korteweg-de Vries type equations is presented and the Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur scheme, through which the inverse scattering method could be understood as a Fourier-type transformation, is considered. Following these ideas, the authors investigate some of the questions related to inverse spectral problems, i.e. uniqueness theorems, construction of explicit solutions and approximative methods for solving inverse scattering problems. A rigorous investigation of the stability of soliton solutions including solitary waves for equations which do not allow integration within inverse scattering method is also presented.

Spectral Methods

Book Description

Since the publication of "Spectral Methods in Fluid Dynamics" 1988, spectral methods have become firmly established as a mainstream tool for scientific and engineering computation. The authors of that book have incorporated into this new edition the many improvements in the algorithms and the theory of spectral methods that have been made since then. This latest book retains the tight integration between the theoretical and practical aspects of spectral methods, and the chapters are enhanced with material on the Galerkin with numerical integration version of spectral methods. The discussion of direct and iterative solution methods is also greatly expanded.

Solitons In Multidimensions: Inverse Spectral Transform Method

Book Description

The book is devoted to the mathematical theory of soliton phenomena on the plane. The inverse spectral transform method which is a main tool for the study of the (2+1)-dimensional soliton equation is reviewed. The ∂-problem and the Riemann-Hilbert problem method are discussed. Several basic examples of soliton equations are considered in detail. This volume is addressed both to the nonexpert and to the researcher in the field. This is the first literature dealing specifically with multidimensional solition equations.

Spectral Methods And Their Applications

Book Description

This book presents the basic algorithms, the main theoretical results, and some applications of spectral methods. Particular attention is paid to the applications of spectral methods to nonlinear problems arising in fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, weather prediction, heat conduction and other fields.The book consists of three parts. The first part deals with orthogonal approximations in Sobolev spaces and the stability and convergence of approximations for nonlinear problems, as the mathematical foundation of spectral methods. In the second part, various spectral methods are described, with some applications. It includes Fourier spectral method, Legendre spectral method, Chebyshev spectral method, spectral penalty method, spectral vanishing viscosity method, spectral approximation of isolated solutions, multi-dimensional spectral method, spectral method for high-order equations, spectral-domain decomposition method and spectral multigrid method. The third part is devoted to some recent developments of spectral methods, such as mixed spectral methods, combined spectral methods and spectral methods on the surface.

Spectral Transform and Solitons

Book Description

Spectral Transform and Solitons

Spectral Methods

Book Description

Along with finite differences and finite elements, spectral methods are one of the three main methodologies for solving partial differential equations on computers. This book provides a detailed presentation of basic spectral algorithms, as well as a systematical presentation of basic convergence theory and error analysis for spectral methods. Readers of this book will be exposed to a unified framework for designing and analyzing spectral algorithms for a variety of problems, including in particular high-order differential equations and problems in unbounded domains. The book contains a large number of figures which are designed to illustrate various concepts stressed in the book. A set of basic matlab codes has been made available online to help the readers to develop their own spectral codes for their specific applications.

Important Developments in Soliton Theory

Book Description

In the last ten to fifteen years there have been many important developments in the theory of integrable equations. This period is marked in particular by the strong impact of soliton theory in many diverse areas of mathematics and physics; for example, algebraic geometry (the solution of the Schottky problem), group theory (the discovery of quantum groups), topology (the connection of Jones polynomials with integrable models), and quantum gravity (the connection of the KdV with matrix models). This is the first book to present a comprehensive overview of these developments. Numbered among the authors are many of the most prominent researchers in the field.

Basic Methods Of Soliton Theory

Book Description

In the 25 years of its existence Soliton Theory has drastically expanded our understanding of “integrability” and contributed a lot to the reunification of Mathematics and Physics in the range from deep algebraic geometry and modern representation theory to quantum field theory and optical transmission lines.The book is a systematic introduction to the Soliton Theory with an emphasis on its background and algebraic aspects. It is the first one devoted to the general matrix soliton equations, which are of great importance for the foundations and the applications.Differential algebra (local conservation laws, Bäcklund-Darboux transforms), algebraic geometry (theta and Baker functions), and the inverse scattering method (Riemann-Hilbert problem) with well-grounded preliminaries are applied to various equations including principal chiral fields, Heisenberg magnets, Sin-Gordon, and Nonlinear Schrödinger equation.