The Big Black Book of Electronic Surveillance

Book Description

The "Big Black Book of Electronic Surveillance" opens the door to the world of intelligence arms merchants whose work shapes advanced government surveillance. These companies hail from Austria, Australia, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Dubai, France, Germany, India, Israel, Italy, Japan, Korea, The Netherlands, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Ukraine, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, the United States and many other nations. This volume presents the market leaders and the surveillance solutions and services they provide to governments: packet monitoring, analytics, offensive cyber, mobile location and forensics, lawful intercept, social media intelligence (SOCMINT), facial recognition, voice biometrics and other forms of open source intelligence (OSINT), plus relevant forms of artificial intelligence that automate performance. Also included: military-focused technologies that deliver or intercept intelligence at the tactical edge, such as forward-looking infrared (FLIR), RF monitoring, Electro-Optical/Infrared, eLoran, and systems with the power to take control of critical infrastructure. "The Big Black Book of Electronic Surveillance" is at once a textbook, a manual for government agencies charged with safeguarding national security, and an encyclopedia on this vital industry. Surveillance is a business. Among the largest players are IT and communications industry giants that quietly develop and profit from surveillance solutions. Laws that authorize and govern their work are quite similar from one country to the next. Democratic nations such as the USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy and The Netherlands are little more constrained in deploying surveillance solutions than are Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and other authoritarian regimes. For the most part, government agencies are not technology innovators, but rather, end-users of solutions developed and deployed by Intelligence Systems Support (ISS) vendors. The power that governments exercise via current modes of electronic surveillance will be dwarfed by what comes next: advances in artificial intelligence and quantum computing that take surveillance to the next level.

This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends

Book Description

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER 'An intricately detailed, deeply sourced and reported history of the origins and growth of the cyberweapons market . . . Hot, propulsive . . . Sets out from the start to scare us out of our complacency' New York Times 'A terrifying exposé' The Times 'Part John le Carré and more parts Michael Crichton . . . Spellbinding' New Yorker Zero day: a software bug that allows a hacker to break in and scamper through the world's computer networks invisibly until discovered. One of the most coveted tools in a spy's arsenal, a zero day has the power to tap into any iPhone, dismantle safety controls at a chemical plant and shut down the power in an entire nation – just ask the Ukraine. Zero days are the blood diamonds of the security trade, pursued by nation states, defense contractors, cybercriminals, and security defenders alike. In this market, governments aren't regulators; they are clients – paying huge sums to hackers willing to turn over gaps in the Internet, and stay silent about them. This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is cybersecurity reporter Nicole Perlroth's discovery, unpacked. A intrepid journalist unravels an opaque, code-driven market from the outside in – encountering spies, hackers, arms dealers, mercenaries and a few unsung heroes along the way. As the stakes get higher and higher in the rush to push the world's critical infrastructure online, This Is How They Tell Me the World Ends is the urgent and alarming discovery of one of the world's most extreme threats.

The Cambridge Handbook of Technology and Employee Behavior

Book Description

Experts from across all industrial-organizational (IO) psychology describe how increasingly rapid technological change has affected the field. In each chapter, authors describe how this has altered the meaning of IO research within a particular subdomain and what steps must be taken to avoid IO research from becoming obsolete. This Handbook presents a forward-looking review of IO psychology's understanding of both workplace technology and how technology is used in IO research methods. Using interdisciplinary perspectives to further this understanding and serving as a focal text from which this research will grow, it tackles three main questions facing the field. First, how has technology affected IO psychological theory and practice to date? Second, given the current trends in both research and practice, could IO psychological theories be rendered obsolete? Third, what are the highest priorities for both research and practice to ensure IO psychology remains appropriately engaged with technology moving forward?

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

Book Description

The challenges to humanity posed by the digital future, the first detailed examination of the unprecedented form of power called "surveillance capitalism," and the quest by powerful corporations to predict and control our behavior. In this masterwork of original thinking and research, Shoshana Zuboff provides startling insights into the phenomenon that she has named surveillance capitalism. The stakes could not be higher: a global architecture of behavior modification threatens human nature in the twenty-first century just as industrial capitalism disfigured the natural world in the twentieth. Zuboff vividly brings to life the consequences as surveillance capitalism advances from Silicon Valley into every economic sector. Vast wealth and power are accumulated in ominous new "behavioral futures markets," where predictions about our behavior are bought and sold, and the production of goods and services is subordinated to a new "means of behavioral modification." The threat has shifted from a totalitarian Big Brother state to a ubiquitous digital architecture: a "Big Other" operating in the interests of surveillance capital. Here is the crucible of an unprecedented form of power marked by extreme concentrations of knowledge and free from democratic oversight. Zuboff's comprehensive and moving analysis lays bare the threats to twenty-first century society: a controlled "hive" of total connection that seduces with promises of total certainty for maximum profit -- at the expense of democracy, freedom, and our human future. With little resistance from law or society, surveillance capitalism is on the verge of dominating the social order and shaping the digital future -- if we let it.

