Teacher Perceptions of School Climate when Using the Love and Logic Discipline Approach

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This study examined teachers' perceptions of school climate when using the Love and Logic discipline approach. Forty-nine participants from three elementary schools completed the School Discipline Climate Survey to assess school climate while using the Love and Logic discipline approach. Seven selected participants were interviewed to support perceptual data from the survey. A comparison was then made to determine if any relationship existed between the School Discipline Climate Survey results and the interview responses. Discipline data provided additional information for two of the three participating schools, with one school providing both pre-and post-implementation data. Responses from participants were tabulated and analyzed. According to this study, discipline offenses decreased annually in schools using the Love and Logic discipline approach with the largest impact being identified after the fifth year of implementation. Both survey and interview data suggested that consistent use of the principles of Love and Logic was an effective discipline approach in school settings. As evidenced by the fact that all school climate survey categories scored 70% or better, with the one exception of the teacher training category only scoring 46%, participants suggested that the Love and Logic discipline approach resulted in a positive school climate.

Teacher, Student, and Administrator Perceptions

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School discipline has been a widely discussed topic in American education for decades. Many programs have been instituted as a solution to the discipline needs; however, they fall short of addressing the root cause of the problem and historically have simply punished students through exclusionary discipline methods (Adams, 2000; Allman & Slate, 2011; Gonzalez 2012; Kupchik & Catlaw, 2015). Restorative practices, a system that is built on relationships and community, strives to target the same behaviors through a different approach. Instead of relying on punishments (such as detention, suspension, or expulsion) restorative practices brings both victim and offender together to share their perspective, repair harm, and move forward (McCluskey, Lloyd, Stead, et al., 2008; Morrison, 2007; Vaandering, 2014; Wachtel, 2016). This mixed methods historical case study investigated how one school district in the state of Connecticut implemented restorative practices and the administrator, and student perceptions on the impact, if any, restorative practices had on school climate. Interviews and focus groups were conducted with 20 participants. In addition, independent samples t-tests were performed using district Comprehensive School Climate Inventory data over the 3 years post implementation of restorative practices to identify any statistically significant indicators of school climate as a potential result of implementing restorative practices. Interviews and focus groups revealed a strong sense of belonging and connection to the school and increased relationships, in addition to building student leadership in implementing restorative practices and a reduction in behavioral incidences that warrant exclusionary discipline measures; however, only one indicator for staff indicated statistical significance on the independent samples t-test. This research suggests that if schools begin to implement restorative practices, they can create a strong school climate and reduce the amount of ineffective exclusionary discipline consequences by shaping student behavior though connection to the school community and relationships.

Teaching with Love & Logic

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Presents techniques for teaching based on the "Love and Logic" philosophy of working with children.

Impact of Teacher Attitude and Urbanicity Through the Implementation of Positive Behavior Support Programming

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Abstract: One of the major questions that both urban and non-urban public school districts are faced with is the relationship between the predictors of school climate, student behavior, staff perceptions and the influence these variables have on school climate. School districts are under public scrutiny to produce positive achievement results for all students. Much research suggests that schools that are considered urban are generally considered unsafe, unproductive and unable to produce students that are competitive in a 21st century global economy. In the major urban centers, student populations are decreasing, flooding the first-ring school districts. First-ring school districts are the individual school districts that immediately border major urban school centers. What are left in the major urban districts are families that are unable to improve their situation and move out of the school districts that are generally considered a failure. One area that has been generally targeted as a method to improve student achievement is the area of school climate. Various programs in the public school setting have been instituted to positively influence school climate. Inside the school setting, there are diverse variables that can affect the efficient running of a school building: school climate, student population, discipline occurrences in a school, specific positive behavior support programs (PBS), at risk behavior intervention programs for students, academic intervention programs, staff morale and standardized testing results for a specific school district. These predictors, along with individual human development and behavior, influence school climate. It is essential to understand how these characteristics can impact school climate in an urban and non-urban setting; what policies or procedures can positively impact climate at the building level; and how can these factors can influence staff perceptions towards student achievement. Educators have yet to determine the exact interplay of the factors that predict school climate and their influence upon student achievement. Among other variables, the topic of school climate has had profound implications upon staff retention, school discipline and student academic achievement. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of positive behavior supports on school climate, specifically in relation to teacher perceptions and feelings towards positive behavior support programming; to identify the awareness of specific positive behavior supports used within a school setting; to determine the impact of these supports on school climate by measuring teacher attitude and perception about student achievement; and ultimately, to determine is there a statistical significance in staff perception of school climate elative to the school setting of an urban and non-urban school. Two-hundred and six educators were surveyed from four school district in Northeast and Northwest Ohio. Results demonstrated that working in a urban setting or non-urban setting was statistically significant in terms of the impact on teacher attitude, collegiality, achievement perceptions and awareness with regards to the tested factors that influence school climate. It was found that there were statistically significant differences between teachers working in either an urban or a non-urban setting in relation to teacher attitude, collegiality, achievement perceptions and awareness, as related to school climate. However, the effect sizes were low demonstrating that the differences were not large enough to be of a practical concern.

A Study of the Comparison Between Teacher Perceptions of School Climate and the Existence of Professional Learning Community Dimensions

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This research study was conducted to determine whether teachers' perceptions of climate within a school had a significant influence on the dimensions that support a community of professional learners. Teachers from ten middle schools in one central Florida school district completed a combined survey design which included questions pertaining to both climate characteristics and Professional Learning Community (PLC) dimensions. Foundational theories regarding both learning organizations and organizational climate were explored. Recent research on the development of professional learning communities and school climate was also examined. Descriptive and inferential statistics were performed to investigate each research question; these statistics included Spearman rho correlations, multiple regressions, and chi-square analyses. Findings demonstrated that the null hypotheses were rejected or partially rejected for each research question. Significant relationships were found between teachers' perceptions of school climate and the dimensions of a PLC. Of the demographic variables, only years of teaching experience was found to be not significantly related to the school climate dimensions. The implications of these results validate the importance of building a climate of supportive principal behavior and committed and collegial teacher behaviors, as demonstrated by the significant relationship of these characteristics to schools exhibiting higher degrees of the dimensions that constitute a PLC. Educational stakeholders wishing to develop schools into job-embedded communities of learners with evidence of the five dimensions (shared leadership, shared vision, collective creativity, peer review and supportive conditions) must attend to developing the climate behaviors necessary for that to occur. As demonstrated by the research results, establishing an appropriate school climate that promotes professional interaction, support, and teacher commitment to students is a strong place to begin.

Love and Logic

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"The purpose of this evaluation study was to explore the extent to which the objectives of the school-wide program, Love and Logic, had been met in a suburban elementary school in the southeast"--Leaf iii. "The goals of [the Love and Logic] program are to give parents, educators, and others who work with children practical strategies for reducing behavior problems, increasing motivation, and building developmental assets which contribute to life-long responsibility"--Leaf 8. Study participants were teachers and staff at a mid-sized elementary school in a suburb of a large southeastern city.