The Dot of Noah’s-Darwin’s: the Ark, evolution, totemism and interspecific wars. Correspondence with anthropological journals

Book Description

Summing up the result of a research of a totemic problem, the author came to a conclusion that Totemism arose owing to impact of insuperable circumstances on mentality of the person of the emergency situation taking place fifty eight thousand years ago.

Darwin and the Bible

Book Description

For courses in evolution, creationism or as a supplemental item in biology and/or biological anthropology courses. Darwin and the Bible helps readers to understand the nature, history and passions behind the debate over scientific and religious versions of creation and human origins. Darwin and the Bible: The Cultural Confrontation is about the history and nature of the disputes over human origins that arose with the publication of Charles Darwin’s book, Origin of Species in 1859. The readings in the text provide the, historical, theological, social and political backgrounds of the debate. Rather than trying to demonstrate the truth of Darwinian evolution, this book seeks to help the reader understand why the debate over Darwin and the Bible remains as contentious as ever. The book seeks to examine why Darwin’s theory of evolution appears threatening to some people, and, likewise, to help understand why some scientists often react with such emotion to challenges to their views. The contributors include biological scientists, social scientists, social historians, and proponents of the importance of God, faith, and religion in peoples lives.

Dinosaurs on the Ark

Book Description

T-Rex on Noah's Ark? Right! How did Noah feed him without being fed to him? Not only does this book address the issues of Creation and evolution from scientific and biblical perspectives, it also chronicles the author's personal journey to discover and document the remains of Noah's Ark (1997, '98, '99, 2000, '01, '03, '05) and discusses the overwhelming significance of potential discovery. For anyone educated in American schools (especially secular colleges and universities), the topics, such as those addressed below, will be both challenging and eye-opening. Discover compelling answers to these questions: [ What if the story of dinosaurs existing millions of years ago is a myth designed to bolster belief in an evolutionary process, but completely devoid of actual evidence? [ What if dinosaurs were brought onto Noah's Ark along with all other air-breathing land animals and survived a global flood? [ What if the various (and varying) accounts of "Ice Ages" on Earth are fictitious and have spiritual roots linked to the belief in evolution? [ What if the remains of Noah's Ark were found in the upper reaches of Mt. Ararat in eastern Turkey?

A Flood of Evidence

Book Description

There are hosts of books and resources on the Flood and Noah’s ark in the creation movement. But there has been a glaring problem in this area for 50 years. There isn’t one basic laymen book on the Flood and ark to give answers to those questions asked all the time. Most books are too shallow, too specific, or too technical for the average Christian to read or get much from. Most people in pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and the ark, then they will be prepared to go into further technical books or specific books from there. Answers the top questions Answers in Genesis receives about the FloodAddresses issues in a way that should be easy to read and yet still gives the reader some meat to chew on.The perfect “starter” book for those interested in learning more or for believers wanting share the truth with non-believers Most people in the pews could use a book like this to give them the basic answers they need about the Flood and Noah’s Ark. After reading it, they will be prepared to go into further technical or specific books from there.

Noah's Ark: Ancient Accounts and New Discoveries (unabridged)

Book Description

The book is about the discovery of what is believed to be Noah’s ark. A team of Turkish and Chinese explorers found a huge tree construction on top of mountain – Mt. Ararat in Turkey. The book and its content will question the foundation of the theory of Revolution and will raise confidence in the Bible as a historically reliable document, which once again has proven its credibility. It’s time for the truth to be revealed. Check here: for a video, photos and information about the latest development of Ararat expedition.

Of Apes and Ancestors

Book Description

By reconstructing the Oxford debate of 1860 on the merits of Charles Darwin's Origin of Species, and carefully considering the individual perspectives of the main participants, Ian Hesketh argues that personal jealousies and professional agendas played a formative role in shaping the response to Darwin's hypothesis.

Out of Noah's Ark

Book Description

In the Days of Noah: The Witness of Creation Series Volume Four

Book Description

Everyone loves a good mystery and fortunately our world is full of them. This is due to the grand conspiracy that is being foisted upon us from the evolutionary establishment and hypocrisy of the modern scientific community. In essence, they are covering up as much as they are digging up. Therefore, this study, "In the Days of Noah: Giants, Ancient Technology, and Noah's Ark" seeks to equip you with the hard facts and solid proof concerning the true history of humanity. Here you will see actual video clips, interviews, and a plethora of photographs that will unlock the answers to such mysterious questions as, "Was there an advanced high-tech society that was destroyed by a great deluge? How did the ancients acquire this knowledge? Did it come from UFO's or a highly advanced race of intelligent people? Who are the Nephilim? Are giants real? Is there any truth to the Greek Mythologies? Did Noah's ark really exist? Is Noah real?

When the Great Abyss Opened

Book Description

The story of Noah's flood is one of the best-loved and most often retold biblical tales, the inspiration for numerous children's books and toys, novels, and even films. Whether as allusion, archetype, or literal presence--the American landscape is peppered with "recreations" of the ark--the story of Noah's animals and the ark resonates throughout American culture and the world.While most think of Noah's ark as a dramatic myth, others are consumed by the quest for geological and archeological proof that the flood really occurred. Persistent rumors of a large vessel on the mountain of Ararat in Turkey, for instance, have led many pilgrims and explorers over the centuries to visit that fabled peak. Recent finds suggest that there may have been a catastrophic flood on the shores of the Black Sea some 7,600 years ago. Is this then the reality behind the ancient tale of Noah? More to the point, why does it matter?What does the story of the Flood mean to us and why does it so stir the collective imagination? When the Great Abyss Opened examines the history of our attempts to understand the Flood, from medieval Jewish and Christian speculation about the physical details of the ark to contemporary efforts to link it to scientific findings. Unraveling the mythical dimensions of the parallel Mesopotamian flood stories and their deeper social and psychological significance, J. David Pleins also considers the story's positive uses in theology and moral instruction. Noah's tale, however, has also been invoked as a means of justifying exclusion, racism, and anti-homosexual views. Pro-slavery advocates, for example, used the story of Noah's Curse on Ham's son Canaan to rationalize the enslavement of Africans.Throughout this expansive and lively book, Pleins sheds new light on our continuing attempts to understand this ancient primal myth. Noah's Flood, he contends, offers a unique case study that illuminates the timeless and timely question of how fact and faith relate.

The Incredible Discovery of Noah's Ark

Book Description

Based on new expeditions and scientific investigations, this exciting book shares the secrets uncovered in the greatest archaeological find of the millennium. From astounding eye-witness accounts and mysterious artifacts to government cover-ups and top-secret photos, the evidence of Noah's Ark is all compiled here for the reader's evaluation and amazement.