The Futurica Trilogy

Book Description

In the late 1990’s, Swedish social theorists Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist started working on a radical new theory, since referred to as The Netocracy Hypothesis. At this early stage Bard & Söderqvist foresaw that the control of the internet would be the subject of the main power struggle for the next century.

Syntheism - Creating God in the Internet Age

Book Description

A book that dares to describe individualism as a religion and paint a reality that is primarily virtual, rather than physical. While the authors don’t mind challenging the reader’s view of the self and the world, their main intention is to induce passive receivers of the future to become more active participants. Engaging observations and perceptive interpretations of contemporary society.

The Netocracts

Book Description

History is always written from the perspective of the ruling or rising elite at the time of writing. Concepts like The Stone Age, The Bronze Age, etc. were of course unknown during the stone age and the bronze age. They were invented in the 1800s to make sense of a development that seemed to reach its climax with industrialisation...

The Global Empire

Book Description

When the foundations of society goes through revolutionary changes, caused by new communication technologies, there will be consequences. The old political conflicts and the old political ideologies disappear, replaced by new patterns that initially will be difficult to discern and to interpret...

The Netocrats

Book Description

The Body Machines

Book Description

The final episode of The Futurica Trilogy. It departs from repeated questions about the Death of the Individual in the Age of Interactivity. The authors rehabilitate Descartes old concept of the body machine and transform it into the foundation of a very anti-cartesian, materialist image of humanity, relevant for the new, emerging paradigm—we’re entering The Age of The Body Machines.

Present and Future Paradigms of Cyberculture in the 21st Century

Book Description

Cyberculture is a particularly complex issue. It is seen as a fantastic meeting point of classic philosophers with postmodern theorists, politicians with community engineers, contemporary sophists with software engineers, and artists with rhetoricians. Today, cyberculture is identified highly with new media and digital rhetoric and could be used to create a comprehensive map of modern culture. Present and Future Paradigms of Cyberculture in the 21st Century is a comprehensive research publication that explores the influence of the internet and internet culture on society as a whole. Highlighting a wide range of topics such as digital media, activism, and psychology, this book is ideal for academicians, researchers, sociologists, psychologists, anthropologists, and students.

Transformational Products

Book Description

Assembling Identities

Book Description

This collection of sixteen essays, drawn from across the arts, humanities and social sciences, represents a cross-disciplinary exploration of some of the ways in which identities - whether of individuals, communities, or nations - are constructed, maintained and contested. It is introduced by the editor, Sam Wiseman, with a preface by Regenia Gagnier, and the essays are subdivided into four sections: Performative Identities; British Identities; Ethnic, Bodily and Sexual Identities; and Visual ...

The Digital Transformation of Labor

Book Description

Through a series of studies, the overarching aim of this book is to investigate if and how the digitalization/digital transformation process causes (or may cause) the autonomy of various labor functions, and its impact in creating (or stymieing) various job opportunities on the labor market. This book also seeks to illuminate what actors/groups are mostly benefited by the digitalization/digital transformation and which actors/groups that are put at risk by it. This book takes its point of departure from a 2016 OECD report that contends that the impact digitalization has on the future of labor is ambiguous, as on the one hand it is suggested that technological change is labor-saving, but on the other hand, it is suggested that digital technologies have not created new jobs on a scale that it replaces old jobs. Another 2018 OECD report indicated that digitalization and automation as such does not pose a real risk of destroying any significant number of jobs for the foreseeable future, although tasks would by and large change significantly. This would affects welfare, as most of its revenue stems from taxation, and particularly so from the taxation on labor (directly or indirectly). For this reason, this book will set out to explore how the future technological and societal advancements impact labor conditions. The book seeks to provide an innovative, enriching and controversial take on how various aspects of the labor market can be (and are) affected the ongoing digitalization trend in a way that is not covered by extant literature. As such, this book intends to cater to a wider readership, from a general audience and students, to specialized professionals and academics wanting to gain a deeper understanding of the possible future developments of the labor market in light of an accelerating digitalization/digital transformation of society at large.