Catalogue de tableaux anciens principalement de l'école italienne des XVe et XVIe siècles, au nombre desquels on remarque dans l'école italienne des oeuvres de, Niccolo Alunno, Gentile da Fabriano, Domenico Ghirlandajo, Fra Filippo Lippi, Andrea Mantegna, Simone Memmi, Palmazzano, Parmesan, Salviati, Sogliani, Spagniola, Marco Uggione Veronèse; lans les écoles flamande et hollandaise des oeuvres de, Stuerbout, Lucas de Leyde; et un très -beau triptyque attribué à Hans Memling, formant la collection de M. ***, dont la vente aura lieu Hôtel Drouot ... le lundi 5 février 1877 ... par le ministère de Me Charles Pillet, commissaire-priseur ... assisté de M. E. Feral, peintre-expert ...

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Chinese Ceramics

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The Theory of the Grain of Sand

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Gholam Mortiza Khan comes to Brüsel to sell some jewelry, but before the sale can be closed, Khan dies in an accident. Thus begins events sparking an investigation by Mary von Rathen: accumulation of sand in the apartment of Kristin Antipova; accumulation of stones in the house of Constant Abeels and Maurice who is loosing weight by the day. The events have a catastrophic effect on Brüsel and time is of the essence. Newly translated into English by Ivanka Hahnenberger and Steve Smith, and edited by Steve Smith (translator of The Leaning Girl and The Beauty) and Karen Copeland at Alaxis Press for publication by IDW.

Gaudí Universe

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Jean Linden

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Sargent's Venice

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Den amerikanske kunstner John Singer Sargents (1856-1925) skildringer af Venedig.


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Rubelli has become a multinational company that manufactures its products in Como (Italy) and Pennsylvania. The quality of its damasks, its silks and its velvets remains unique, with the result that Rubelli is recognised as one of the world's four most prestigious companies of its sector.