Terrorism Informatics

Book Description

This book is nothing less than a complete and comprehensive survey of the state-of-the-art of terrorism informatics. It covers the application of advanced methodologies and information fusion and analysis. It also lays out techniques to acquire, integrate, process, analyze, and manage the diversity of terrorism-related information for international and homeland security-related applications. The book details three major areas of terrorism research: prevention, detection, and established governmental responses to terrorism. It systematically examines the current and ongoing research, including recent case studies and application of terrorism informatics techniques. The coverage then presents the critical and relevant social/technical areas to terrorism research including social, privacy, data confidentiality, and legal challenges.

Security Informatics and Terrorism

Book Description

Intended to be of interest to counter-terrorism experts and professionals, to academic researchers in information systems, computer science, political science, and public policy, and to graduate students in these areas, this book highlights several aspects of patrolling the Web that were raised and discussed by experts from different disciplines.

Terrorism in Cyberspace

Book Description

The war on terrorism has not been won, Gabriel Weimann argues in Terrorism in Cyberspace, the successor to his seminal Terror on the Internet. Even though al-Qaeda's leadership has been largely destroyed and its organization disrupted, terrorist attacks take 12,000 lives annually worldwide, and jihadist terrorist ideology continues to spread. How? Largely by going online and adopting a new method of organization. Terrorist structures, traditionally consisting of loose-net cells, divisions, and subgroups, are ideally suited for flourishing on the Internet through websites, e-mail, chat rooms, e-groups, forums, virtual message boards, YouTube, Google Earth, and other outlets. Terrorist websites, including social media platforms, now number close to 10,000. This book addresses three major questions: why and how terrorism went online; what recent trends can be discerned—such as engaging children and women, promoting lone wolf attacks, and using social media; and what future threats can be expected, along with how they can be reduced or countered. To answer these questions, Terrorism in Cyberspace analyzes content from more than 9,800 terrorist websites, and Weimann, who has been studying terrorism online since 1998, selects the most important kinds of web activity, describes their background and history, and surveys their content in terms of kind and intensity, the groups and prominent individuals involved, and effects. He highlights cyberterrorism against financial, governmental, and engineering infrastructure; efforts to monitor, manipulate, and disrupt terrorists' online efforts; and threats to civil liberties posed by ill-directed efforts to suppress terrorists' online activities as future, worrisome trends.

Terrorism Online

Book Description

This book investigates the intersection of terrorism, digital technologies and cyberspace. The evolving field of cyber-terrorism research is dominated by single-perspective, technological, political, or sociological texts. In contrast, Terrorism Online uses a multi-disciplinary framework to provide a broader introduction to debates and developments that have largely been conducted in isolation. Drawing together key academics from a range of disciplinary fields, including Computer Science, Engineering, Social Psychology, International Relations, Law and Politics, the volume focuses on three broad themes: 1) how – and why – do terrorists engage with the Internet, digital technologies and cyberspace?; 2) what threat do these various activities pose, and to whom?; 3) how might these activities be prevented, deterred or addressed? Exploring these themes, the book engages with a range of contemporary case studies and different forms of terrorism: from lone-actor terrorists and protest activities associated with ‘hacktivist’ groups to state-based terrorism. Through the book’s engagement with questions of law, politics, technology and beyond, the volume offers a holistic approach to cyberterrorism which provides a unique and invaluable contribution to this subject matter. This book will be of great interest to students of cybersecurity, security studies, terrorism and International Relations.

Technology and Terrorism

Book Description

In this volume, thirteen authors from all points of the English-speaking world provide a tour of the entwined labyrinths of technology and terrorism. They describe terrorism as an epistemological contact sport. With espionage, one can often deduce from a few pieces of the puzzle a plan's goals and its roots, its sources. But the goals of terrorists are both vague and hopelessly specific, while their means are restrained by rational, institutional thought. Thus, terrorists can be equally expected to flail out without any thought at all, as a child might exhibit in a temper tantrum, and to be hyper-rational, probing at the edges of the target for any weakness. Therefore, how terrorists use technology may not be determined by any particular level of technology but in the probabilities for the target's expectation and defense regarding particular technologies. Fred Allen asks why Bin Laden and his organization were effective against the Russians but may have more trouble with free societies. Edward Tenner muses on the ironies of low-tech attacks and the dangers of over-reliance on high-tech sophistication. Such thoughts are tempered by direct and unreassuring reportage from the federal security front. Ann Larabee turns the telescope around, with a history showing that bomb-throwing is as American as apple pie. Toby Blyth takes us inside the theorists' backroom for a look at the ever-mutating ways, means, and motives of war. It used to be about power, money, land, resources, or the ever-popular Pamir Knot "Great Game." Now it seems that globalization has coughed up groups of people, with little in common except for simultaneous feelings of helplessness and cultural superiority. Modern technology, which once seemed to hold only promise, now seems to harbor the potential for danger and destruction. The contributors to this volume are interested in the broader culture, and how terrorism affects that culture--including how people go about researching terrorism.

Intelligence and Security Informatics for International Security

Book Description

Reflects a decade of leading-edge research on intelligence and security informatics. Dr Chen is researcher at the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the NSF COPLINK Center for Homeland Security Information Technology Research. Describes real-world community situations. Targets wide-ranging audience: from researchers in computer science, information management and information science via analysts and policy makers in federal departments and national laboratories to consultants in IT hardware, communication, and software companies.

Computer Terrorism

Book Description

Nearly 20 years ago, in December 1992, I submitted this research in partial fulfillment of a requirement for my Doctor of Philosophy degree in Security Administration at Southwest University located in Kenner (New Orleans), LA. The title of my research was initially called "Terrorist and Hostile Intelligence Actions Against Computer Resources." Much of what I said 20 years ago still rings true today: the terrorists are getting smarter and the proliferation of viruses and their use by foreign countries and in wartime situations comes to mind. This book is basically divided into four sections: The Destruction of Computer Resources By Terrorist Groups: An Historical Perspective; Hackers and Hostile Intelligence Agents as Computer Terrorists; Computer Resources Being Used By Terrorists; and Methodology to Reduce the Vulnerability to Your Computer Center.


Book Description

Intelligence and Security Informatics

Book Description

The IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) and Pacific Asia Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (PAISI) conference series (http://www. isiconference. org) have drawn significant attention in the recent years. Intelligence and Security Informatics is concerned with the study of the dev- opment and use of advanced information technologies and systems for national, int- national, and societal security-related applications. The ISI conference series have brought together academic researchers, law enforcement and intelligence experts, - formation technology consultant and practitioners to discuss their research and pr- tice related to various ISI topics including ISI data management, data and text mining for ISI applications, terrorism informatics, deception and intent detection, terrorist and criminal social network analysis, public health and bio-security, crime analysis, - ber-infrastructure protection, transportation infrastructure security, policy studies and evaluation, information assurance, among others. In this book, we collect the work of the most active researchers in the area. Topics include data and text mining in terr- ism, information sharing, social network analysis, Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis, crime data analysis, infrastructure protection, deception and intent det- tion and more. Scope and Organization The book is organized in four major areas. The first unit focuses on the terrorism - formatics and data mining. The second unit discusses the intelligence and crime analysis. The third unit covers access control, infrastructure protection, and privacy. The forth unit presents surveillance and emergency response.


Book Description

"An extensive collection of significant documents covering all major and minor issues and events regarding terrorism. Government reports, executive orders, speeches, court proceedings, and position papers are presented in full text reprint." (Oceana Website)