Sword Beach

Book Description

This WWII guidebook brings the momentous drama of D-Day to life with an in-depth study of the fighting on Normandy’s Sword Beach. As the left most inland flank of the Normandy landings, Sword Beach was thought most likely to receive the first German counterattacks. British troops had the tasks of securing the beach and advancing on the heavily defended medieval town of Caen. The troops were determined to link up with British paratroopers and glider units who had landed the night before on special missions. Backed up by an impressive array of modified armored vehicles, the veteran 3rd Division, spearheaded by No. 4 Army Commando and forty-one Royal Marine Commando, stormed ashore and secured its objectives with moderate casualties. No. 4 Commando also reached the airborne troops before they could be overwhelmed by German armor. However, the British failed to secure the key town of Caen on schedule. This volume of the Battleground Europe series covers all the action on this Normandy beach in vivid detail while also providing essential context to highlight its broader significance.

Caen Controversy

Book Description

On 6 June 1944 British, American, Canadian and French troops landed in Normandy by air and sea. This was one of the key moments of the Second World War, a long-anticipated invasion which would, ultimately, lead to the defeat of Nazi Germany. By the day’s end a lodgment had been effected and Operation OVERLORD was being hailed as a success. In reality the assault had produced mixed results and at certain points along the French coastline the position was still far from certain. The key Allied objectives had also not been captured during the first day of the fighting and this failure would have long-term consequences. Of the priority targets, the city of Caen was a vital logistical hub with its road and rail networks plus it would also act as a critical axis for launching the anticipated follow-on attacks against the German defenders. As a result an entire brigade of British troops was tasked with attempting its capture but their advance culminated a few miles short. This new book examines this significant element of the wider D-Day operation and provides a narrative account of the operations conducted by 3 British Infantry Division. It examines in some detail the planning, preparation and the landings that were made on the beaches of Sword sector. To do this it considers the previously published material and also draws upon archival sources many of which have been previously overlooked to identify key factors behind the failure to capture the city. Its publication coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Allied liberation of France.

Battle Zone Normandy

Book Description

D-Day War Diaries - Sword Beach

Book Description

D-Day operations for the British 3rd Amy - tasked to secure the Sword Landing beaches and then move inland to take the City of Caen. The main landing beaches were Sword - British, Juno - Canadian, Gold-British, Omaha - US, Utah - US and the western flank - US. The book has been written to raise money for the Royal British Legion and Help for Heroes and has lots of maps and photographs for reference.

D-Day 1944 (4)

Book Description

A highly illustrated and detailed study of the Gold and Juno Beaches Landings Operation Overlord, the Allied invasion of Normandy, was the greatest sea-borne military operation in history. At the heart of the invasion and key to its success were the landings of British 50th Division on Gold Beach and Canadian 3rd Division on Juno Beach. Not only did they provide the vital link between the landings of British 3rd Division on Sword Beach and the Americans to the west on Omaha, they would be crucial to the securing of the beachhead and the drive inland to Bayeux and Caen. In the fourth D-Day volume Ken Ford details the assault that began the liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe.

Sword Beach

Book Description

Sword was the easternmost British beach of the landings on June 6th 1944. "Sword," symbol of justice, was also the emblem of Second British Army. The main landings by 3rd Infantry Division and First Commando Brigade took place on Queen sector at Hermanville, once known for its good swimming areas. Commandant Kieffer's Free French Commandos' prestigious raid at Colleville played a part in the legendary capture of the Ouistreham-Riva-Bella Casino. The storm of fire on D-Day would forever alter the pre-war swimming haven. Old postcard images became unrecognizable. But the combination of these two eras is at the heart of what is now a colorfully illustrated new book on this sector of the landing beaches.

Sword Beach, 6 Juin 1944

Book Description

Juno Beach

Book Description

On June 6, 1944 the greatest armada in history stood off Normandy and the largest amphibious invasion ever began as 107,000 men aboard 6,000 ships pressed toward the coast. Among this number were 18,000 Canadians, who were to land on a five-mile long stretch of rocky ledges fronted by a wide expanse of sand. Code named Juno Beach. Here, sheltered inside concrete bunkers and deep trenches, hundreds of German soldiers waited to strike the first assault wave with some ninety 88-millimetre guns, fifty mortars, and four hundred machineguns. A four-foot-high sea wall ran across the breadth of the beach and extending from it into the surf itself were ranks of tangled barbed wire, tank and vessel obstacles, and a maze of mines. Of the five Allied forces landing that day, they were scheduled to be the last to reach the sand. Juno was also the most exposed beach, their day’s objectives eleven miles inland were farther away than any others, and the opposition awaiting them was believed greater than that facing any other force. At battle's end one out of every six Canadians in the invasion force was either dead or wounded. Yet their grip on Juno Beach was firm.

D-Day 1944 (3)

Book Description

A highly illustrated and detailed study of the Sword Beach & the British Airborne Landings. At 0016hrs on 6 June 1944 a Horsa glider ground to a halt a mere 60 yards from the Orne Canal bridge at Bénouville in Normandy. A small group of British paratroopers burst from it and stormed the bridge within minutes. The Allied liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe had begun. Within a few hours landing craft would swarm towards Ouistreham as British 3rd Division stormed ashore at Sword Beach. The battle would then begin to break through to relieve the paratroopers. In the third of the D-Day volumes Ken Ford details the assault by British 6th Airborne Division and the British landings on Sword Beach that secured the vital left flank of the invasion.

A Passage to Sword Beach

Book Description

He describes life in large and small minesweepers as he experienced it at the time - unaffected by later perceptions and interpretations - and offers a fascinating account of the preparations for D-Day.