Startup 101

Book Description

What is Crowdfunding? How can it help me in starting my business? "Imagine that small and medium businesses - a really significant side of the economy - aren't getting funding. Here is where crowdfunding comes into the scene as it allows small and medium scale enterprises to reach out for investors. This book will show you what crowdfunding is and how it will lead you to success." - Erick Walk In this book you will learn: -How Crowdfunding fits your business model -How to take advantage on recent JOBS Act amendments -How to set a successful crowdfunding campaign -How to find the proper platform to place your pitch -And much more! You will also learn from the most successful campaigns and understand how Crowdfunding can help you in establishing your business and manage your personal finances aiming for an early retirement plan.

Reasons Why Startups Fail : Startup 101

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Reasons Startups Fail: Descending trends before we can thoroughly search at step-by-step processes for survival, it's vital to comprehend the justifications for why new businesses fizzle. Research from CB Insights has distinguished the main 20 justifications for why new companies fall flat. Drawn from an investigation of the post-mortems of 101 new businesses, it offers a certifiable understanding of the difficulties looked at by new companies. The exploration shows that seldom is there one explanation for the disappointment - a blend of the accompanying elements influencing everything.

Startup Law 101

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101 Startup Lessons

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A comprehensive, one-stop read for entrepreneurs who want actionable learnings about a wide range of startup and digital-related topics from George Deeb, a serial entrepreneur and partner at Red Rocket Ventures. The book is a startup executive's strategic "playbook", with "how-to" lessons about business in general, sales, marketing, technology, operations, human resources, finance, fund raising and more, including many case studies herein. We have demystified and synthesized the information an entrepreneur needs to strategize, fund, develop, launch and market their businesses. Join the 100,000+ readers who have already benefitted from this book, freely available and continuously updated on the Red Rocket Blog website. TESTIMONIALS David Rabjohns, Founder & CEO at MotiveQuest "George's passion, ideas and involvement with MotiveQuest has been "game changing" for us. From jumpstarting our sales and marketing plans and team, to productizing our business and procedures, Red Rocket has had an immediate and meaningful impact from day one. I highly recommend Red Rocket. If you want to grow, strap on the Red Rocket.“ Tyler Spalding, Founder & CEO at StyleSeek "Red Rocket has been a great investor for our business and vocal champion of our brand. As a proven entrepreneur himself, George has provided valuable insights and recommendations on how to best build my business. Red Rocket would be a great partner in helping build your business.“ Seth Rosenberg, SVP at Camping World "Red Rocket helped us do a high level assessment of our e-commerce efforts and assisted with the development of a digital strategy and marketing plan. Red Rocket identified some immediate opportunities, which we are implementing. I am pleased to recommend Red Rocket for your e-commerce and digital marketing needs.“ Andrew Hoog, Founder and CEO at viaForensics "As viaForensics experienced significant growth, we recognized the need for an experienced advisor with start-up chops who could help us refine critical steps in our transition from a service company to a product-based company. Red Rocket's expertise in growth planning including organizational structure, financial modeling and competitive analysis were instrumental in refining our strategy. He helped facilitate key decisions the management team needed to make in order to take the company to the next level. We are very pleased with Red Rocket's contributions to viaForensics and highly recommend his services to other start-ups facing similar growth.“ Jerry Freeman, Founder & CEO at PaletteApp “Red Rocket has been a key instigator in helping raise funds for PaletteApp. They have helped me tremendously in realizing what an investor wants to see and how best to present it. George has great experience and understanding of how to fund and launch a new company. We feel fortunate that he has thrown his hat into our arena.” Scott Skinger, CEO at TrainSignal "Red Rocket helped us in a variety of ways, from financial modeling to introductions to lenders. Their biggest win was helping us do preliminary investigative research on one of our competitors, that ultimately sparked a dialog that lead to the $23.6MM sale of our business to that company. We couldn't be more happy with Red Rocket's involvement with our business. Overall, a great advisor to have in your corner."

