The Effects of Nordic Alcohol Policies

Book Description

This book is concerned with studies in the last half of the 20th century in five Nordic countries - Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden - of the impact of alcohol policies.

European Integration and Nordic Alcohol Policies

Book Description

First published in 1998, this volume constitutes a fascinating analysis of the clash of the alcohol control systems of three Nordic countries – Finland, Norway and Sweden – with the free-market of the European Union. It examines of the impact of joining the EU and of remaining outside the trade area, providing a detailed review from a number of perspectives that will interest not only alcohol experts but all social scientists, along with all those interested in links and conflicts between public health interests, market forces and trade agreements. Topics discussed include national systems of alcohol production and distribution, taxation, retail prices, patterns of alcohol consumption, economic actors, social and health consequences and changes in attitudes to alcohol policy in the Nordic countries.

From Science to Action? 100 Years Later - Alcohol Policies Revisited

Book Description

Relevant to both scientists and policy makers, this authoritative text provides alcohol policy from different perspectives, covering both science/research/treatment and prevention practice and links these areas.

European Integration and Nordic Alcohol Policies

Book Description

First published in 1998, this volume constitutes a fascinating analysis of the clash of the alcohol control systems of three Nordic countries - Finland, Norway and Sweden - with the free-market of the European Union. It examines of the impact of joining the EU and of remaining outside the trade area, providing a detailed review from a number of perspectives that will interest not only alcohol experts but all social scientists, along with all those interested in links and conflicts between public health interests, market forces and trade agreements. Topics discussed include national systems of alcohol production and distribution, taxation, retail prices, patterns of alcohol consumption, economic actors, social and health consequences and changes in attitudes to alcohol policy in the Nordic countries.

European Integration and Nordic Alcohol Policies

Book Description

The membership and alignment of Sweden, Finland and Norway in the EU has had a significant impact on the alcohol policies of each of these countries. Each has had a long history of state control of alcohol production as well as wholesale, import and retail sales. The purpose of such state control is to maintain a lower overall consumption of alcohol and the associated lower level of alcohol problems. This book descibes the changes in alcohol policy and practice and the consequences for each of these countries as a result of the association with the EU. It describes the negotiations and their results concerning alcohol policy, the patterns of alcohol sales and consumption, changes in public values and attitudes concerning alcohol sales and its control, the health and social problems which are related to these changes and economic factors, and the consequences of changes in alcohol policy.

Alcohol Policies in EU Member States and Norway

Book Description

Colección de informes sobre las políticas relacionadas con el alcohol en diversos países europeos: impuestos, restricciones al consumo según la edad y durante determinadas actividades, regulación de la publicidad de bebidas alcohólicas, etc.

Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity

Book Description

From a public health perspective, alcohol is a major contributor to morbidity and mortality, and impacts on many aspects of social life. This text describes advances in alcohol research with direct relevance to the development of effective policies at local, national and international level.