Innovation in the Forest Products Industry

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Because there is a lack of innovation research in the forest products industry and innovative activities in the industry are not well documented, this study attempted to fill that void. The objectives of this study were to understand the process and definition of innovation in the forest products industry, identify the constraints on innovative activities, identify resources that would improve innovation in forest products companies, compare the innovation environments in Alaska and Oregon, and provide a benchmark study for innovation in the forest products industry.‍?‍?This study revealed that there are several aspects of innovation in the forest products industry. In addition, the innovation process is a combination of semiformal development stages, trial and error, intuition, and luck. A variety of factors constrained companies from being more innovative, including government regulations, shipping and labor costs, lack of cash flow, raw material characteristics, marketing expertise, and raw material supply. There do not appear to be any resources that would be helpful to forest products companies, at least none that the interviewed companies could recommend. Offering companies the chance to exchange ideas and network is the most valuable resource available.‍?‍?The innovation environments in Alaska and Oregon are somewhat similar yet different in the marketing tactics employed and the techniques used to obtain market information.‍?‍?Furthermore, the type of innovation projects that each region focuses on differs, as does the actual process used to develop innovations. Future research should focus on completing a quantitative component to this study, developing short courses or 1-day seminars, identifying factors that contribute to innovation success and failure, investigating why the forest products industry is not innovative by nature, and exploring the external acquisition of innovation in the forest products industry.

Alaska's Timber Harvest and Forest Products Industry, 2005

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This report traces the flow of timber harvested in Alaska during calendar year 2005, describes the composition and operations of the state's primary forest products industry, and quantifies volumes and uses of wood fiber. Historical wood products industry changes are discussed, as well as trends in timber harvest, production, and sales of primary wood products.

The Forest Ecosystem of Southeast Alaska

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Southeast Alaska has 11.2 million acres of forest land, of which 4.9 million acres are considered commercial. This commercial acreage supports 166 billion board feet of sawtimber. These primarily old-growth stands of Sitka spruce and western hemlock are supporting a growing wood products industry that ranks first in the southeast economy and third in the State. This report summarizes current knowledge of the timber resource (areas, volumes, growth, mortality, quality, productivity, and trends) from the initial inventory, a partial remeasurement, and a second inventory now in progress. Historical data of wood products use, output, value, and markets are given and discussed. The report gives sources for much published and unpublished information for those who need to pursue these subjects more completely.

Alaska's Lumber-drying Industry

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A survey determined that installed dry kiln capacity in Alaska more than doubled to an estimated 220 thousand board feet (mbf) within 4 years (2000-2004). This increased ability to produce dry lumber and value-added products resulted from industry efforts to obtain federal funding to support a dry kiln grant program. This report reviews grantees' progress in implementing grant supported projects and their impact on the production capabilities of the Alaska lumber drying industry. Data were collected in early 2005 by using a standard set of questions asked of 19 dry kiln owners. Much of the growth in drying and value-added processing capacity has been concentrated in southeast Alaska where there has been the greatest dry kiln investment. During 2004, the estimated volume of lumber dried in Alaska was 813 mbf, whereas potential annual capacity was estimated to be almost 6,600 mbf. This indicates that Alaska producers are drying just over 12 percent of their potential capacity. Factors that will increase the future production of value-added forest products in Alaska include a continuing supply of economically priced timber, the ability of the industry to support a reasonably priced grading service, and the ability of producers to move value-added products to domestic and export markets.

Estimating Consumer Willingness to Pay a Price Premium for Alaska Secondary Wood Products

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Dichotomous choice contingent valuation survey techniques were used to estimate mean willingness to pay (WTP) a price premium for made-in-Alaska secondary wood products. Respondents were asked to compare two superficially identical end tables, one made in China and one made in Alaska. The surveys were administered at home shows in Anchorage, Fairbanks, and Sitka in March and April 2002. Results indicated that, on average, respondents were willing to pay an additional $82 for the Alaskamade table, above a base price of $50. The 95 percent confidence bounds on this estimate of mean WTP are $68.10 and $96.10. Survey design and sample demographics are discussed as possible upward biases on the mean WTP for the Alaskamade table. Despite these possible biases, we concluded that place of manufacture is a significant competitive advantage for Alaska secondary wood product manufacturers marketing their products in Alaska.

Alaska's Forest Products Industry and Timber Harvest, 2015

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This resource bulletin is part of a series of reports presenting findings from a census of Alaska’s primary forest products industry. Part 3 of the series presents information on sales value and employment associated with primary wood products manufacturing, the economic contribution of forest products manufacturing in the state, and an analysis of the changes in the broader forest industry over time. All dollar figures included have been adjusted for inflation to constant 2015 dollars, unless otherwise noted.