Subversion 2.0

Book Description

Why are conspiracy theories, extremist rhetoric, and acts of antagonism by fringe elements of society so much more visible today than in years past? In Subversion 2.0, Christopher Whyte makes the case that "leaderlessness"--characterized by an evolving and uneven feedback loop linking fringe spaces to mainstream elite rhetoric and popular discourse--has emerged as the default format of subversive activity in the digital age. By examining the uneven feedback loop of leaderlessness, Whyte argues that social Internet platforms act as a vehicle for transmitting and amplifying extreme rhetoric but often fail to moderate extremism in turn.

Bomb Summary

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Taggants in explosives.

Book Description

At the request of the Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs, the Office of Technology Assessment has undertaken an analysis of the proposal to mandate, the use of taggants in explosive materials manufactured for commercial use. A "taggant" is a material that might be added to explosives and gunpowders at the time of manufacture, as an eventual aid to law enforcement. This study assesses the existing taggant technology in order to assist Congress in its decision whether to adopt legislation which would require taggants in explosives and gunpowders.

Capital Punishment

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Leading experts in law, criminology and human rights combine theory and empirical research to further our understanding of the relationships between ways of governance, the role of leadership and the death penalty practices. The book covers practice in the USA and Asia as well as within Muslim majority countries, and questions whether the death penalty in and of itself is a hazard to a sustainable development of criminal justice. It is an invaluable resource for all those researching and campaigning for the global abolition of capital punishment.

Combined Cumulative Index, 1951-1971, to Published Hearings, Studies, and Reports of the Subcommittee to Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws of the Committee on the Judiciary United States Senate

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Multidimensional Diplomacy of Contemporary China

Book Description

Since the end of the Cold War, the new Chinese leadership generation has had to promulgate new guiding principles for handling global diplomacy which acknowledges China's new position. Given the dramatic changes in the international system and its domestic economic success for the growing 'China's rise' idea on the global stage, China in the 21st century faces a mixture of old and new challenges, including terrorism, hegemonism, and authoritarianism. While Deng Xiaooping combined Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy, into 'Taoist diplomacy' in response to the hostile international position after the Tiananmen Incident, China's foreign policy keeps changing, and the multidimensional diplomacy adopted by China can be seen as a consistent theme in Chinese foreign policy in the 21st century. Multidimensional Diplomacy of Contemporary China attempts to examine the origins, guiding principles and sequential outcomes of China's multidimensional diplomacy in the 21st century, working under the flag of 'peaceful development,' 'harmonious international order,' and 'global responsibility.' The contributions are grouped into three sections. The first discusses the theoretical foundations of multidimensional diplomacy. The second section turns the analytical focus to China's immediate neighbors in East Asia, and at last the book will go beyond the immediate neighborhood of China to the global community. These essays explore China's dealings with the countries of Africa, the Gulf, and the South Pacific and provide other in-depth analyses on China's foreign policy towards Pakistan, Russia, and Japan. This book seeks to significantly shape the knowledge and thinking about China's global interactions in the 21st century.

Big Data Made Easy

Book Description

Many corporations are finding that the size of their data sets are outgrowing the capability of their systems to store and process them. The data is becoming too big to manage and use with traditional tools. The solution: implementing a big data system. As Big Data Made Easy: A Working Guide to the Complete Hadoop Toolset shows, Apache Hadoop offers a scalable, fault-tolerant system for storing and processing data in parallel. It has a very rich toolset that allows for storage (Hadoop), configuration (YARN and ZooKeeper), collection (Nutch and Solr), processing (Storm, Pig, and Map Reduce), scheduling (Oozie), moving (Sqoop and Avro), monitoring (Chukwa, Ambari, and Hue), testing (Big Top), and analysis (Hive). The problem is that the Internet offers IT pros wading into big data many versions of the truth and some outright falsehoods born of ignorance. What is needed is a book just like this one: a wide-ranging but easily understood set of instructions to explain where to get Hadoop tools, what they can do, how to install them, how to configure them, how to integrate them, and how to use them successfully. And you need an expert who has worked in this area for a decade—someone just like author and big data expert Mike Frampton. Big Data Made Easy approaches the problem of managing massive data sets from a systems perspective, and it explains the roles for each project (like architect and tester, for example) and shows how the Hadoop toolset can be used at each system stage. It explains, in an easily understood manner and through numerous examples, how to use each tool. The book also explains the sliding scale of tools available depending upon data size and when and how to use them. Big Data Made Easy shows developers and architects, as well as testers and project managers, how to: Store big data Configure big data Process big data Schedule processes Move data among SQL and NoSQL systems Monitor data Perform big data analytics Report on big data processes and projects Test big data systems Big Data Made Easy also explains the best part, which is that this toolset is free. Anyone can download it and—with the help of this book—start to use it within a day. With the skills this book will teach you under your belt, you will add value to your company or client immediately, not to mention your career.