Spectroscopic and Kinetic Studies Using Ultra-Sensitive Absorption and Room Temperature Diode Lasers

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A program to apply diode lasers and ultra-sensitive absorption techniques to a variety of important Air Force problems is described. In this program, new gas phase sensors were developed for several applications including: diagnostics for advanced chemical oxygen iodine lasers (COIL), gas phase sensors for atmospheric studies and environmental monitoring, process manufacturing, and development of control strategies based on outputs from the sensors. In this report we present experimental measurements of collisional broadening coefficients of selected transitions in molecular oxygen and water vapor. We make comparisons to earlier measurements and to models for line broadening. We also discuss the production of optical amplification in molecular iodine pumped by a low power visible wavelength diode laser. Finally we present data from characterizations of diode lasers appropriate for development into sensitive diagnostics for the NCi/I laser system.

Multi-wavelength Laser Absorption Spectroscopy for High-temperature Reaction Kinetics

Book Description

This dissertation presents advanced measurement science that ultimately supports the design, development, and characterization of next-generation energy systems. Part I presents a mathematical framework and approach for measuring the composition of complex, reacting gaseous mixtures with multi-wavelength laser-absorption spectroscopy. Suites of laser systems were interfaced with shock tubes to measure the composition of mixtures during the pyrolysis of a single-component fuel (1-butene), alternative (carbon-neutral) jet fuel mixtures, and traditional jet fuels. These methods were established to help determine the time-dependent composition of complex high-temperature chemistry. With the framework of Part I in place, Part II presents work that increases the number of laser wavelengths used by a factor of 10, while reducing the hardware needed to acquire this extra information. The second part of this thesis adopts an emerging technology, known as dual-comb spectroscopy, for use in high-temperature reaction kinetic studies. This approach provides ultra-fast broadband absorption data used in a variety of conditions in the different chapters of Part II. Taken together, the two parts of this thesis provide a framework for characterizing complex and reacting high-temperature gas mixtures and introduce advanced tools that push the boundary of measurement capability.

Shock Tube and Laser Absorption Studies of Small Alkene Spectroscopy and Real Fuel Kinetics

Book Description

Growing demand for energy coupled with increased awareness of various deleterious effects of current energy generation techniques drive a demand for more efficient utilization of current feedstocks and addition of new streams. Accomplishing both more efficient utilization of current fuels and interoperability of new streams requires detailed chemical kinetic understanding of both existing and novel fuels. Shock tube/laser absorption strategies are well-suited for these fuel kinetics studies. In this work, several new infrared laser sensor strategies have been developed that have enabled the quantitative time-history measurements of critical fuel decomposition products. Using these sensors, the decomposition products of several fuels were measured. These data have been used in the development of the HyChem model for jet fuel. An existing facility, the Kinetic Shock Tube, has been modified through heating to more readily handle distillate fuels with low vapor pressures at ambient conditions. Additionally, the fuel handling and mixing system was modified allow for the production of mixtures of distillate fuels and oxidizers or inert diluents. A novel laser-absorption-based propene diagnostic was developed using an external cavity quantum cascade laser to allow measurement of the second-smallest alkene in shock tube experiments. Existing room-temperature resolved spectra spanning the infrared absorption of propene from 1.5 to 15 microns was considered to select a target wavelength region. A series of experiments at high temperatures were done to ensure that a maximally-absorbing wavelength was selected at high temperatures. The temperaturedependence of this propene absorption feature was then measured. This diagnostic was combined with an existing CO2 gas laser ethylene diagnostic to study the decomposition of propene at elevated temperatures. Simultaneous laser-based measurements of propene and ethylene were recorded for the first time. Propene decomposition measurements were reported between 1360 and 1710 K and compared to models in the literature to provide recommendations for further model refinement. These diagnostics were then combined with other laser diagnostics, including a HeNe gas laser fuel-absorption diagnostic at 3.39 microns and an interband cavity laser diagnostic for measuring methane at 3.18 microns, to measure a variety of species during the pyrolysis of two gasolines, two jet fuels, and a synthetic jet fuel Ethylene and iso-butene were measured during the pyrolysis of two Shell gasolines between 1050 and 1390 K; propene was also measured during these experiments for one of the gasolines. These measurements were compared to predictions from a recent gasoline surrogate mechanism. Ethylene and propene were measured during the pyrolysis of two distillate jet fuels between 1070 and 1440 K; iso-butene was also measured during these experiments for one of the jet fuels. Ethylene, propene, iso-butene, and methane formation were measured during the pyrolysis of a synthetic jet fuel between 1071 and 1317 K. These measured mole fractions were then compared to an existing model for large, branched hydrocarbons. These measurements were also used to constrain in-development hybrid chemistry (HyChem) models for the respective fuels. These studies demonstrate the utility of laser absorption studies in shock tubes to investigate real fuel pyrolysis kinetics through the measurement of both product formation rates and product distributions. Subsequently, these measurements can be used to constrain new chemical kinetic models, evaluate the accuracy of existing chemical kinetic models, and select appropriate surrogate compositions for surrogate-based models.

