The 12 Laws of Karma "Creatures of Habit"

Book Description

In this book you will learn the 12 laws of Karma and how they relate to your life. If you are unfamiliar with the laws it is very possible you may have been using these inner powers against yourself without your conscious awareness of it. The truth is we can only grow to our level of perception. If we view our life through a golf size ball understanding the world we see will be viewed from a golf size ball perspective. We do not get what we want in life; we get what we are. This book will give you knowledge and insight into the true meaning of Karma as it relates to your life. The time has come to take your life and start directing your future karma consciously. Welcome to the 12 Laws of Karma.

Karma & Happiness

Book Description

True happiness can be yours! Discover the real meaning of Karma and how to understand and use the 12 universal laws This book contains everything you need to know about the true meaning of Karma and how you can live your life full of abundance and happiness. Once you understand how the 12 laws of Karma work, you'll have the knowledge and power to harness, create and appreciate whatever happiness you desire for your life. George Bernard Shaw once said, "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself." That is exactly what understanding the universal laws of karma can help you accomplish. Create the happiness you desire-no one is going to do it for you. Karma often raises many spiritual questions and is almost always misunderstood. This book breaks down the 12 laws of Karma for you and clearly describes what each one of them are and how you can apply them immediately into your daily life. "When you think everything is someone else's fault, you will suffer a lot. When you realize that everything springs only from yourself, you will learn both peace and joy." - Dalai Lama

12 Laws of Karma

Book Description

Life repeating the same old patterns? Embrace these 12 Laws of Karma to manifest a new version of yourself as well as life. The book is written with a to-the-point language and tone with the intent to reach the reader in a clear way. 12 Laws of Karma will help you: Understand your impact on whole world. Have awareness of how each one of us is connected. Achieve the growth you are looking for. Change the Karmic position. Understand how to get from here to there12 Laws of Karma is an intriguing self-realization book. If you like self-improvement, therapeutic, life-changing books, then you’ll love Manhardeep Singh’s indispensable book.

Philosophy and Spirituality for Better Health: A Science-Based Approach

Book Description

A unique, American, science-based view of the Philosophy and Spirituality of the Indic civilization, intended for those young people who have questioned the faith they were born in and are in a transition. According to Pew Research, 25-30% of young Americans fall in this category. The author has woven a skilful narrative combining his personal experiences, the latest thinking and research of American scientists and scholars, and concepts from the Indic Knowledge System (IKS), to bring to life a Philosophy and Spirituality that will resonate with you and bring tangible benefits. It is the expectation of the author that at the end of reading this book you should say or think “how cool was that,” or “how come nobody else explained it this way?” or “I learnt something of practical value by reading this book.” This book is not for the faint of heart since it challenges some basic ideas that you may have grown up with.

The Law of Karma

Book Description

Karma is a law of cause and effect. You moved the gold from one safe into another and you will be moved from one house to another. Attendants will be also appointed to keep you, and when you go out, rings may be put on your arms and legs. The karmic law originated with the coming of humans out of God. And the action or manifestation of that law begins with the polarization of people, i.e. with the appearance of both sexes, the two poles in the world. Polarization implies splitting of the human mind into positive and negative, ascending and descending, or in a higher words level - consciousness of Love and consciousness of Wisdom. These are the two poles in man. There are two laws: one of them is the law of karma, or the law of cause and effect. You bear sufferings necessarily. The second law is a law of freedom. The law of karma does not recognize any right, any culture, any happiness, any love. "Who applies that law?" You apply it every day, but it is applied on you, too. You catch a hen, touch it here and there to make sure that it is fattened and you put the knife on its neck. It is quacking, praying, but you do not hear it. You think of the good meal that you will cook. There is no law that can protect the hen. There is no a judge, who to give the right to it. Do you think that if you kill the chicken, you will be happy? From that moment your sufferings begin, i.e. your karma. You might say that it is written, that God allows people to eat meat. This is a human interpretation. There is a difference between what is written and said by God. God said only dead branches of trees to be cut, and people allowed themselves to cut also the live branches, as well as entire forests. Furthermore, if you uproot a dry tree, you are to plant a new, young tree. Karma is created when people do not live in accordance with the Divine laws. They deviate from the right path and walk along a curve wavy line, called "path of astral serpent". One, who thinks he can outwit the law of karma, is wrong. For such people it can be used the Bulgarian proverb: "A sly fox falls into the trap by both legs." One must not play with karma. Why? Karma is a creditor. It does not allow any delay even with half a day. It does not forgive anything: you will pay the exact sum even with the interest. Therefore, karma does not excuse even the interest. The karmic law is drastic. It excuses only when everything is paid off.

