Tactical Display for Soldiers

Book Description

This book examines the human factors issues associated with the development, testing, and implementation of helmet-mounted display technology in the 21st Century Land Warrior System. Because the framework of analysis is soldier performance with the system in the full range of environments and missions, the book discusses both the military context and the characteristics of the infantry soldiers who will use the system. The major issues covered include the positive and negative effects of such a display on the local and global situation awareness of the individual soldier, an analysis of the visual and psychomotor factors associated with each design feature, design considerations for auditory displays, and physical sources of stress and the implications of the display for affecting the soldier's workload. The book proposes an innovative approach to research and testing based on a three-stage strategy that begins in the laboratory, moves to controlled field studies, and culminates in operational testing.

Tactical Display for Soldiers

Book Description

This book examines the human factors issues associated with the development, testing, and implementation of helmet-mounted display technology in the 21st Century Land Warrior System. Because the framework of analysis is soldier performance with the system in the full range of environments and missions, the book discusses both the military context and the characteristics of the infantry soldiers who will use the system. The major issues covered include the positive and negative effects of such a display on the local and global situation awareness of the individual soldier, an analysis of the visual and psychomotor factors associated with each design feature, design considerations for auditory displays, and physical sources of stress and the implications of the display for affecting the soldier's workload. The book proposes an innovative approach to research and testing based on a three-stage strategy that begins in the laboratory, moves to controlled field studies, and culminates in operational testing.

Keeping Track of the Changing Tactical Picture

Book Description

Graphical displays of the battle space are becoming ubiquitous within today's Army command and control infrastructure. For the unit of action soldier, knowing the position of objects of military interest within that soldier's area of operation is paramount in achieving and maintaining situational awareness. It is important to realize, however, that situational awareness is not a product. Rather, it is a process that involves understanding the spatial relationship and attributes of battlefield entities and how these change with time. The user of a situational awareness display must note the location of symbols and changes in symbol attributes (e.g., variations in speed, direction, relative position) that may require reevaluation of operational plans or threat potential. Previous research has shown that a person's ability to keep track of changes in entity attributes is limited, but in all of those experiments the values of attributes were represented alphanumerically. This paper, based on work by Walrath, Monty, Harper, and Coury (1995), discusses the ability of people to keep track of changes in graphical symbols. The effects of graphical representations on keeping track performance and implications for tactical display decision support are discussed.

Development of an Informational Taxonomy of Visual Displays for Army Tactical Data Systems

Book Description

This report is concerned with the process which occurs between the time a user intuitively senses that a human factors problem exists in military equipment until resolution is obtained. But reaching that point involves many people and agencies (e.g., OCRD, TRADOC-CACDA, PMARTADS, MASSTER, and contractor personnel in this case) as well as considerable work. The authors follow a request for a large screen tactical display for use in command and control systems through the steps which finally result in recommendations for R & D efforts to produce such a display system.

Rapid Screening of Tactical Imagery as a Function of Display Time

Book Description

An experimental study was made to assess the effectiveness of two techniques for rapid screening to select imagery frames of high military potential and to determine the effects of variations in display time on screening performance. Two samples of image interpreters, each consisting of three matched groups, screened three sets of imagery at three different display time intervals (5, 15, and 25 seconds per frame for Sample 1; 10, 20, and 30 seconds per frame for Sample 2). Each interpreter was instructed to perform two screening functions while scanning each print--(1) annotate on the frame all areas of military activity he detected; and (2) assign to each print a priority rating of High, Medium, or Low to indicate estimated intelligence value of the frame. Interpreter performance under the two methods was compared in terms of accuracy and validity of the annotations and priority ratings across the six screening time intervals. Results of the study definitely favored the priority ratings technique over annotation screening. The ratings, of high accuracy even with short viewing time, improved significantly both in accuracy and in validity with longer display time. Generally, performance was better on the measures which were less complex and showed fewer target areas. Validity of the number of annotations on a frame, generally low, did not vary significantly with display time. More incorrect as well as correct annotations were made, a finding similar to previous BESRL findings for unspeeded interpretation performance.

Military Displays

Book Description

This first-of-its-kind tutorial on military displays begins with a discussion of fundamentals and leads to an understanding of how displays used by the U.S. Armed Forces differ from their counterparts in the civil sector. Advanced undergraduate students, graduate students, beginning display industry professionals, or anyone who wants to know about display fundamentals with an eye to military applications and the military market will benefit from the detailed information herein. In a simple building-block approach, fundamental concepts such as the lumen, luminous intensity, and illuminance are reviewed, and the author progresses with a discussion of the many display technologies, such as CRT, AMLCD, and AMOLED, as well as display subcomponents, such as backlights, polarizers, and dimming circuitry, before ending with an exposition of the military market itself. The latter includes an identification of performance parameter values, not only for the broad arena of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft, but also tracked and wheeled vehicles, dismounted soldiers, and command and control facilities. Military Displays gives the reader insight to the more than 647 line-replaceable units for display used by these categories of platforms in the U.S. military today.

Display Options for Dismounted Infantry

Book Description

The present survey was designed to obtain sample user judgments about information display alternatives for infantrymen. The survey was conducted during a Future Force Warrior (FFW) On-The-Move (OTM) exercise at Ft. Dix, NJ in 2006. Soldiers using prototype displays (HMD and PDA) ran simulated combat missions and were then interviewed about the design of displays for tactical operations. The results are preliminary considering the limited number of Soldiers interviewed. However, recommendations given incorporate judgments from experts as well as findings from previous studies. Comments collected are paraphrased statements of participating Soldiers, the OTM staff and experienced onlookers. Summaries are grouped by key questions (i.e. Do all Soldiers need a display?). The major recommendation is that displays and display devices need to be designed for the tasks and responsibilities of key users. Specifically, leaders need larger displays for team planning and unit-team communication while riflemen need smaller hands-free wearable individual displays for quick reference but more limited operational use. Specific recommendations for optimal size, shape, and weight are presented in the report.