State of Mediterranean Forests 2018

Book Description

The Mediterranean region has more than 25 million hectares of Mediterranean forests and about 50 million hectares of other Mediterranean wooded lands. They make crucial contributions to rural development, poverty alleviation, food security, as well as, the agricultural, water, tourism, and energy sectors. Changes in climate, societies, and lifestyles to create appropriate financial incentives and tools. in the Mediterranean region could have serious negative consequences for forests, with the potential to lead to the loss or diminution of those contributions and to a wide range of economic, social and environmental problems. In the future, Mediterranean forests will support agriculture and human wellbeing. It is therefore crucial to improve policies, practices, and to promote sustainable management to provide social and economic benefits as well as to increase the resilience of ecosystems and societies. This new edition of the State of Mediterranean Forests aims to demonstrate the importance of Mediterranean forests to implementing solutions to tackle global issues such as climate change and population increase. Part 1: The Mediterranean landscape: importance and threats. Despite the important natural capital provided by Mediterranean forests, they are under threats from climate change and population increase and other subsidiary drivers of forest degradation. Part 2: Mediterranean forest-based solutions. Forests and landscape restoration, adaptation of forests and adaptation using forests, climate change mitigation, and conserving biodiversity are additional and complementary approaches to address the drivers of forest degradation to the benefit of populations and the environment. Part 3: Creating an enabling environment to scale up solutions. To scale up and replicate forest-based solutions, there is a need to change the way we see the role of forests in the economy, to put in place relevant policies, more widespread participatory approaches, to recognize the economic value of the goods and services provided by forests and, ultimately, to create appropriate financial incentives and tools.

State of Mediterranean Forests 2018

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State of Mediterranean Forests 2013

Book Description

"Forest ecosystems and other wooded lands are an important component of landscapes in the Mediterranean region, contributing significantly to rural development, poverty alleviation and food security. This first State of Mediterranean Forests was produced in collaboration with Plan Bleu and is a rich source of already-available data collected by regional and international institutions in the context of other environmental assessment processes, such as the state of the environment and development in the Mediterranean process (Plan Bleu, 2009) and FAO’s five-yearly Global Forest Resources Assessment (FAO, 2010)" -- Publisher description.

State of Mediterranean Forests 2013

Book Description

"Forest ecosystems and other wooded lands are an important component of landscapes in the Mediterranean region, contributing significantly to rural development, poverty alleviation and food security. This first State of Mediterranean Forests was produced in collaboration with Plan Bleu and is a rich source of already-available data collected by regional and international institutions in the context of other environmental assessment processes, such as the state of the environment and development in the Mediterranean process (Plan Bleu, 2009) and FAO’s five-yearly Global Forest Resources Assessment (FAO, 2010)" -- Publisher description.

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Seventh Mediterranean Forest Week - Proceedings

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he Seventh Mediterranean Forest Week, entitled “Forest and Ecosystem Restoration for the next Mediterranean Generations", took place from 21 to 25 March 2022 in Antalya, Türkiye. The Mediterranean Forest Week gathered more than 150 public and private sector representatives, national and local governments, technical and scientific organizations, forestry experts and managers, environmental organizations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), young professionals, media, scientists and academics, and stakeholders from forest-related sectors coming from 14 countries, all of which contribute in setting up a shared vision for the Mediterranean forests in this event.

Unasylva 251

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Water – drinkable, usable water – is likely to be one of the most limiting resources in the future, given the growing global population, the high water demand of most agricultural production systems, and the confounding effects of climate change. We need to manage water wisely – efficiently, cost-effectively and equitably – if we are to avoid the calamity of a lack of usable water supply. Forested watersheds provide an estimated 75 percent of the world’s accessible freshwater resources, on which more than half the Earth’s people depend for domestic, agricultural, industrial and environmental purposes. Forests therefore, are vital natural infrastructure, and their management can provide “nature-based solutions” for a range of water-related societal challenges. This edition of Unasylva explores that potential.

Insects and Diseases of Mediterranean Forest Systems

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Insect and disease issues are often specific to the Mediterranean forest systems rather than shared with the temperate forests. In addition to the specific native insects and diseases, the forests are subject to the invasion of exotic species. The forests are also at risk from high degrees of human activity, including changing patterns of forest fires, land management activities, intensive plantation forestry using introduced timber species from other Mediterranean climate zones, and atmospheric deposition. Combined with elements of global climate change that may disproportionately affect Mediterranean climate systems, this creates a number of significant management issues that are unique to the Mediterranean forests. It is our goal that the information contained in this volume will contribute to understanding the unique aspects of Mediterranean forest systems and to protecting these critical resources.

Forest Management of Mediterranean Forests Under the New Context of Climate Change

Book Description

Mediterranean forests provide a diversity of products such as wood, non-wood forest products including cork, fodder for livestock and aromatic plants and game, all of which are important for socio-economic or cultural development and contribute to food security and poverty alleviation in rural areas. But Mediterranean forests also are facing a mix of threats such as climatic change, agricultural expansion, tourism, urban development and other land use practices that are contributing to forest area losses. Mediterranean forests will be one of the most affected forest ecosystems in the near future as temperatures will increase and rain will decrease. This book aims to provide scientific knowledge for researchers, students, local managers and policy makers. The book is divided into eleven chapters covering not only ecological, but also economic and social perspectives on climate change and Mediterranean forest management. The authors provide information about different research projects and examples related to climate change and forest natural regeneration, genetic aspects of forest ecosystems, forest fires, environmental services, traditional markets and social perspectives on adaptation in forest management.