The Change (Animorphs #13)

Book Description

Tobias has gotten used to his new life. He's a red-tailed hawk with the mind of a kid. It was difficult when he first became trapped in his morph, but he's started to come to terms with things. After all, how many kids actually get the chance to fly?But now Tobias is about to make a very difficult choice: a choice that the other Animorphs know nothing about. And it could mean the difference between living the rest of his life as a hawk...and being human.

Animorphs Boxed Set

Book Description

The Unknown (Animorphs #14)

Book Description

There's a new rumor in town. Someone has discovered an item that proves life on other planets exists, and they've been hiding it on a base called Zone 91, the most secret place on Earth. Cassie and the other Animorphs already know about life on other planets. Too well. Their enemies the Yeerks will try to access Zone 91, to find out if what's there will threaten their mission to conquer to the planet. So the Animorphs decide to pay Zone 91 and the Yeerks a little visit. But what they discover is not at all what they expect.

The Change #13

Book Description

Tobias, trapped in animal form after morphing into a hawk, agrees to help save two Hork-Bajir from the evil Yeerks in exchange for his humanity.

The Andalite's Gift (Animorphs Megamorphs #1)

Book Description

We never should have done it. But we needed a break. Some time off from the superhero stuff. A chance to act like normal kids. Well - as normal as four kids who can morph into animals, a boy trapped in a hawk's body, and a bright blue alien can be. Everything should have been cool.Now Rachel is missing. And there's this... this thing that's after us. But it's not up to me to tell the whole story. Tobias, Cassie, Marco, and Ax were there, too. Even Rachel has some info to add. So go ahead and check this out. And remember not to tell anyone what we're about to tell you. It could mean the difference between life and death. Or worse...

The Andalite Chronicles (Animorphs)

Book Description

Elfangor-Sirinial-Shamtul is an Andalite war prince--the one who gave the Animorphs the power to morph. "The Andalite Chronicles" is the story of how this warrior-cadet ended up on planet Earth Ages 9-12. Pub: 12/97.

The Reaction (Animorphs #12)

Book Description

Rachel's got some pretty strange stuff happening. She can't control her morphing. One minute, she's doing homework. The next, she's morphing a full-grown crocodile, and -- without returning to human form -- she becomes an elephant. That's when the floor gives way and Rachel finds herself looking up at what used to be the kitchen ceiling.What's going on? No one's sure, but Rachel and the other Animorphs have to figure it out -- quickly. Because if someone sees Rachel's out-of-control morphing, the other Animorphs are in for some serious trouble.

The Ellimist Chronicles (Animorphs)

Book Description

He is called the Ellimist. A being with the ability to alter space and time. A being with a power that will never be fully understood. He is the reason Elfangor came to Earth. He is the reason the Earth now has a fighting chance. And though his actions never seem quite right or wrong, you can be certain they are never, ever what anyone expects. This is the beginning and the middle of the story. A story that needs to be told in order to understand what might happen to the future. The future of the Animorphs. The future of humanity. The future of Earth. He is called the Ellimist. And this is his story...

The Separation (Animorphs #32)

Book Description

Rachel is falling apart. Literally. Her newest morph has the ability to regenerate its limbs, but when Rachel demorphs there's a lot more Rachel than when she started out. One more Rachel, to be exact. Rachel is an okay person to have around, but two could be considered overkill. Especially two Rachels with completely opposite personalities: one is pathetically weak; one is super strong and super nasty.Now the Animorphs have to figure out a way to put Rachel back together again. Because if it's up to the "twins," Rachel the weak will surrender to Visser Three. Rachel the super bold will try to single-handedly take him down. And twice the trouble may be twice as much as the other Animorphs and Ax can handle...

The Encounter

Book Description

When Tobias and his friends were given the power to morph, they were also given an important warning: Never stay in a morph for more than two hours. But Tobias broke the time limit and now he’s trapped in the body of a hawk … forever. When he discovers an important Yeerk secret, Tobias knows he has to do everything in his power to destroy it. But to do so, he’ll have to contend with a part of himself that’s wrestling for control. A part that isn’t human.