The Flight of International Capital

Book Description

Originally published in 1987, The Flight of International Capital provides a fascinating comprehensive analysis of the history of international money movements. Taking 1931 as the turning point between old-style and modern methods of conducting monetary affairs, the book relates currency shifts and investment trends to political events. He deals with five eras in the history of international capital; the unsettled post-crash period 1931-1936; the flight of capital to the US before World War II; the dollar and Swiss Franc’s time as the only ‘hard monies’ till the late fifties; the emergence of the mark-dollar axis before 1971; and finally, the behaviour of floating currencies.

The International Economy

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The Politics of Inflation and Economic Stagnation

Book Description

The inflation of the 1970s represented the greatest peacetime disruption of the Western economies since the Depression. Even as inflation receded, the recession in its wake brought more joblessness than at any time since the 1930s. The governments of industrialized nations found that the economic policies they had developed since World War II no longer assured price stability or high employment. What are the lessons of over a decade of economic difficulty? In this conference volume, which focuses on aspects of the crisis that economists often presuppose to be beyond control, the authors analyze the political and social underpinning of inflation and recession. Part 1 places the economic problems of the 1970s in the historical context of postwar development and then compares economic and political science analyses of inflation. Part 2 examines how rivalries between social groups affect inflationary processes. One chapter draws on the history of Latin American inflation to suggest the conflicts in play. Two others weigh the role of labor and industry in the formation of economic policy. And another shows how rivalry between countries, like rivalry between classes at home, permitted inflation to rise. The chapters in part 3 contest the claim that big government or big labor causes inflation. Two studies emphasize that a high degree of public expenditure does not itself lead to inflation. Further contributions explore the role of central banks and subject such concepts as the political business cycle to critical analysis. Part 4 comprises case studies about macroeconomic policymaking in four nations: Italy, Germany, Japan, and Sweden. The studies reveal what institutional attributes rendered those countries resistant to inflation or vulnerable to economic setback. In the last part, the editors pull together the findings and lay out the contemporary political feasibility of alternative approaches to macroeconomic management.

The International Monetary System

Book Description

For 50 years, the International Finance Section at Princeton University has encouraged and published work in international finance. This volume, a semicentennial celebration of the Section's essays in international finance, is comprised of 12 essays.

Monetary Reform and the Bellagio Group Vol 1

Book Description

The Bellagio Group was founded at a time of global economic crisis. This collection brings together the private correspondence and published papers of the Group’s founders, creating a picture of the personalities, issues, debates and compromises leading to the adoption of flexible exchange rates and a modified Triffin plan.