Buoyant Convection in Geophysical Flows

Book Description

Studies of convection in geophysical flows constitute an advanced and rapidly developing area of research that is relevant to problems of the natural environment. During the last decade, significant progress has been achieved in the field as a result of both experimental studies and numerical modelling. This led to the principal revision of the widely held view on buoyancy-driven turbulent flows comprising an organised mean component with superimposed chaotic turbulence. An intermediate type of motion, represented by coherent structures, has been found to play a key role in geophysical boundary layers and in larger scale atmospheric and hydrospheric circulations driven by buoyant forcing. New aspects of the interaction between convective motions and rotation have recently been discovered and investigated. Extensive experimental data have also been collected on the role of convection in cloud dynamics and microphysics. New theoretical concepts and approaches have been outlined regarding scaling and parameterization of physical processes in buoyancy-driven geophysical flows. The book summarizes interdisciplinary studies of buoyancy effects in different media (atmosphere and hydrosphere) over a wide range of scales (small scale phenomena in unstably stratified and convectively mixed layers to deep convection in the atmosphere and ocean), by different research methods (field measurements, laboratory simulations, numerical modelling), and within a variety of application areas (dispersion of pollutants, weather forecasting, hazardous phenomena associated with buoyant forcing).

Studies in Convection

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Studies in Convection

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Studies in Convection

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Convection-diffusion Problems

Book Description

Many physical problems involve diffusive and convective (transport) processes. When diffusion dominates convection, standard numerical methods work satisfactorily. But when convection dominates diffusion, the standard methods become unstable, and special techniques are needed to compute accurate numerical approximations of the unknown solution. This convection-dominated regime is the focus of the book. After discussing at length the nature of solutions to convection-dominated convection-diffusion problems, the authors motivate and design numerical methods that are particularly suited to this c.

Mathematical Models of Convection

Book Description

The revised edition gives a comprehensive mathematical and physical presentation of fluid flows in non-classical models of convection - relevant in nature as well as in industry. After the concise coverage of fluid dynamics and heat transfer theory it discusses recent research. This monograph provides the theoretical foundation on a topic relevant to metallurgy, ecology, meteorology, geo-and astrophysics, aerospace industry, chemistry, crystal physics, and many other fields.

Atmospheric Convection: Research and Operational Forecasting Aspects

Book Description

This book treats atmospheric convection from different angles including the theoretical aspects of atmospheric deep convection and the weather phenomena related to convection. The problem of boundary conditions that result in severe convective weather patterns is explored within the framework of worldwide climatology. The book bridges the gap between theory and its operational application both within the fields of weather forecasting and that of risk management.

Studies of Thermal Convection in a Rotating Cylinder with Some Implications for Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions

Book Description

The objects of the American Meteorological Society are "the development and dissemination of knowledge of meteorology in all its phases and applications, and the advancement of its professional ideals." The organization of the Society took place in affiliation with the American Association for the Advancement of Science at Saint Louis, Missouri, December 29, 1919, and its incorporation, at Washington, D. C., January 21, 1920. The work of the Society is carried on by the Bulletin, the Journal, and Meteorological Monographs, by papers and discussions at meetings of the Society, through the offices of the Secretary and the Executive Secretary, and by correspondence. All of the Americas are represented in the membership of the Society as well as many foreign countries.