Taming Of the Savage Beast

Book Description

A lot of men would never allow themselves to be dominated by a female in the bedroom. This story focuses on a man who falls in love with a woman who he knew was assertive even though she did not appear to be. He soon finds out that she loved to be in control in the bedroom. What she proposed to him was something he had always fanaticized about and something that she loved to do. It was a win-win situation. The story takes an interesting twist after he meets her close friends.

Taming the Savage Beast

Book Description

The Taming of Katrina

Book Description

Return to New Orleans... On the outside, she is fire and ice. But cool, calm, and collected Katrina Smith isn't all that she seems. Like a rippling pool, waves from her past continue to shake her inside. Aubrey had always been the studious one, but Katrina finds that his depth of knowledge goes far deeper than just books. He knows how to set her body ablaze while calming the storms in her sea. But can their love survive the maelstrom of trouble that finds them?

Heaven-taming Saint Lord

Book Description

'You're very weak! ' Ever since Li Qingniu could remember, the Grandma Long had always told him this. Regarding this, Li Qingniu had always deeply understood it as well. Because he was not as fast as the Grandpa Quezi, not even as far as the Blind Crutch. Not as good as the Medicinal Residue, not even as far as the Great Black Cow at the entrance of the village, until one day, Li Qingniu walked out of the village ...

Invincible Villian

Book Description

Chu Xiao had teleported over, his previous self had stolen the woman from a trash youth, but on the day of their wedding, the trash youth had been reborn, and had sharpened his blade and blade as he rushed over to seize the bride ..."AHH!" What do we do if we fight with the child of destiny? ""Waiting online. It's quite urgent!"

Sermons On Selected Lessons Of The New Testament

Book Description

The Sermons of St. Augustine, besides their other excellencies, furnish a beautiful picture of perhaps the deepest and most powerful mind of the Western Church adapting itself to the little ones of Christ. In them, he who has furnished the mould for all the most thoughtful minds for fourteen hundred years, is seen forming with loving tenderness the babes in Christ. Very touching is the child-like simplicity, with which he gradually leads them through what to them were difficulties, watching all the while whether he made himself clear to them, keeping up their attention, pleased at their understanding, dreading their approbation, and leading them off from himself to some practical result. Very touching the tenderness with which he at times reproves, the allowance which he makes for human infirmities and for those in secular life, if they will not make their infirmities their boast, or in allowed duties and indulgences forget God. But his very simplicity precludes the necessity of any preface. His Sermons explain themselves. They appear from a passage in the Commentary on the Psalms to have been often taken down in writing at the time by the more attentive sort of hearers (as were those of St. Chrysostom); Possidius states that this was done from the commencement of his presbyterate, and that "thence through the body of Africa, excellent doctrine and the most sweet savour of Christ was diffused and made manifest, the Church of God beyond seas, when it heard thereof, partaking of the joy."

Soothe the Savage Beast

Book Description


Book Description

Rivers and their sources have captured the human imagination for centuries. Their special potential for both mystery and commerce has inspired writers, artists, scientists, and politicians throughout history. In both literature and art, riverscapes have traditionally been seen as more than simply geographic: their psychological and metaphysical aspects have often provided a source of myth.