The Gender Implications of Public Sector Downsizing

Book Description

Men and women may be affected differently by the transition from central planning to a market economy and especially by the privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises. In Vietnam during the massive downsizing in the early 1990s, many more women than men were laid off. But in the downsizing in the early part of this decade women are less likely than men to be retrenched in large numbers.

The Gender Implications of Public Sector Downsizing

Book Description

Men and women may be affected differently by the transition from central planning to a market economy and especially by the privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises. In Vietnam during the massive downsizing in the early 1990s, many more women than men were laid off. But in the downsizing in the early part of this decade women are less likely than men to be retrenched in large numbers.Men and women may be affected differently by the transition from central planning to a market economy and especially by the privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises. After briefly reviewing the international evidence on this issue, Rama looks at the recent experience of Vietnam and the prospects of its new reform program.During the massive downsizing in Vietnam in the early 1990s, many more women than men were laid off. Women withdrew from the labor force in larger numbers than men after separation, but the difference nearly vanished after a year. Economic reforms were associated with a considerable decline in the gender gap in earnings, both in the state sector and outside it.Women are less likely to be retrenched in large numbers in the downsizing in the early part of this decade. Labor redundancies are concentrated in male-dominated sectors, such as mining, transport, and construction; redundancies are smaller in female-dominated sectors, such as footwear, textiles, and garments. Moreover, temporary and short-term contracts are more prevalent in female-dominated sectors, suggesting demand for women's work.Assistance programs for redundant workers have potential gender biases. Rama shows that separation packages defined as a multiple of earnings favor men more, while lump-sum packages favor women more. Packages based on seniority are roughly gender neutral, but require a substantially higher expenditure to reach the same acceptance rate as the other two.This paper - a product of Public Service Delivery, Development Research Group - is part of a larger effort in the group to address social protection issues in the context of economic reforms. The study was supported by the Vietnam Country Office, East Asia and Pacific Region, and by the Bank's Research Support Budget under the research project quot;Efficient Public Sector Downsizingquot; (RPO 683-67). The author may be contacted at [email protected].

Analyzing the Distributional Impact of Reforms, 2

Book Description

"The analysis of the distributional impact of policy reforms on the well-being or welfare of different stakeholder groups, particularly on th e poor and vulnerable, has an important role in the elaboration and implementation of poverty reduction strategies in developing countries. In recent years this type of work has been labeled as Poverty and Social Impact Analysis (PSIA) and is increasingly implemented to promote evidence-based policy choices and foster debate on policy reform options. While information is available on the general approach, techniques, and tools for distributional analysis, each sector displays a series of specific characteristics. These have implications for the analysis of distributional impacts, including the types of impacts and transmission channels that warrant particular attention, the tools and techniques most appropriate, the data source typically utilized, and the range of political economy factors most likely to affect the reform process. This volume provides an overview of the specific issues arising in the analysis of the distributional impacts of policy and institutional reforms in selected sectors. Each chapter offers guidance on the selection of tools and techniques most adapted to the reforms under scrutiny, and offers examples of applications of these approaches. This is a companion to the first volume, which offers guidance on trade, monetary and exchange rate policy, utility provision, agricultural markets, land policy, and education."

Gender Tool Kit: Public Sector Management

Book Description

This tool kit assists staff and consultants of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in conceptualizing and designing gender-responsive programs and projects in public sector management (PSM). It aims to help users identify and investigate gender issues and to build practical design elements into PSM programs and projects. It guides users on key questions to be asked and data to be collected during project preparation, and provides a menu of entry points for designing gender-inclusive PSM programs. Consisting of three parts, the tool kit provides guidance on gender issues on key PSM subsectors and sector policy reforms. Case studies from ADB programs and projects have been included to illustrate good practices in mainstreaming gender concerns in PSM.

World Development Report 2012

Book Description

This year's World Development Report looks at facts and trends regarding the various dimensions of gender equality in the context of the development process.