The Listeners

Book Description

TheyÕve been listening for longer than you think. A new history reveals howÑand why. Wiretapping is nearly as old as electronic communications. Telegraph operators intercepted enemy messages during the Civil War. Law enforcement agencies were listening to private telephone calls as early as 1895. Communications firms have assisted government eavesdropping programs since the early twentieth centuryÑand they have spied on their own customers too. Such breaches of privacy once provoked outrage, but today most Americans have resigned themselves to constant electronic monitoring. How did we get from there to here? In The Listeners, Brian Hochman shows how the wiretap evolved from a specialized intelligence-gathering tool to a mundane fact of life. He explores the origins of wiretapping in military campaigns and criminal confidence games and tracks the use of telephone taps in the US governmentÕs wars on alcohol, communism, terrorism, and crime. While high-profile eavesdropping scandals fueled public debates about national security, crime control, and the rights and liberties of individuals, wiretapping became a routine surveillance tactic for private businesses and police agencies alike. From wayward lovers to foreign spies, from private detectives to public officials, and from the silver screen to the Supreme Court, The Listeners traces the long and surprising history of wiretapping and electronic eavesdropping in the United States. Along the way, Brian Hochman considers how earlier generations of Americans confronted threats to privacy that now seem more urgent than ever.

Odyssey of an Eavesdropper

Book Description

Martin Kaiser is a legend within the nation's covert electronic surveillance fraternity. Kaiser built devices that could bring down a head of state or provide blackmail for a government agency to smear a well-known civil rights leader. In "Odyssey of an Eavesdropper, " he tells his own story -- from an abusive childhood in a Pennsylvania coal-mining town to icon status in the black-ops world of U.S. spy operations as the premier producer of electronic surveillance gadgets and dirty tricks, and then his battle for professional and emotional survival, with the FBI bent on his destruction. Kaiser's clients included the FBI, CIA, DEA, Secret Service, Army, Navy, and Air Force Intelligence as well as intelligence services of Egypt, Argentina, and Canada. However, after his testimony before the National Wiretap Commission in l975, the FBI embarked on a vendetta against Kaiser, nearly driving him into bankruptcy and resulting in his indictment on charges of illegal wiretapping, conspiracy, and transporting an illegal eavesdropping device across state lines. Acquitted of all charges, and after reinventing himself, Kaiser tells his personal tale while discussing historic moments in U.S. espionage and the future of privacy and surveillance in America.

The Watchers

Book Description

Using exclusive access to key insiders, Shane Harris charts the rise of America's surveillance state over the past twenty-five years and highlights a dangerous paradox: Our government's strategy has made it harder to catch terrorists and easier to spy on the rest of us. Our surveillance state was born in the brain of Admiral John Poindexter in 1983. Poindexter, Reagan's National Security Advisor, realized that the United States might have prevented the terrorist massacre of 241 Marines in Beirut if only intelligence agencies had been able to analyze in real time data they had on the attackers. Poindexter poured government know-how and funds into his dream-a system that would sift reams of data for signs of terrorist activity. Decades later, that elusive dream still captivates Washington. After the 2001 attacks, Poindexter returned to government with a controversial program, called Total Information Awareness, to detect the next attack. Today it is a secretly funded operation that can gather personal information on every American and millions of others worldwide. But Poindexter's dream has also become America's nightmare. Despite billions of dollars spent on this digital quest since the Reagan era, we still can't discern future threats in the vast data cloud that surrounds us all. But the government can now spy on its citizens with an ease that was impossible-and illegal-just a few years ago. Drawing on unprecedented access to the people who pioneered this high-tech spycraft, Harris shows how it has shifted from the province of right- wing technocrats to a cornerstone of the Obama administration's war on terror. Harris puts us behind the scenes and in front of the screens where twenty-first-century spycraft was born. We witness Poindexter quietly working from the private sector to get government to buy in to his programs in the early nineties. We see an army major agonize as he carries out an order to delete the vast database he's gathered on possible terror cells-and on thousands of innocent Americans-months before 9/11. We follow General Mike Hayden as he persuades the Bush administration to secretly monitor Americans based on a flawed interpretation of the law. After Congress publicly bans the Total Information Awareness program in 2003, we watch as it is covertly shifted to a "black op," which protects it from public scrutiny. When the next crisis comes, our government will inevitably crack down on civil liberties, but it will be no better able to identify new dangers. This is the outcome of a dream first hatched almost three decades ago, and The Watchers is an engrossing, unnerving wake-up call.

The Shadow Factory

Book Description

James Bamford has been the preeminent expert on the National Security Agency since his reporting revealed the agency’s existence in the 1980s. Now Bamford describes the transformation of the NSA since 9/11, as the agency increasingly turns its high-tech ears on the American public. The Shadow Factory reconstructs how the NSA missed a chance to thwart the 9/11 hijackers and details how this mistake has led to a heightening of domestic surveillance. In disturbing detail, Bamford describes exactly how every American’s data is being mined and what is being done with it. Any reader who thinks America’s liberties are being protected by Congress will be shocked and appalled at what is revealed here.

Nation-State Cyber Offensive Capabilities

Book Description

One of the most striking features of the 21st century is the widespread adoption of information technology in every aspect of the modern life of individuals, society, or nation-states. When compared to land, sea, air, and space, cyberspace has unique features. Its ""geography"" is easily modified, oceans and mountains are hard to be changed, but entire cyberspace regions can be turned on or off with a button click. Moreover, anonymity, the low cost of acquiring or developing offensive capabilities, and the plausible deniability of actions have turned this dimension into a theater of operations for nation-states. This book does not focus on the worst-case scenario where cyber offensive actions will revolutionize war. Instead, it intends to provide empirical analysis regarding the current state of cyber conflict. This book presents evidence of 29 countries engaging in state-sponsored actions and 85 nations acquiring cyber offensive technologies from private vendors. The numbers challenge the average perception of concentration of cyber capabilities in a few ""traditional"" actors. Cyberspace provides alternatives for the bargaining and interactions to nation-states below the threshold of the use of force. As a result, actors can achieve strategic outcomes and influence the balance of power without resorting to an armed attack and minimizing the risk of a military or nuclear response from their targets.