Statistics of City School Systems, 1917-18. Bulletin, 1920

Book Description

This report presents the statistics of city public schools for the school year 1917-18. An attempt has been made for the first time to secure statistics from all cities which had a population of 2,500 or over in 1910. The cities have been divided into five groups: Group I, including all cities with a population of 100,000 and over; Group II, all cities having a population of 30,000 or over but less than 100,000; Group III, all cities with a population of 10,000 or over but less than 30,000; Group IV, all cities with a population of 5,000 or over but less than 10,000; and Group V, all cities having a population of 2,500 or over, but less than 5,000. This report contains the following: (1) Population of groups; (2) The statistical schedules; (3) Historical statistics; (4) Number of school systems; (5) Schools and school buildings; (6) The teaching staff; (7) The teaching load; (8) Pupils; (9) Length of term; (10) Junior high schools; (11) The teaching load in the junior high schools; (12) An age and grade study of a million pupils in 80 city school systems; (13) Per capita value of school property; (14) The city school debt; (15) Where the city school dollar comes from; (16) City school tax rates; (17) Where the city school dollar goes; (18) Per capita costs (all cities); (19) Evening schools; (20) Kindergartens in cities; (21) Health and recreation; (22) Analysis of city school expenditures; and (23) Average annual salaries of teachers. (Contains 93 tables.) [Best copy available has been provided.].

Bulletin - Bureau of Education

Book Description