The European Restructuring Directive

Book Description

This comprehensive book provides a clear analysis of the European Restructuring Directive, which aims to improve national frameworks governing business restructuring and insolvency as well as to provide debt relief for individuals. Gerard McCormack explores the key aspects of the Directive including the moratorium on litigation and enforcement claims against the financially-troubled business, the provision for new financing, the division of creditors into classes, the introduction of a restructuring plan and the rules for approval of the plan by a court or administrative authority.

Restructuring and Insolvency in Europe: Policy Options in the Implementation of the EU Directive

Book Description

The Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency sets minimum standards for restructuring and certain insolvency matters, but its harmonization effect will be limited given multiple options for implementation, likely leading to divergent restructuring models in Europe. These options reveal different policy approaches to the regulation of restructuring and insolvency. The analysis in this paper aims to illustrate the breadth of the policy choices and their consequences for restructuring activity. States should carefully design restructuring procedures to avoid the negative economic effects of certain options that could undermine creditors’ rights or result in unpredictable outcomes, particularly in cross-border cases.

Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive

Book Description

In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Preventive Restructuring Directive (2019/1023), providing for minimum harmonisation of, among others, preventive restructuring frameworks (PRF). This book provides in-depth analyses of its implementation in seven European countries: Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, The Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. Whereas Member States of the European Union were under a duty to complete implementation by July 2022, the United Kingdom took inspiration from it when voluntarily introducing reforms to its restructuring regime. This book covers detailed analyses of the new or reformed PRFs across Europe, including the objective and scope of a PRF, the criteria/test to enter a PRF, the involved actors, the possibilities for a stay, the plan, the possibilities for a debt-for-equity swap, the effects of a PRF on executory contracts and jurisdiction and recognition of court decisions taken during a PRF. Drawing on the domestic implementations, the book also presents a comparative study evaluating the different policy options implemented by domestic legislators. This book functions as an insightful source for practitioners, academics and policy makers. This book series is published under the aegis of the Leiden Business and Law Research Network (BLRN). This research and expertise network conducts research on the various aspects of doing business in the context of company and insolvency law. BLRN pays particular focus on topics such as corporate governance, corporate sustainability, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring and insolvency.

European Preventive Restructuring

Book Description

The European Directive (Directive (EU) 2019/1023 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2020 on preventive restructuring frameworks, on discharge of debts and disqualification, and on measures to increase the efficiency of procedures concerning restructuring, insolvency and discharge of debt) has to be transposed into national legislation by 26 June 2021. The main features of the Directive are: - the obligatory making available of early warning systems; - the obligatory creation of an insolvency avoidance mechanism; - the determination of certain insolvency related officers' duties; - the uniformisation of discharge rules among member states; and - measures to increase the national insolvency laws' efficiency In this book a team of European-wide recognised, experienced insolvency law experts, some of whom had been involved in the drafting process of the Directive, analyse the Directive. The authors focus not only on the officials tasked in the national surroundings with drafting the national statutes but also on the wider implications which, one way or the other, will be national law. The commentary, thus, serves also the purposes of practitioners and judges in the field of restructuring.

Restructuring in the New EU Member States

Book Description

This book presents a series of extremely stimulating analyses of the process of corporate restructuring in the new Member States of the EU. Particularly noteworthy is the book's focus on the Central and Eastern European Countries (CEECs) that have joined the EU since 2004, an area which has not been prominent in the research on corporate restructuring conducted in Western Europe in the last twenty years. As with their Asian counterparts, these States have generally been perceived as a threat to employment in Western Europe due to the former's benefiting from outsourcing away from the latter. By moving east, the book allows for a different perspective on the restructuring process, by placing it in the context of both Europe and the numerous changes affecting the CEECs. The book seeks to understand the impact of European- and national-level policies on the concept of restructuring, the role of the «acquis communautaire», and the place of social and political actors in the process of change in the context of new Member States, where multinational firms have developed mobility and establishment strategies within the context of broader European and global ones. The density of this collection, its wealth in terms of substantive teachings, and its use of a comparative and multidisciplinary approach that links law, political science, sociology and economics make it an essential resource for those wishing to understand restructuring in the European space after the enlargements of 2004 and 2007 and the impact of European policies and the European Social Model.

Commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation

Book Description

This second edition of the leading commentary on the European Insolvency Regulation reflects the impact of Brexit and the European Restructuring Directive. It continues to be a vital reference work for all those researching and advising European insolvency law.

Rescue of Business in Europe

Book Description

This edited volume is based on the European Law Institute's (ELI) project 'Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law'. The project ran from 2013 to 2017 under the auspices of the ELI and was conducted by Bob Wessels and Stephan Madaus, who were assisted by Gert-Jan Boon. The study sought to design (elements of) a legal framework that will enable the further development of coherent and functional rules for business rescue in Europe. This includes certain statutory procedures that could better enable parties to negotiate solutions where a business becomes financially distressed. Such a framework also includes rules to determine in which procedures and under which conditions an enforceable solution can be imposed upon creditors and other stakeholders despite their lack of consent. The project had a broad scope, and extended to consider frameworks that can be used by (non-financial) businesses out of court, and in a pre-insolvency context. Part I of this book, the ELI Instrument as approved by the ELI Council and General Assembly, features 115 recommendations on a wide variety of themes affected by the rescue of financially distressed businesses, such as the legal rules for professions and courts, treatment and ranking of creditors' claims, contract, corporate and labour law as well as laws relating to transaction avoidance. Part II consists of national reports that sketch the legal landscape in 13 States and of an 'Inventory Report on International Recommendations from Standard-Setting Organisations', both of which provided insight for the drafting of the Instrument. This volume is designed to assist those involved in a process of law reform and those setting standards for soft law in the business rescue context.

Building Anticipation of Restructuring in Europe

Book Description

This work presents a stimulating analysis of restructuring by developing a European perspective. The book provides a clear analysis of the capacity of the actors, through different models of industrial relations and corporate governance, to intervene in the process of restructuring.