The Constitutionality of Mandatory Seat Belt Laws

Book Description

Low seat belt usage rates have persisted for years despite efforts to educate people about belts' benefits. There is ample documentation of the contribution of seat belts to saving lives and reducing injury. The emotional and pecuniary toll of the failure to use belts is enormous, yet of little effect in modifying people's behavior. Involuntary measures seem to be the only effective solution to the problem of misperceptions about belts' effectiveness and ingrained attitudes which resist education. Compulsory belt use laws have been successful in other countries, and since 1984 have been considered by the Department of Transportation to be a viable alternative to passive restraints. The possibility of the widespread adoption of mandatory belt use laws has again raised questions about the legitimacy of such self-protective legislation. A similar debate spawned many court cases 15-20 years ago when mandatory motorcycle helmet use laws were passed. Many of the arguments made then are relevant to the seat belt issue. The basic question remains: Are the devices effective enough and is the public interest in protecting the individual strong enough to warrant the intrusion on privacy? The answer must consider that driving takes place in a public arena. Further, studies indicate a substantial correlation between seat belt use and the protection of life and health. A case can be made for many third party effects and social costs of accidents, so this matter involves more than a mere question of the individual right of privacy. Given the traditional deference of the courts to state legislatures in the area of highway safety regulation, mandatory seat belt use laws may well pass constitutional challenges. Various legal theories support this conclusion. The right to travel is subject to reasonable regulation. A law applicable to all automobiles can hardly be described as discriminatory, thus dismissing equal protection objections. As long as there is no substantial interference with interstate travel and there are tangible "local" benefits, the flow of commerce is not impermissibly restricted. The volume of statistics supporting belts' efficacy constitute a reasonable means of serving a legitimate state interest in public health and welfare. They may well pass a more rigorous standard, and amount to a real and substantial relation between the law and its objective. The due process challenge thus being satisfied, the remaining question becomes one of a policy choice for the legislature about the desirability of this means over other alternatives.

The Constitutionality of Mandatory Seat Belt Use Legislation

Book Description

A number of trends indicate that mandatory seat belt use legislation is to be expected within the near future. The constitutionality of such self-protective legislation has been the subject of recent speculation. Constitutional challenges may be expected to come in the areas of due process, equal protection, and right to privacy. Recent decisions dealing with motorcycle helmet legislation form a basis for discussion of the constitutional issues involved. These decisions illustrate principles upon which the courts could sustain mandatory seat belt use legislation as constitutionally valid.

Constitutionality of the Mandatory Seat Belt Use Law

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Discusses whether the constitutionality of Connecticut's mandatory seat belt use law has been tested in court.

The Effects of Mandatory Seatbelt Laws on Seatbelt Use, Motor Vehicle Fatalities, and Crash-related Injuries Among Youths

Book Description

"We provide the first comprehensive assessment of the effects of mandatory seatbelt laws on self-reported seatbelt use, highway fatalities, and crash-related injuries among high school age youths using data from the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) national, state, and local Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBS) and the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) from 1991 to 2005, a period spanning over 20 changes in state seatbelt laws. Our quasi-experimental approaches isolate the independent effects of seatbelt laws net of demographic characteristics, area and year fixed effects, and smooth area-specific trends. Across all data sources, we find consistent evidence that state mandatory seatbelt laws -- particularly those permitting primary enforcement -- significantly increased seatbelt use among high school age youths by 45-80 percent, primarily at the extensive margin. Unlike previous research for adults, however, we find evidence against the selective recruitment hypothesis: seatbelt laws had consistently larger effects on those most likely to be involved in traffic accidents (drinkers, alcohol-involved drivers). We also find that mandatory seatbelt laws significantly reduced traffic fatalities and serious injuries resulting from fatal crashes by 8 and 9 percent, respectively. Our results suggest that if all states had primary enforcement seatbelt laws then regular youth seatbelt use would be nearly universal and youth fatalities would fall by about 120 per year"--National Bureau of Economic Research web site.