Success in Evaluation

Book Description

Success in Evaluation takes a fundamentally different approach to the mainstream supply side discussion of evaluation quality, utilization, and learning. The contributors believe that a systematic focus on success will lead to increased awareness of evaluation and its findings, a more positive attitude, and a greater chance of actual evaluation use. This book offers many different lessons on how to improve evaluation design, research processes, and reporting. It is a realistic look at performance management, the evidence movement, and the demand barriers that so often block the role evaluators can play in organizational learning and decision-making. International case studies and lessons are included that both explain success-oriented methods and share insightful lessons from the real world. Together, they present a convincing case that evaluation for success allows for increased constructive interaction amongst both stakeholders and evaluators and, as a result, learning processes and outcomes will improve.

Project Evaluation

Book Description

Organizations increasingly use projects to undertake major as well as smaller tasks. Projects help target and delimit activities, place the responsibility and transfer risk from the financing to the implementing party. As a result, evaluation has become popular as a tool to control, guide and draw lessons of experience from projects. This book is intended both as a textbook for students and a handbook for project managers. It provides hands-on, easy-to-comprehend lessons about evaluation as a phenomenon, its design, preparation and methodology, as well as the project as a management tool.

Success in Evaluation

Book Description

Success in Evaluation takes a fundamentally different approach to the mainstream supply side discussion of evaluation quality, utilization, and learning. The contributors believe that a systematic focus on success will lead to increased awareness of evaluation and its findings, a more positive attitude, and a greater chance of actual evaluation use. This book offers many different lessons on how to improve evaluation design, research processes, and reporting. It is a realistic look at performance management, the evidence movement, and the demand barriers that so often block the role evaluators can play in organizational learning and decision-making. International case studies and lessons are included that both explain success-oriented methods and share insightful lessons from the real world. Together, they present a convincing case that evaluation for success allows for increased constructive interaction amongst both stakeholders and evaluators and, as a result, learning processes and outcomes will improve.

The Success Case Method

Book Description

Each year, organizations spend millions of dollars trying out new innovations and improvements-and millions will be wasted if they can't quickly find out what's working and what is not. The Success Case Method offers a breakthrough evaluation technique that is easier, faster, and cheaper than competing approaches, and produces compelling evidence decision-makers can actually use. Because it seeks out the best stories of how real individuals have actually used innovations, The Success Case Method can ferret out success no matter how small or infrequent. It can salvage the few ''gems'' of success from a larger initiative that is not doing well or find out how to make a partially successful effort even more successful. The practical methods and tools in this book can help those who initiate and foster change, including leaders, executives, managers, consultants, training directors, and anyone else who is trying to make things work better in organizations get the greatest returns for their investments.

Performance Evaluation

Book Description

Performance Evaluation is a hands-on text for practitioners, researchers, educators, and students in how to use scientifically-based evaluations that are both rigorous and flexible. Author Ingrid Guerra-López, an internationally-known evaluation expert, introduces the foundations of evaluation and presents the most applicable models for the performance improvement field. Her book offers a wide variety of tools and techniques that have proven successful and is organized to illustrate evaluation in the context of continual performance improvement.

Educational Technology Program and Project Evaluation

Book Description

Educational Technology Program and Project Evaluation is a unique, comprehensive guide to the formative and summative evaluation of programs, projects, products, practices and policies involving educational technology. Written for both beginning and experienced evaluators, the book utilizes an integrative, systems-based approach; its practical emphasis on logic models and theories of change will help readers navigate their own evaluation processes to improve interventions and conduct meaningful educational research. Key features include: evidence-based guidelines for constructing and conducting evaluations practical exercises to support the development of knowledge, skills, and program evaluation portfolios a variety of interdisciplinary case studies references and links to pertinent research and resources Using the TELL, ASK, SHOW, DO model first introduced in this series, Educational Technology Program and Project Evaluation provides comprehensive coverage of the concepts, goals, design, implementation, and critical questions imperative to successful technology-enhanced evaluation.

Proceedings of a Workshop to Review PATH Strategy, Operating Plan, and Performance Measures

Book Description

The National Research Council's (NRC's) involvement with the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PATH) started in 2000 with a three-year review and assessment of the PATH program. The resulting report, Promoting Innovation: 2002 Assessment of the Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing, included a series of recommendations regarding the focus of the PATH program's goals and the performance measures used to manage the program and assess progress in its formative years. Subsequently, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) asked the NRC to convene a workshop to assess PATH's most recent draft strategy, operating plan, and performance measures to determine their responsiveness to the recommendations in the 2002 Assessment and their suitability for guiding PATH into the future. This report outlines the workshop discussions, which focused on the three major PATH goals. Workshop participants discussed possible strategies for improving communication among all the players in housing and housing innovation, and commented on a number of questions: Do the goals of the PATH program convey a clear idea of what PATH is trying to achieve? Are the performance measures effective in assessing progress toward the goals? Do the goals and measures provide an adequate indication of innovation in the housing industry? This report concludes with a discussion that focuses on the path forward and how the goals and performance measures could be improved to increase the probability of the success and growth of PATH.

Measuring Success

Book Description

This paper reveals a new evaluation model, which enables educational program and project managers to evaluate their programs with a simple and easy to understand approach. The "index of success model" is comprised of five parameters that enable to focus on and evaluate both the implementation and results of an educational program. The integration of these parameters forms a complete and comprehensive picture, which in turn provides the most information on the success or failure of the program. The parameters are: (1) the relevance index, referring to an evaluation of predefined objectives; (2) the efficiency index, referring to the fiscal efficiency of the program; (3) the effectiveness index evaluating the attainment of the program's objectives; (4) the impact index gauging the effect on the consumers, for whom the program is undertaken; and (5) the final parameter is the program's sustainability index. Since Israel's education strategy currently leans towards site-based monitoring and evaluation, such a model can potentially be of great help to school management and staff. (Contains 1 footnote, 4 tables, and 4 figures.).

Evaluating Programs to Increase Student Achievement

Book Description

This updated edition on evaluating the effectiveness of school programs provides an expanded needs-assessment section, additional methods for data analysis, and tools for communicating program results.