Stanley hace el mono

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El Mono Valiente.The Brave Monkey

Book Description

Esta historia trata de un mono, que estaba cansadito de escuchar, que el len es el Rey de la Selva y un da pens! Qu puedo hacer para llegar a ser el nuevo Rey de la Selva? As que decidi empezar a hacer ejercicio y comer muchas bananas, as un da que estuviera listo y tener la oportunidad de peliar con el len, no lo dudara. De esa manera, poder ganarle y llegar a ser el nuevo Rey de la Selva, aunque nadie le crea cuando lo vean hacer todas esas cosas, pero l continuaba, hasta que el rey len, lo enfrent y hasta ah lleg su sueo!

Sombrero de Tres Picos & El Capitán Veneno

Book Description

Rooted in the medieval ballad tradition, it concerns a madcap series of mistaken identities and romantic misadventures that conclude in a merry free-for-all.

Spanish-American Short Stories / Cuentos hispanoamericanos

Book Description

These 17 stories from the Caribbean and Central and South America encompass the works of Rubén Darío, José Martí, Amado Nervo, Rómulo Gallegos, and Ricardo Palma.

The Role of the Reader

Book Description

Discusses the differences between "open" and "closed" texts, or, texts that actively involve the reader and texts that evoke a limited, predetermined response from the reader. -- Back cover.

ADP-Ribosylation of Proteins

Book Description

In 1966, a paper entitled "On the formation of a novel adenylylic compound by enzymatic extracts of liver nuclei" from Paul Mandel's laboratory in Strasbourg, France, planted the seed for a rapidly growing new field of biological research focusing on ADP-ribosylation reactions. The development of this field over the past 2 decades reflects very much a modern trend of biological research. As more detailed knowledge accumulates, enigmatic phenomena turn into concepts which create their own enigmata. This process tends to favor the development of multiple, seemingly disconnected, research lines until simplicity emerges from chaos and unifying concepts substitute for controversy. It appears that the field of ADP-ribosylation reactions has not yet attained this latter stage. For example, with the identification of two different classes of ADP-ribosylation reactions, i.e., mono-ADP-ribosyla tion and poly-ADP-ribosylation reactions, the field split very early into two separate branches of research. With the present volume, we have divided the task of reviewing these two classes of ADP ribosylation accordingly, although their coexistence in eukaryotes may involve a closer functional linkage than hitherto recognized.


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