The Divine Antidote

Book Description

The devil has no power to create; he can only manipulate what already is under the judgment or wrath of God. All sin is under God's curse, and whatever is under God's curse is accessible to evil spirits.

A divine antidote

Book Description

"I Am The Antidote"

Book Description

As you read this book you will gain knowledge of the very existence of God, change your perceptive of who you have been worshiping and ignite your belief, faith and trust in the Almighty. Release His power through your relationship with Him. This book will empower, encourage and ignite you in a way that will keep your trust, hope and perspective of life focused on Him. Grow in the knowledge of God’s existence to understand the power He wants to display in your life to defeat Satan and his kingdom.

The Universal Antidote

Book Description

There is no human knowledgeable enough to have avoided the inevitable experience of what has been labeled "a problem". There is no human prudent enough to spot all potential outcomes. Therefore as a result, there is indeed no human wise enough to avoid the path of a problem. Problems are the result of the misuse of one's will. A problem free world is a will free world. The only way to be free of problems is if everything was definite, and there was no possibility for change. But how can all things be definite if we have the ability to choose against what will make us problem free? It is wise to trust that the sun will rise the following morning after night falls because it has established consistency in its expression. It is also wise to have matured your trust in the act of converting water into ice by the reduction of temperature because again, this has been a consistent outcome. But is it wise to trust that your fellow friend will be there for you every time you need them ? I presume not. So as long as there is consistency in expression, the possibility of change is unlikely, and the outcome of prediction, given it supports the consistent expression will be guaranteed. In simplest terms, our inability to secure a singular and definite expression without change is the cause of our problems. This is the reason for distrust. You are less likely to trust a stranger because you have not been present to observe a consistency in a particular expression of behavior, so you are less likely to trust them because you are well aware of their ability to choose to do as they please, therefore rendering the free will of man kind, the root cause of all problems. Nevertheless, although it has been established that our will to choose, especially under the influence of ignorance has rendered the abilities of prudence in such regard limited, Wisdom however, can profit highly from the limitations of prudence to avoid the issues of ignorance. This is said to say, although we may not be able to avoid problems, we can surely solve them. So I hereby entail my words of wisdom, that is to say, I am offering the cure to all problems, the universal antidote, of which I have formulated as an answer to my riddle; My presence is the solution to all problems, and my absence is the cause, what am I? Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Eastwood Bempoh, and I want to introduce to you, The universal antidote! This book explains; *The Bempoh Quantification Tree of all Problems (including the following below) *The 4 categories all problems fall under *The 2 realms problems come from *The 3 aspects of your being that are affected by problems *How to cure and prevent such problems(given you choose to remain consistent in certain dealings) *And much more!! This book will help you overcome; *Fear *Sickness *Unforgiveness *And more!!