Business Startup 101

Book Description

A practical, real-world 'how to' guide for starting your own business by a man who's done it successfully dozens of times - Chris Gattis, and the foreword is by Michael E. Gerber, small business guru and author of The E-Myth Revisited. Business Start-up 101: From Great Idea to Profit...Quick! answers the question: "How do I start a small business?" There are many books on the market for business owners, but most are for large businesses or those seeking venture capital funding. Most small business owners are looking for practical, easy to understand advice on how to get started, without all the management theory. Business Start-up 101 walks entrepreneurs through the entire process of starting a business. From developing a business model, testing viability and writing a business plan to opening the doors. Whether you need to know how to start a home business or a high tech venture; whether you're looking for a California business startup or one in Maine, this book will show you how because the business startup basics are the same. Forget the theory and management jargon. If you want to know how to start a small business in the real world, this book is for you! Entrepreneurship is hard and many famous entrepreneurs have tried and failed when their ideas for new businesses didn't work out. Take your idea, develop your business model using Chris' system and launch your business. Get in business and get profitable, quick!

Comics Startup 101

Book Description

Comics Startup 101 is a quick guide to some of the most important legal and business issues comic book creators should be aware of as they start their careers. The book tackles the use of contracts, contract negotiation, business formation, intellectual property, and other key issues.

101 Laws of Succesful Startups

Book Description

Buku ini berisi tentang prinsip dan hukum yang harus dimiliki seseorang yang ingin membangun startupnya sendiri. Berkaca dari pengalaman orang-orang yang sudah sukses membangun kerajaan bisnisnya seperti Jack Ma, Dave McClure, Diajeng Lestari, Ahmad Zaky, Natali Ardianto, dan para founder startup lainnya. Karena apa yang tertulis dalam buku ini based on true story dan memang buah perjalanan para founder- founder startup, membuat para pembaca merasakan semangat mereka sampai pada bacaan dalam buku ini. Betapa banyak alasan sangat tidak dibutuhkan ketika ingin maju dan sukses. Dari hal sederhana tersebut, biasanya akan muncul hal-hal yang luar biasa jika ditekuni dengan giat. Dalam buku ini dijelaskan dengan gamblang oleh para pendiri-pendiri startup dimulai dari latar belakang berdirinya startup mereka, sumber ide, tantangan dan prinsip-prinsip yang dipegang hingga berkembang pesat. Buku ini juga mengingatkan kita tentang keharusan menikmati proses, berpikiran yang luas dan memiliki growth mindset. Buku ini mengajarkan kita dalam merintis karier dan usaha, kesalahan adalah teman yang akrab dengan manusia. Semua orang hebat dan para founder pernah melakukan kesalahan. Kesalahan justru dapat menjadi batu loncatan menuju kesuksesan dan perbaikan. Buku #101 Laws of Successful Startup cocok sekali dibaca oleh siapapun yang ingin memulai sebuah usaha ataupun ingin mengembangkan usahanya. Banyak strategi dan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang diajarkan oleh para founder. Tidakkah kisah para founder startup menggelitik diri kita? Bagaimana bisa, ada anak-anak muda seperti William Tanuwijaya (Tokopedia), Achmad Zaki (BukaLapak), Ferry Unardi (Traveloka), Diajeng Lestari (HijUP), Andrew Darwis (KasKus), Nadiem Makarim (GoJek), Ryan Gondokusumo (Sribu), membangun dan memimpin perusahaan startup yang meraksasa di usia yang masih belia?

Life Is a Startup

Book Description

After two decades of research on founders, a best-selling book on the subject, and experience teaching and mentoring thousands of students in this field, Noam Wasserman is a prominent authority on startups. Hearing from countless readers and students that his insights helped them with important life decisions, beyond the incubator and boardroom, Wasserman brings us a new book that applies to everyday life his research on the methods of successful startup founders. Like entrepreneurs, we all deal with uncertainty, tough decision-making, and necessary problem-solving. Whether we freelance or work for large organizations, whether we're married or single, have kids or not, we must be able to think on our feet, assess risks and opportunities, and recruit others to help us navigate them. This book offers important advice for envisioning change in our lives—from contemplating the next step in a relationship to making a radical career move—and managing changes to which we've already committed. We can learn to recognize our own well-worn patterns and keep our tendencies and habits in check, recruit a personal taskforce—our own board of directors—to advise us, and plan ahead for growth. With his extensive database of entrepreneurship case studies—from Pandora to Twitter to Nike—complemented with data on 20,000 founders, Wasserman is able to go deeply into the entrepreneurial mindset and show us how startups provide specific lessons for crafting our most successful lives.

101 Best Businesses to Start

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Practical advice and ideas.

101 Internet Businesses You Can Start from Home

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Describes 101 popular home-based businesses, exploring the planning, set-up, management, and technical requirements of each and offering advice on designing effective Web sites and optimizing Web marketing opportunities.