The Church Foundations and Mission

Book Description

This course studies the Church's mission by exploring its foundations, images, and structure. At the same time, the course takes a deep dive into the Gospel of Matthew, the Gospel of the Church. The words and actions of Jesus in Matthew help lead to a deeper understanding of what it really means to be "church." To help flesh this out, every unit also has one or more articles that explore Pope Francis' writings on what it means to be the Church in today's world.--

Foundations for Mission

Book Description

This volume provides an important resource for those wishing to gain an overview of significant issues in contemporary missiology whilst understanding how they are applied in particular contexts. Contributors from across the globe and from different Christian traditions explore foundations for mission. The chapters examine in what ways experience, the Bible, and theology are foundational for mission and how they together inform the missional thought of different traditions. The book also raises questions about the continued use of foundations as a helpful metaphor mission reflection and impetus. Graduate students and scholars surveying the field will find this a useful and accessible way to understand changing trends within mission studies.

The Church in Mission

Book Description

What does it mean today to be a church totally committed to the gospel and fully engaged in God’s mission? What major religious and sociological trends in our world are affecting the role of the global church and local churches? How must we understand and be prepared to face these trends? How do we define “church” in the twenty-first century, being faithful to the Scriptures and at the same time relevant to a generation that does not believe in the institutional church anymore? What are some good models of missional churches in different regions of the world that will encourage and inspire those who long to see a church making difference in society and in the world? These are some of the issues that the book you are holding in your hands addresses. There are certainly no final answers and magical forms; rather, we present a broad and deep discussion on how the gospel should be lived out by Jesus’ followers in our time and through our communities. Questions are raised and analyzed both from the perspective of a local church as well as from a global and general understanding of the Christian church. Some of our examples will focus more on local realities, others more on global challenges. The first part of the book is dedicated to a biblical and theological reflection on gospel, church, and mission. It includes Old and New Testament studies on the theological implications of being church, based on the biblical narrative. The second part deals with a variety of contemporary missiological issues related to the broader theme of church and mission. Different perspectives from current discussions and dialogues around the globe are included, covering both ideological reflections and practical aspects of being a mission-shaped church. The third part presents regional and national case studies that show the enormous creativity in church planting and engagement of local communities in their own societies. Models applied in the secularized Europe are contrasted to ways of functioning as church in fast growing congregations in the global South.

The Church Foundations and Mission

Book Description

This teacher guide centers on the important understandings and essential questions covered in each chapter and unit of the student text. Each unit begins with a two-page summary that provides a quick overview of the key knowledge and concepts presented in the unit. Unit vocabulary is identified and divided into terms for mastery, terms mastered in previous learning, and terms that are introduced for mastery in later units or courses. Each unit provides eight or more learning experiences you can use to help students expand their knowledge and grow in their understanding of key unit concepts. Pre-assessments, chapter quizzes, final performance tasks, and unit tests provide a variety of ways for you to assess student mastery of the unit content and concepts. Thumbnail images of student book pages, quizzes, tests, handouts, and PowerPoints are provided in the margins so you can quickly identify the specific resources available for each learning experience. Used with the online course resources, this teacher guide will be your invaluable teaching assistant.--

Encountering Theology of Mission

Book Description

Leading evangelical mission experts offer a comprehensive theology of mission text, providing biblical, historical, and contemporary perspectives.

The Biblical Foundations for Mission

Book Description

Since the Second World War the church's history has undergone a profound change. After a long period in which the gospel had been embedded in a Western European context, it must now be seen in a pluralist setting, and the full implications of its claims to universality have emerged. This change is likely to be as significant as the first major change in Christian history, when the church developed from being a Jewish community to an institution in the Hellenistic world. What does that mean for the mission and the pastoral life of the church? Christians, especially Roman Catholics, from the Third World are well aware of the problems that have arisen. Solving them cannot just be an administrative matter. There is a need to go right back to the roots of missionary work. Hence the importance of this new book, strangely enough the only one of its kind. It considers the traditions and dynamics that shaped Israel's consciousness of itsdestiny in relation to the Gentiles and which ultimately led Christians to proclaim the gospel to Gentiles. After this survey of biblical evidence a final chapter summarizes the results and considers implications for contemporary theology and church life, and the relationship of Christianity to other religions.


Book Description

This introduction to missions looks at the biblical and theological foundations for effective missions. Van Rheenen also outlines practical strategies that will help present and future missionaries involved in taking the gospel to the world.

What Is the Mission of the Church?

Book Description

Social justice and mission are hot topics today: there's a wonderful resurgence of motivated Christians passionate about spreading the gospel and caring for the needs of others. But in our zeal to get sharing and serving, many are unclear on gospel and mission. Yes, we are called to spend ourselves for the sake of others, but what is the church's unique priority as it engages the world? DeYoung and Gilbert write to help Christians "articulate and live out their views on the mission of the church in ways that are theologically faithful, exegetically careful, and personally sustainable." Looking at the Bible's teaching on evangelism, social justice, and shalom, they explore the what, why, and how of the church's mission. From defining "mission", to examining key passages on social justice and their application, to setting our efforts in the context of God's rule, DeYoung and Gilbert bring a wise, studied perspective to the missional conversation. Readers in all spheres of ministry will grow in their understanding of the mission of the church and gain a renewed sense of urgency for Jesus' call to preach the Word and make disciples.

Jesus and the Church

Book Description

What is church's true foundation? Was the Christian church founded by Jesus, or does 'the Eucharist make the church'? Paul Avis sets out his own answer to these questions. Gathering a wide range of critical scholarship, he argues that there is something solid and dependable at the foundation of the church's life and mission. Avis argues that Jesus wanted a church in a sense, but not as we know it. Christ proclaimed the gospel of the Kingdom and his disciples proclaimed the gospel whose content was Jesus himself, the Kingdom in person. The church is battered and divided, but at its core is a treasure that is indestructible – the gospel of Christ, embodied in word and sacrament. A central theme of the book is the relationship between the church and Christ, the church and the gospel, the church and the Kingdom. Jesus Christ, crucified and risen, is the sole foundation of the church, but he cannot be without his people.

The Church

Book Description

In The Church, Donald G. Bloesch explores with clarity and balance the contours of ecclesiology. He forthrightly takes up the most controversial of issues ranging from matters of church authority, the sacraments and worship to the church's place in the plan of salvation, the church and the kingdom of heaven, and church reunion. Evangelical in spirit, ecumenical in breadth and biblical in depth, Bloesch's work presents a theology of the church that calls for reformation and renewal according to the Word and Spirit of God.