The future of DFID's programme in India

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The test of whether the UK should continue to give aid to India is whether that aid makes a distinctive contribution to poverty reduction. The Government of India has primary responsibility for this and has already reduced poverty levels from 60 percent in 1981 to 42 percent in 2005. But whilst the economy is growing there are large pockets of poverty that still remain. The DFID plans to change some of its programme, focusing primarily on three of the poorest states, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, also changing the sectors it prioritises and putting 50 percent of its budget through the private sector by 2015.The Committee supports the focus on the poorest states but provided it is supported by the Government of India. They recommend supporting in particular sanitation, malnutrition, maternal and child health and social exclusion. The Committee supports the Government's aim to forge a new enhanced partnership with India with its mutual benefits from cooperation in trade and investment but the DFID must ensure UK Government policies help protect the poorest and reduce inequalities. The Committee assuming that over the next four years as India continues to grow at current rates it will have increased its capacity to tackle poverty and meet the millennium development goals. DFID should continue to provide technical assistance where requested but the funding mechanism should change by 2015.

DFID's Programme in Zambia

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Although Zambia has enjoyed significant economic growth in the last decade, it remains one of the least-developed countries in the world, ranking 164 out of 187 countries in the 2011 UN Human Development. The country is seriously off track on the poverty Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and inequality remains very high. Women suffer disproportionately; violence against women is widespread and maternal mortality rates (MDG5) are high. The foremost challenge for the Zambian economy is to spread wealth to rural areas and the Committee welcomes DFID's proposed rural markets development programme, which seeks to increase the productivity of poor smallholder farmers by strengthening markets for inputs and crops. Lack of access to reproductive health services is one of the key reasons maternal mortality is high. The report recommends that DFID encourage the Zambian Government to allow clinicians other than doctors, including nurses and midwives, to be trained to provide Long-Acting and Permanent Method contraception. DFID should focus its efforts on rural areas and young people. Secondary, tertiary and vocational education should also be prioritised in DFID's education expenditure. There is a particular need for business education with a lack of competent middle management across the Zambian economy in the public and private sector. The report also highlights major inefficiencies in Zambia's public expenditure - which, if removed, could free up revenues to improve public services. The biggest of these is the maize subsidy

The Future of Private Equity

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The easy money that flowed through the banking system prior to 2008 fueled a boom in buy-outs. Now it is gone, how will the private equity industry reinvent itself? A series of interviews with some of the most respected and innovative firms, give rare insights to the strategies that will drive this secretive sector over the next economic cycle.

HC 663 - The Future of UK Development Co-operation: Phase 2: Beyond Aid

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The number of low income countries is falling. At the same time, the importance of global issues - conflict, climate, migration, trade, tax, financial stability, youth unemployment, urbanisation economic development, and infectious disease - is rising. The Committee argues that aid remains vital for addressing poverty in poor countries, for encouraging economic development, for providing global goods such as tackling climate change, combating diseases such as Ebola and providing humanitarian assistance, but new forms of co-operation have to be developed in order to meet these challenges. This will include new financial mechanisms and facilitating links with UK institutions in a wide range of areas, including health, education, culture, law, culture and science. This will require the Department for International Development (DFID) to put more emphasis on working with small organisations and less on programme management.As the focus moves away from aid, policy coherence for development must be at the heart of a new approach. This means working across Government in the UK, and with global partners in the multilateral system, to maximise the impact on development of all the UK's actions. This approach and changes will require DFID staff to develop different skills.