Advances in Multiphoton Processes and Spectroscopy

Book Description

In view of the rapid growth in both experimental and theoretical studies of multiphoton processes and multiphoton spectroscopy of atoms, ions, and molecules in chemistry, physics, biology, materials sciences, etc., it is desirable to publish an Advanced Series that contains review papers readable not only by active researchers in these areas, but also by those who are not experts in the field but who intend to enter the field. The present series attempts to serve this purpose. Each review article is written in a self-contained manner by experts in the area so that the readers can grasp the knowledge in the area without too much preparation. This volume will be useful not only to active researchers but also to other scientists in the area of biology, chemistry, materials science, and physics.

Absorption Spectroscopy Studies in Low Pressure Non Equilibrium Molecular Plasmas Using Tunable Infrared Diode Lasers

Book Description

Tunable infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) has been applied to investigate the chemical kinetics in reactive discharges. It was used to detect the methyl radical and nine stable molecules, CH4, CH3OH, C2H2, C2H4, C2H6, NH3, HCN, CH2O and C2N2, in H2-Ar-N2 microwave plasmas containing up to 7.2 % of methane or methanol, under both flowing and static conditions. The degree of dissociation of the hydrocarbon precursor molecules varied between 20 and 97 %. The methyl radical concentration was found to be in the range 1012 to 1013 molecules cm-3. By analysing the temporal development of molecular concentrations under static conditions it was found that HCN and NH3 are the final products of plasma chemical conversion. The fragmentation rates of methane and methanol and the respective conversion rates to methane, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia have been determined for different hydrogen to nitrogen concentration ratios. An extensive model of the chemical reactions involved in the H2-N2-Ar-CH4 plasma has been developed. Model calculations were performed by including 22 species, 145 chemical reactions and appropriate electron impact dissociation rate coefficients. The results of the model calculations showed satisfactory agreement between calculated and measured concentrations. The most likely main chemical pathways involved in these plasmas are discussed and an appropriate reaction scheme is proposed. Based on the model calculations the concentrations of non-measured species like CH2 or NH2 have been predicted.In addition, spectroscopic investigations of P- and R-branch lines of the fundamental bands of 12C14N and 13C14N in their ground electronic state have been performed at high resolution by tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy. The radicals were generated in microwave plasmas containing methane with varying proportions of N2 and H2. From a fit to the spectra the origins of the fundamental bands of the two isotopomers were determined to be 2042.42104(84) cm-1 and 2000.08470(30) cm-1. The main product detected in the plasma was HCN. It showed concentrations which are about three orders of magnitude higher than that of CN.Moreover, the time and spatial dependence of the chemical conversion of CO2 to CO were studied in a closed glow discharge reactor (p = 50 Pa, I = 2 and 30 mA) consisting of a small plasma zone and an extended stationary afterglow. Tunable infrared diode laser absorption spectroscopy has been applied to determine the absolute ground state concentrations of CO and CO2. After a certain discharge time the concentrations of both species were observed to come into equilibrium. The spatial dependence of the equilibrium CO concentration in the afterglow was found to vary by less than 10 %. The feed gas was converted to CO more predominantly between 45 % and 60 % with increasing discharge current. The formation time of the stable gas composition decreased with increasing current too. For currents higher than 10 mA the conversion rate of CO2 to CO was estimated to be 1 x 1013 molecules J-1. Based on the experimental results a model of the CO2 conversion chemistry has also been established for this type of discharge. The calculated and measured temporal developments of species concentrations showed a satisfactory agreement for various discharge currents.Lastly, infrared tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy has been used to analyse the fragmentation of TiCl4 into HCl in pulsed H2-Ar-N2 dc plasmas (p= 2 mbar). At small TiCl4 admixtures (0.04-0.31 %) HCl concentrations of 2-5 x 1014 molecules cm-3 were measured (current density: 0.6-1.15 mA cm2). A nearly complete conversion of Cl into HCl was found at TiCl4 admixtures below 0.2 %.