World Development Report 2005

Book Description

Firms and entrepreneurs of all types-from microenterprises to multinationals-play a central role in growth and poverty reduction. Their investment decisions drive job creation, the availability and affordability of goods and services for consumers, and the tax revenues governments can draw on to fund health, education, and other services. Their contribution depends largely on the way governments shape the investment climate in each location-through the protection of property rights, regulation and taxation, strategies for providing infrastructure, interventions in finance and labor markets, and broader governance features such as corruption. The World Development Report 2005 argues that improving the investment climates of their societies should be a top priority for governments. Drawing on surveys of nearly 30,000 firms in 53 developing countries, country case studies, and other new research, the Report explores questions such as: What are the key features of a good investment climate, and how do they influence growth and poverty? What can governments do to improve their investment climates, and how can they go about tackling such a broad agenda? What has been learned about good practice in each of the main areas of the investment climate? What role might selective interventions and international arrangements play in improving the investment climate? What can the international community do to help developing countries improve the investment climates of their societies? In addition to detailed chapters exploring these and related issues, the Report contains selected data from the World Bank's new program of Investment Climate Surveys, the Bank's Doing Business Project, and World Development Indicators 2004-an appendix of economic and social data for over 200 countries. This Report offers practical insights for policymakers, executives, scholars, and all those with an interest in economic development.

Vietnam's Socialist Servants

Book Description

Since Vietnam introduced economic reforms in the mid-1980s, domestic service has become an established sector of the labour market, and domestic workers have become indispensable to urban life in the rapidly changing country. This book analyzes the ways in which the practices and discourses of domestic service serve to forge and contest emerging class identities in post-reform Vietnam. Drawing on a rich and diverse range of qualitative data, including ethnographies, interviews, and narratives, it shows that such practices and discourses are rooted in cultural notions of gender and rural-urban difference and enduring socialist structures of feeling, which, in turn, clash with the realities of growing differentiation. Domestic workers’ experiences reveal negotiations with class boundaries actively set by the urban middle class, who seek distinction through emerging notions and practices of domesticity. These boundaries are nevertheless riddled with gender and class anxiety on the side of the latter, partly because of the very struggles and contestations of the domestic workers. More broadly, Minh T. N. Nguyen links the often invisible intimate dynamics of class formation in the domestic sphere with wider political economic processes in a post-socialist country embarking on marketization while retaining the political control of a party-state. As a pioneering ethnographic study of domestic service in Vietnam today, this book will be of great interest to students and scholars of Southeast Asian culture & society, social anthropology, gender studies, human geography and development studies.

Handbook of Emerging Economies

Book Description

A major new volume in the Routledge International Handbooks series analysing emerging and newly emerged economies, including the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and other likely (Turkey, Indonesia, Mexico, and South Korea) as well as possible (Vietnam, The Philippines, Nigeria, Pakistan, Egypt, Colombia and Argentina) candidates for emerging economy status. Chapters on theories surrounding emerging markets (including the Beijing/Washington Consensus debate) offer an overview of current issues in development economics, in addition to providing an integrated framework for the country case studies. Written by experts, this handbook will be invaluable to academics and students of economics and emerging economies, as well as to business people and researchers seeking information on economic development and the accelerating pace of globalization.

The State Practice of India and the Development of International Law

Book Description

The State Practice of India and the Development of International Law by Bimal N. Patel provides a critical analysis of India’s state practice and development of international law. Providing insight into the historical evolution of Indian state practice from pre-1945 period through the 21st century, the work meticulously and systematically examines the interpretation and execution of international law by national legislative executive and judicial organs individually as well as collectively. The author demonstrates India’s ambitions as a rising global power and emerging role in shaping international affairs, and convincingly argues how India will continue to resist and prevent consolidation of Euro-American centric influence of international law in areas of her political, economic and culture influence.

The World Bank Research Program 2001

Book Description

This publication is a compilation of reports on research projects initiated, under way, or completed in fiscal year 2001 (July 1, 2000 through June 30, 2001). The abstracts cover 150 research projects from the World Bank and grouped under 11 major headings including poverty and social development, health and population, education, labor and employment, environment, infrastructure and urban development, and agriculture and rural development. The abstracts detail the questions addressed, the analytical methods used, the findings to date and their policy implications. Each abstract identifies the expected completion date of each project, the research team, and reports or publications produced.