Spiritual Telepathy

Book Description

Colleen Mauro founded Intuition: A Magazine for the Higher Potential of the Mind to introduce readers to the emerging field of intuition development. In her new book, she takes readers beyond the intuition basics and introduces them to the next step—a more advanced form of intuitive perception called spiritual telepathy. This book provides the ancient mind-training techniques that will allow you to access the wisdom and guidance of your own soul. These techniques, once taught in the ancient mystery schools come from a body of knowledge called the Ageless Wisdom. The Wisdom teachings tell us that the soul is our gateway to the higher worlds. Through the soul, we have access to the universal or divine mind where information on all subjects can be found. In the past, it's been only the "special" people—our saints, shamans and spiritual leaders—who have had access to the higher worlds. Colleen assures us that we can all gain access to that universal wellspring of inspiration and knowledge.

Spiritual Telepathy

Book Description

"The catastrophic problems we face today are speeding up the pace of evolution and calling forth the current expansion in human consciousness. With our world in crisis, our very survival depends on our ability to access higher sources of wisdom and guidance," says author Colleen Mauro, former founder / chief editor of the magazine Intuition The aim of this book is to help people access higher sources of wisdom and guidance. Written in a personal, easy-to-read style, it provides both theory and ancient techniques from the Ageless Wisdom Tradition linking mind and soul. Colleen covers a variety of spiritual traditions and also explains how the new science validates these ancient teachings. She shows that celebrated creative thinkers--those we call geniuses or visionaries--all have the ability to access the subtle world of the soul. But, with inspiring stories of "ordinary people," she also assures us that we can all gain access to the universal wellspring of creativity and inspiration.

Telepathy and Etheric Vehicle

Book Description

The scientific basis for the widely accepted ideal of the brotherhood of man rests on the fact of the interwoven etheric (or energy) structure underlying all forms in all kingdoms within the planet. It is this essential oneness which provides the conditions for intercommunication on all levels of consciousness, and which creates the possibility of simultaneous impression in many by a stream of Plan - inspired energy.

Telepathy and Thought-transference

Book Description

Velobinding with Card stock Covers, printed on Acid-Free paper.

Are You There?

Book Description

As a young child, author N.L. Sher had experiences of enlightenment, but forgot about these instances until hitting the age of the early 40s. The author then began remembering these experiences, which came with new elements and happenings such as telepathic communication. But it wasn’t until the passing of Sher’s mate Carol that these gifts truly came to light—that telepathic communications and other talents were actually being realized. Are You There? shares Sher’s journey of discovering that death is not final, that there is a way to keep loved ones who have passed, close. It tells how these communications provided peace, comfort, and joy. Through this story, the author narrates experiences of the metaphysical, of coincidence, and of channeling sessions and how these helped Sher stay connected to Carol. With interviews from others included, the testimony provided in Are You There? offers evidence there is a way to maintain a connection with loved ones after they have passed.

Can Telepathy Explain?

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Practical Mind Reading

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Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle

Book Description

Occultism is concerned with the scientific facts behind the spiritual idealisms many accept because of a natural human tendency to idealise. One of the most highly idealised concepts is that of the brotherhood of man. Occultism shows that the scientific basis for that ideal rests on the fact of the one etheric structure underlying all forms within the solar system, energised and held in being by one life force. Mankind is, therefore, one in life and in form he is merely unaware of unity in his own consciousness. And evolution is essentially the means by which he becomes progressively conscious of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. In this whole process the faculties of man play an important part - the five objective senses with their five higher spiritual counterparts. The mental principle or faculty is of tremendous importance to humanity at this stage in his evolutionary unfoldment. The three-fold mind unifies as one faculty the higher or abstract mind, the soul - the son of mind, and the lower concrete mind. As this condition of mental fusion and control develops, the disciple is learning to use the mind in new ways, particularly in wielding energy which, as it vitalises and animates his etheric body, influences through radiation his effect on others. It is through this conscious, controlled use of mental energy that telepathic communication can be scientifically established with other minds by means of the etheric structure common to all. And by the same means the mind of the disciple, or of a group of disciples developing group consciousness, can be impressed by the clarity of thought and purpose of those members of the spiritual Hierarchy concerned with the working out of the Plan for humanity.

Thought Transference

Book Description