International Aid and Private Schools for the Poor

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ÔPauline Dixon has intellectual rigour and an openness to new ideas, together with compassion and practicality. A great and unusual combination which I admire enormously.Õ Ð Dame Sally Morgan, Adviser to the Board, Absolute Return for Kids and former chief advisor to Tony Blair, UK ÔThis fine book has a powerful message for policymakers and donors: the quality of schools matters even in poor countries; hence, the poor are abandoning failed state schools and enrolling their kids in low cost private schools. Instead of trying to close them down, the state and donors would do well to invest in children (through vouchers and cash transfers) and give parents a choice rather than create more atrocious, monopolistic state schools where teachers are absent and unaccountable.Õ Ð Gurcharan Das, commentator and author, India Unbound and former CEO of Proctor and Gamble, Asia ÔThis is a must-read book for anyone interested in the plight of poor children, particularly for those readers concerned with learning about culturally sensitive and proven ways to reach out and help less fortunate children in developing countries. I was fascinated and outraged by the compelling stories and actual data that Dixon shares in this gem of an exposŽ. Most readers will similarly be shaken and incensed by the failure of billions of dollars spent on state schooling in Africa and India. Dixon makes a compelling case for the value and contributions of low cost private schools in slums and low income areas in developing countries. After reading this book, I am now a believer!Õ Ð Steven I. Pfeiffer, Professor, Florida State University, US This fascinating volume challenges the widely held belief that the state should supply, finance and regulate schooling in developing countries. Using India as an example, Dr. Pauline Dixon examines the ways in which private, for-profit schools might serve as a successful alternative to state-run systems of education in impoverished communities around the world. The book begins with a through history of IndiaÕs government-run schools Ð based on the traditional British model Ð which are currently characterized by high levels of waste, inefficiency and subpar student performance. The author goes on to present comprehensive survey and census data, along with analyses of different school management types and their effect on student achievement, teacher attendance and quality of facilities. The book also tackles the problem of inefficient allocation and use of international aid, and offers recommendations on the development of new mechanisms for utilizing aid resources in support of low-cost private schools. This meticulously researched volume will appeal to students and professors of development studies, political economy and international studies. Policymakers and other officials with an interest in educational innovation will also find much of interest in this book.

House of Commons - International Development Committee: The Closure of DFID's Bilateral Aid Programmes: The Case of South Africa - HC 822

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In 2010 the Department for International Development (DFID) undertook reviews of both its support for multilateral organisations in its Multilateral Aid Review (the MAR) and of its bilateral aid programmes in a Bilateral Aid Review (the BAR). As a result of the BAR, DFID decided to close a number of country programmes following criteria set out in the review. The Department published, in March 2011, the priorities and expected results for the countries where bilateral programmes were to continue. Yet 18 months and two years after that publication, the Department announced that bilateral programmes with India and South Africa would come to an end in 2015. The Secretary of State has not convinced the Committee that the announcement to end the programmes in India and South Africa were in accordance with the principles and process established by the BAR. Such decisions to end a bilateral programme or to start a new one should be made only following a Bilateral Aid Review, except in exceptional cases. Concerns remain about the timing of the decisions and, in particular, that they are neither methodical nor transparent, but related to short term political pressures.

Department for International Development annual report 2007

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This annual report details the work and expenditure of the Department for International Development (DFID) during the period April 2006 to March 2007, working as part of the wider international effort to tackle world poverty and promote the sustainable development of low-income countries. The report includes chapters on: reducing poverty in Africa and Asia and progress towards the Millennium Development Goals; making the multilateral system and bilateral aid more effective; fragile states, conflicts and crises; environment, climate change and natural resources; and working with others on policies beyond aid. The assessment of progress is structured around the DFID Public Service Agreement (PSA) targets.

Department for International Development's bilateral support to primary education

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The coalition Government has committed to increasing the Department for International Development's total aid spending from £7.8 billion in 2010-11 to £11.5 billion in 2014-15. The Department aims to improve and expand state primary education, focusing on sub-Saharan Africa and Asia. It works largely by influencing and financing developing country governments to pursue Millennium Development Goals. The Committee supports these aims, but expresses concerns about its ability to assess the value for money of its spending. Fourteen of the 22 countries the Department supports are on track to meet Millennium Development Goals for primary enrolment by 2015. The Committee also expresses concern that the Department cannot adequately attribute impacts to its spending and its influence. Even for its largest programmes, such as India, it typically contributes a low proportion of the countries' education spend. For the Committee, the Department needs to place value for money as the primary focus when allocating resources or assessing the performance of its education programmes. It needs to focus on how many children attend and complete primary education, along with the literacy and numeracy they achieve.

DFID's programme in Nepal

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DFIDs programme in Nepal : Sixth report of session 2009-10, Vol. 1: Report, together with formal Minutes

From Bangkok to Bali in 30 Minutes

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The authors present 165 fabulous recipes that use ingredients now found in supermarkets everywhere to create home-cooked southeast Asian meals in less than half an hour.