The Devil Is Lust, Lies and Delusions; and the Most High Is Love and Truth Without Confusion! REVISED

Book Description

This Dynamic Book: "The Devil is Lusts, Lies, and Delusions; and The Most High is Love and Truth Without Confusion", is being put forth by the "Will" of the Most High Heavenly Father to inspire all youth and all adults who are children of the Most High to acquire the competitive edge against the children of devil. The Messiah Yashu'a (Jesus) said: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at; Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)." Therefore; it is imperative in this sacred moment in time that the children of the Most High are reminded that NOW is the TIME and Change is the Motive to ensure that our relationship with the Most High is in Order by throughly examining the content of our own character! Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; Oh, Most High; Help us to become the best that we can Become in All! Is your heart ruled by lust and lies, or is your heart ruled by the love and truth in the Most High eyes? Are you predominately a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Does your heart and actions; reflect that you love the Most High like the Messiah Yashu'a (Jesus) with internal satisfaction? Do you want to avoid being deceived ever again, by the son of perdition through sin? If so, this book will reveal the nature of the devil and the nature of children of the Most High in an effort for the children of the Most High to acquire the True Vine (Yashu'a, Jesus) the Messiah, adaptive leadership competitive edge over the children of the devil by knowing how and why: The Devil is Lusts, Lies, and Delusions; and The Most High is Love and Truth Without Confusion!

The Devil Is Lust, Lies and Delusions; and the Most High Is Love and Truth Without Confusion

Book Description

This Dynamic Book: "The Devil is Lusts, Lies, and Delusions; and The Most High is Love and Truth Without Confusion", is being put forth by the will of the Most High Heavenly Father to inspire all youth and all adults who are children of the Most High to acquire the competitive edge against the children of devil. The Messiah Yashu'a (Jesus) said: "Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in there at; Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it, Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV)." Therefore; it is imperative in this sacred moment in time that the children of the Most High are reminded that NOW is the TIME and Change is the Motive to ensure that our relationship with the Most High is in Order by throughly examining the content of our own character! Mirror, Mirror on the Wall; Oh, Most High; Help us to become the best that we can Become in All! Is your heart ruled by lust and lies, or is your heart ruled by the love and truth in the Most High eyes? Are you predominately a peacemaker or a troublemaker? Does your heart and actions; reflect that you love the Most High like the Messiah Yashu'a (Jesus) with internal satisfaction? Do you want to avoid being deceived ever again, by the son of perdition through sin? If so, this book will reveal the nature of the devil and the nature of children of the Most High in an effort for the children of the Most High to acquire the True Vine (Yashu'a, Jesus) the Messiah, adaptive leadership edge over the children of the devil by knowing how and why: The Devil is Lusts, Lies, and Delusions; and The Most High is Love and Truth Without Confusion!

Combating the Lies of Satan

Book Description

Satan is on a rampage; he has inundated our world with a multiplicity of dangerous lies and is convincing men to feast on them while rejecting Gods holy Word. However, even though Satans concocting these lies, man is not an innocent party to this deception; Satan may be spreading lies, but man entertains them of his own volition and perpetuates them. Man is electing to reject God and the doctrinal teachings of the Bible; he prefers to indulge teachings that ?agrantly contradict Scripture. Man is Satans accomplice; he is complicit and culpable because he disregards the Word of God and chooses lies over truth. Average people have no clue theyre being deceived by a clever and diabolical spirit. Satans deception and cleverness are so astute that hes convinced many to believe the lie that he doesnt exist. However, he does exist, and the purpose of this book is to expose him, his lies, and his deceptions and to expose, refute, and combat the numerous deadly lies so prevalent in our world today that many have embraced. Much in this book will be seen by many as controversial and politically incorrect, but this book is factual and biblically sound; it will equip you with knowledge and insights from the Word of God to prevent you from falling prey to Satans deceptions. God loves you, Jesus died for you, and it is my prayer that you carefully consider and investigate everything in this book and make the crucial decision to believe God and His Word versus Satan and his lies.

Sleeping with the Enemy

Book Description

Author Marita Mister believes many are having an affair with the devil and are either in love with the devil or are just blind. Venture into this book with Marita Mister as she shares her real-life experience of an adulterous affair with the devil. Sleeping with the Enemy affects many lives today—the saint as well as the sinner. While God's created beings are blindfolded, Satan is stripping off the clothes, socks, and shoes of the preachers, teachers, bishops, and prophets alike. After they are vulnerable, he seeks out the lonely, depressed, brokenhearted, and victims of abuse to make sure that they are without truth and apart from God. If you want to take off the blindfold and get out of the relationship with the enemy, if you want to change bed partners and see through the eyes of Jesus, read Sleeping with the Enemy and get a good night's rest.

