Stepping Stones to the New Jerusalem

Book Description

Events in the life of Jesus will be symbolized by the seven major feasts of Israel and presented as five stepping stones to the New Jerusalem. These five stepping stones can lead man safely back to the restored relationship with God both in this life and in the New Jerusalem. (Social Issues)

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1969, volume 2

Book Description

The Collected Works of Witness Lee, 1969, volume 2, contains messages given by Brother Witness Lee from April 4 through August 9, 1969. As mentioned in the preface to volume 1, in early April Brother Lee made a brief visit to Waco, Texas, and at the beginning of May he visited San Francisco. At the end of May he traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico; and then to Erie, Pennsylvania; Toronto, Canada; and Erie, Pennsylvania, a second time. Regrettably, there is no record of Brother Lee's speaking in his first visit to Erie and in his visit to Toronto. He returned to Los Angeles at the beginning of July and remained there until the end of August. The contents of this volume are divided into nine sections, as follows: 1. Six messages given in Waco, Texas, on April 4 through 6. These messages are included in this section under the title Experiencing and Enjoying the All-inclusive, Compound Spirit for the Building Up of the Church as God's Dwelling Place. The recording of one of the six messages appears to have been lost. 2. Seven messages given in San Francisco, California, on May 2 through 4. They are included in this volume under the title Praising God with Christ as the Content by Our Experiencing and Enjoying Him. 3. Nine messages given in Albuquerque, New Mexico, from May 31 through June 5. These messages are included in this volume under the title Practicing the Church Life by Exercising the Spirit. 4. Two messages given in Erie, Pennsylvania, on June 28. These messages were given near the end of a longer conference that began on June 19. Regrettably, there is no record of Brother Lee's speaking from June 19 through 27. The two recorded messages are included in this section under the title TheRecovery of the Local Churches with the Sevenfold Spirit. 5. Ten messages given in Los Angeles, California, on July 4 through 13. They were originally published in The Stream, volume 7, number 4, November 1, 1969; and volume 8, number 1, February 1, 1970; and number 2, May 1, 1970, under the title The Seven Spirits for the Local Churches. 6. Eight messages given in Los Angeles, California, on July 4 through 12, 1969. They were originally published in The Stream, volume 8, number 2, May 1, 1970; number 3, August 1, 1970; and number 4, November 1, 1970, under the title The Recovery of God's House and God's City. 7. Eighteen messages given in Los Angeles, California, from July 16 through August 15, 1969. They were previously published in a sixteen-chapter book under the title The Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures. 8. Five messages given in Los Angeles, California, from July 17 through August 14. These messages are included in this volume under the title Further Speaking on the Crucial Revelation of Life in the Scriptures. Two of the five spoken messages were combined. 9. One message given in Los Angeles, California, on August 9. This message is published in this volume under the title The Structure of the Book of Psalms.

The Ministry, Vol. 04, No. 05

Book Description

In this issue of The Ministry, we present the last of the series of The Way to Bear Fruit. In this message Brother Lee shows us the practical way to continue our fruit-bearing with newly saved ones to help them to consecrate themselves, realize the all-inclusive Spirit, exercise their spirit, read the Word, enter practically into the Body, fellowship with all the members, and begin to bear fruit themselves. Brother Lee reminds us that we are on the earth for the spreading of the Lord, the spreading and enlargement of His kingdom by the way of fruit-bearing. This is the main part of our Christian living and our commission on this earth. To this end, his unique burden was that we abandon the expectation of a big revival, which is in our blood from our traditional background, and become small seeds and small branches bearing fruit by personal contact with people. The next three messages are the conclusion of the Crystallization-study of Revelation, given in the summer training of 1999. Message Ten shows us the vision of world history from Christ’s ascension to the end of this age and the prayer of the martyred saints for the carrying out of God’s economy. Message Eleven presents two crystals: Christ as another Angel and the finishing of the mystery of God. In the book of Revelation Christ is called “another Angel,” the unique, special Angel, because He is the One sent by God to carry out His economy. Message Twelve brings clearly into view that God is recovering His right over the earth to make the whole earth His kingdom. This kingdom is Christ Himself; the Triune God in humanity (Col. 2:9) is the seed, the gene, of the kingdom of God to be sown into God’s chosen people that He might grow in them, live in them, and be expressed from within them to develop into God’s ruling realm (Mark 4:26-29; 1 Cor. 3:9). Last of all, we include reports concerning the Lord’s move in Russia, India, and Mexico.

Stepping Stones

Book Description

Stepping Stones. Is edited is such a way that the reader is taken back to the beginning of Gods Creation in Genesis, and walked through the major talking points of His plan for mankind, the fall of Adam, the role of Satan/ Lucifer/ the devil, and the redeeming work of Jesus the Christ. This book is suitable for the young in age as well as the young in Spirit. It is a reference work to be used and used again to a) provide the right answers to every-day-problems, b) to provide the young with a Godly perspective and c) to introduce the young to Jesus the Christ.

Christian Pamphlets

Book Description