Universal Law of Karma

Book Description

Karma describes the concept of getting back whatever you put forth, good or bad, into the universe. By definition, it's central to determining a person's next existence based on the ethical net of their current one. But no matter which belief system you follow (or don't), the concept of karma plays a role in your life.

The Law of Karma

Book Description

An examination of the law of karma approached as a philosophical thesis important in its own right and as a unifying concept within certain religious-philosophical systems. The author includes ideas expressed in the 20th century as well as those found in classical Buddhism, Hinduism and Jainism.

Karmic Laws

Book Description

The Law of Karma

Book Description

The Law of Karma, invisibly influences actions, events and consequences on human beings, providing the only answer to mysterious events and results taking place in day to day life. It makes or mars one's Destiny. This great principle in Hinduism according to which the life one enjoys or suffers is the result of one's past good or bad deeds early in this life or in previous lives, provides the backbone for living a moral life. Out of the twelve laws, associated with Karma and to live a good life the author has chosen one which has great potential to reform and refine man to the pinnacle of excellence. At the same time it provides man an answer to mysterious events taking place in one's life for good or bad. There is long-term karma, where the person does not even remember the actions he has done for which he is getting the results (punishment) in the present. This may be in this life or in previous lives.The tentacles of the law discussed in this book are more powerful and justice awarding than that could be expected from any judiciary in the world. The reward, good or bad, puts an end to all further thinking on the subject and prompts the individual to live in peace and work for the welfare of mankind. This law is stated below."As you sow, so shall you reap". This is also known as the "Law of Cause and Effect". If what we want is Happiness, Peace, Love, and Friendship Then we should BE Happy, Peaceful, Loving and a True Friend."It, is further explained here."A calf lost in a crowd of a thousand cows will ultimately find out its mother, chase it and join. Similarly good or bad deeds with their cumulative result and impact will chase the doer in the ensuing birth and leave its impact on him, the nature of the result depending on whether the deeds were good or bad. This is a certainty". The author has taken some real life examples in different areas and stages of human activity to illustrate and facilitate understanding of the law. As a man sows, he reaps. The fruit is of the same quality as the action. It provides the major motivation to live a moral life. It is important to know the laws of karma, as we know the laws of nature. When we know and follow these laws we become free. If we violate these laws, we suffer. Just as if we do not respect the laws of nature. God-fearing people afraid of performing wrong actions suffer all the time and others do wrong deeds and yet have no problems. Under such a situation, we blame God for this injustice. But God does not interfere with the laws of karma. He just gives us wisdom and the power to face situations. So what is crucial in every action is knowledge. This book seeks to provide a key to such knowledge through explaining in a simple way in all humility to gain such knowledge to live a happy and useful life for all.

The Kabbalah - Collected Books

Book Description

The Kabbalah - Collected Books is an illuminating anthology that encompasses a wide range of literary styles and diverse interpretations of Kabbalistic philosophy. The collection serves as a comprehensive exploration into the mystical aspects of Jewish thought, carved through the lens of various scholars, mystics, and interpreters. This anthology distinguishes itself by amalgamating works that span from analytical discourses to poetic interpretations, highlighting the multifaceted nature of Kabbalistic study. It embeds itself deeply within the spiritual and intellectual currents that have shaped Jewish mystical thought, presenting readers with a rich tapestry of wisdom that has influenced countless generations. The contributing authors, J. Abelson, Nurho de Manhar, Bernhard Pick, S. L. MacGregor Mathers, and W. W. Westcot, are renowned for their profound contributions to the study and dissemination of Kabbalistic knowledge. Each brings a unique perspective, rooted in varied historical and cultural backgrounds, reflecting the expansive dialogue within Kabbalistic tradition. Their collective works trace the evolution of Kabbalah within different epochs, revealing the dynamic interplay between ancient wisdom and contemporary thought. This anthology not only aligns with, but also enriches the understanding of spiritual inquiry and metaphysical exploration. The Kabbalah - Collected Books is a must-read for anyone seeking to delve deeper into the realms of spiritual wisdom and Jewish mysticism. It offers readers an unprecedented opportunity to traverse a landscape of thought that bridges the gap between the esoteric and the accessible. This collection is recommended for its academic value, its diversity in perspectives, and its potential to inspire profound reflections on spirituality and existence. Engaging with this anthology promises an enriching journey through the nuanced depths of Kabbalistic philosophy, inviting readers to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the echoes of ancient wisdom that resonate through modern times.