Jesus the Truth Vs. Satan the Liar

Book Description

In the Gospels, Jesus called Satan the Father of Lies. From the beginning of Mankind until the present, Satan has been lying to mankind in order to destroy us and keep us from eternal life with God. Our first ancestors fell victim to a lie of Lucifer, and because of their fall, all humanity fell under the influence of the devil. Jesus came to earth to break Satan’s power over us. Jesus referred to Himself as the Light of the World and as the Truth. He wants to deliver humanity out of the spiritual darkness and deception in which Satan has mankind trapped. A spiritual battle rages between Jesus and Satan for the souls of men. The weapons of Satan are his numerous lies. The weapon of Jesus is the truth of His Word. He said that the truths He taught were a solid and unshakable foundation in a world of shifting and sinking sand. In Jesus the Truth vs. Satan the Liar, this cop for Christ exposes many of the dark lies of Satan that are spread within America’s higher education system. They are exposed by the light of biblical truth, giving students the knowledge they need to reject the lies and all who spread them. 84 84

Fountain of Truth

Book Description

Find out how we became the rulers over planet Earth as believers. Learn how to be healed--in mind, body, and soul. Learn how to live a victorious life while on earth. Learn why an unforgiving lifestyle can cost you your soul. Find out what blood sacrifices are and why they are no longer needed. Find out how to reclaim your soul. Find out how my brother--a dying man--escaped Hell. Find out why there is only one way to Heaven. Find out secrets that have been hidden for hundreds, or even thousands of years. It's all in the book and so much more.

God Can Not Be Trusted

Book Description

Evans teaches readers to understand and address their struggles from a spiritual point of view.

The Only Truth Revealed

Book Description

People all over the world are looking for Truth, because of their everyday struggles and suffering.The Bible is full of God's Truth, but people still believe the lies of the devil.This book is not my opinion, but Truth revealed to me by God after a severe struggle with gambling and alcohol addiction, bitterness and emotional stress.Remember that Satan, the carnal mind, is a liar and everything that it accomplishes through us is false. God says,"Little children, let no one deceive you: the one who practices righteousness is righteous, just as Christ is righteous.The one who practices sin is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the very start"(1 John 3:7-8). Is this not clear enough to destroy all doubts about God and Satan?All the evil in this world stems from the belief in another god.One that is evil, while the only God, Who is our Father command us not to acknowledge any other gods, but Him only.The great Truth is that we are His spiritual image and likeness, but we do not take it seriously (James 3:9).In the Bible we read about Abraham, Daniel, Gideon, Joshua, Samson, Moses and Elisha who were ordinary people like you and me, but witnessed God's Truth, His maintenance of harmony, because they knew and understood that good is the only reality.They never bowed before the lies of Satan.Even Jesus, our Savior labelled the devil as a liar and that there is no Truth is Him (John 8:44).Jesus healed many people and demonstrated to the world that God's Spirit gives us life and that the flesh profits nothing (John 6:63).God's awareness of health, harmony, goodness and bliss is also ours, because we are His offspring, His image and likeness.Just as God, we cannot become sick, suffer, experience discord, have a lack or die. Please, let us not doubt this Truth any longer, because it is only t

Satan's Secret

Book Description

The author radically addresses conflicting denominational beliefs associated with established Christian doctrinal teachings including the immortality of the soul, hell-fire/eternal torment, miracles, God's Kingdom, prayer, the Trinity and the salvation and eventual resurrection of the entire human race. Then, through extensively detailed scriptural research he provides a thought provoking and inspirational conclusion attributing these differences to the true source of universal deception, Satan, the father of lies and beguilement. Other topics that reveal Satan's influence on Christian thought and moral character covers abortion, homosexuality, capital punishment, occultism and the heinous terrorist attacks perpetrated on a country known for its Christian values. These are covered at length, in detail and are explained in conjunction with the plan of God and it's revelation through an intense study of His Word. Being a devoted non-denominational Bible student with 30 years of experience and personal connections has its reward as these dilemmas are explained through the eyes of this movement's most knowledgeable leaders. The author enlightens the reader to "lost" unparalleled dimensions in thinking, slicing through traditional parameters and exposing the "truth" which has been hidden from the majority of the followers of Christ for so many centuries. "It's time the world is reintroduced to the God of eternal love and not the God of wrath and punishment", says the author. "Come, let us reason together!"


Book Description

Truth: The Case Against Satan begins in a courtroom. It is about each person's responsibility to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we identify the role we play in the battle between good and evil. We all have to choose for ourselves, and we have to know what we have chosen. It is a compelling way for each of us to search our souls. In the end, the choice is clear. This book provides a framework for the first steps toward preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ and exposing deceptions. It answers many questions people have about the Bible, clears up several myths, and sticks to the written word. In short, it is your guide for the second coming of Christ. We don't have to be concerned about when the rapture is coming, we have to be prepared for it when it does. Get your oil lamps ready, pray that Jesus is with you, pray that you will not be deceived.