History of Canada Series

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The History of Canada Series: The Destiny of Canada

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It was Sir John A. Macdonald's last campaign. His Conservatives had dominated Canadian politics since Confederation. Their National Policy, which protected Canadian manufacturers from foreign competition, was well established and affection for the "Old Man" was deep and widespread. The Liberal leader, Wilfrid Laurier, was new in the job and uncertain that a Roman Catholic from Quebec had any chance of winning votes outside his home province. But Macdonald's decision to hang Louis Riel had split the country, the economy was in the doldrums, and a movement in support of free trade with the United States gave the Liberals hope. In this richly textured narrative, Christopher Pennington spins a colourful tale of a country poised to make a momentous choice and of nineteenth century politics both at its most principled and at its most corrupt.


Book Description

Survivors. Vets. Comrades. A single day changed their lives forever. From the producer of the documentary Victory from Above, Lance Goddard's D-Day, Juno Beach: Canada's 24 Hours of Destiny is a montage of first-hand accounts, memories, and a pictorial archive of that day, sixty years ago. It captures all of the pride, patriotism, and collective will of Canadians who served and endured the horrific events of that day for a greater cause - for freedom, to defeat Hitler, to liberate Europe. From the beginning, at 0000 hours, to the end, 24 hours later, the voices of over thirty veterans unravel the battle with recollections, tactical details, and, often, self-effacing humour - but always at the very heart of Goddard's D-Day: Juno Beach, Canada's 24 Hours of Destiny, the message, sixty years later, is clear... lest we forget.

Death Or Victory

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An epic history of the battle of Quebec, the death of General James Wolfe and the beginnings of Britain's empire in North America. Military history at its best.

Rails Across Canada

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Few stories in the annals of railroading are as compelling as the construction, evolution, and astounding successes of the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National railways. This sprawling volume combines two of Voyageur Press' most successful Railroad Color History titles into one volume taking in the grand scope of both railroads. Author Tom Murray presents fastidiously researched and concisely presented histories of each railroad, along with more than 300 photographs, including rare archival black-and-white images and modern and period color photography sourced from national archives and private collections.

The Untold History of Canada

Book Description

In this third volume of the series, we introduce the story of several leading nation builders of the 20th century whose lives and struggle have been obscured by establishment historians. We document for the first time in one location the interconnected networks of B.C.'s Premier W.A.C. Bennett, Canada's "Minister of Everything" C.D. Howe, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker, and Quebec's Premiers Maurice Duplessis, Paul Sauve and Daniel Johnson who were all aided by republican leaders of America and France during the post WWII period. These figures conducted a battle with the Rhodes Scholar-infested networks which have come to be known as the Deep State in our modern era, and in spite of their limitations, these figures all distinguished themselves by their genuine patriotism and love of scientific and technological progress.Providing an additional dimension to this story of Canada's untold history, researcher Richard Saunders has contributed a chapter entitled "The Ugly Truth of General Andrew Macnaughton". This important research ties into the Canadian aspect of the assassination of John F. Kennedy and sabotaging of the great North American Water and Power Alliance in a surprising manner as the myth of the heroic Macnaughton is put to rest.

The Path of Destiny

Book Description

Governor Carleton The Quebec Act, Canada on the eve of theAmerican Revolution, Ehtan Allen in the Champlain pass, Benedict Arnold plans a dash on Quebec, Montgomery, Ben Franklin, the fight at three rivers, Lord Durham, Reform movement in Nova Scotia, the First railroad, War of 1812. Erie Canal.

Land of Destiny

Book Description

BC Bestseller!Even before it was a city, Vancouver was a property speculator's wet dream."There are more speculators about New Westminster and Victoria than there were in Winnipeg during the boom," CPR Chief WC Van Horne warned a friend in 1884, "and they are a much sharper lot. Nearly every person is more or less interested and you will have to be on your guard against all of them."Ever since Europeans first laid claim to the Squamish Nation territory in the 1870s, the real estate industry has held the region in its grip. Its influence has been grotesquely pervasive at every level of civic life, determining landmarks like Stanley Park and City Hall, as well as street names, neighbourhoods, even the name "Vancouver" itself. Land of Destiny aims to explore that influence, starting in 1862, with the first sale of land in the West End, and continuing up until the housing crisis of today. It will explore the backroom dealings, the skulduggery and nepotism, the racism and the obscene profits, while at the same time revealing that the same forces which made Vancouver what it is, speculation and global capital, are the same ones that shape it today, showing that more than anything else, the history of real estate and the history of Vancouver are one and the same.And it's been dirty as hell.About the Series: Land of Destiny is the first title in Anvil's new series "49.2: Tales from the Off Beat," an ongoing series dedicated to celebrating the eccentric and unusual parts of city history. From Jesse Donaldson, author of the Bill Duthie Booksellers' Choice Award finalist book This Day In Vancouver, and a host of other local historians, the series will be an in-depth examination of the weird, the wonderful, and the terrible, injecting fresh details into well-worn local lore, or digging deep into the obscure people, places, and happenings of the last 130 years. From psychedelic hospitals to town fools, from communist organizers to real estate scumbags, 49.2 will take pains to break down the myths surrounding the City of Glass.

Blood and Daring

Book Description

Blood and Daring will change our views not just of Canada's relationship with the United States, but of the Civil War, Confederation and Canada itself. In Blood and Daring, lauded historian John Boyko makes a compelling argument that Confederation occurred when and as it did largely because of the pressures of the Civil War. Many readers will be shocked by Canada's deep connection to the war—Canadians fought in every major battle, supplied arms to the South, and many key Confederate meetings took place on Canadian soil. Filled with engaging stories and astonishing facts from previously unaccessed primary sources, Boyko's fascinating new interpretation of the war will appeal to all readers of history.

The History of Canada Series: War in the St. Lawrence

Book Description

From 1942 to 1944, 15 German submarines destroyed or severely damaged 27 ships, including three Canadian warships, a U.S. Army troop transport, and the Newfoundland ferry Caribou. More than 250 lives were lost. It was the only battle of the twentieth century to take place within Canada’s boundaries, and the only battle to be fought almost exclusively by Canadian forces under Canadian, rather than alliance, high command. And for more than 40 years the battle was characterized as a Canadian defeat. But was it a defeat? Drawing on new material from wartime records—including ultra-top-secret Allied decryptions of German naval radio communications, Roger Sarty shows that Canada mounted a successful defence with far fewer resources and in the face of much greater challenges than previously known. He draws vivid pictures of the intense combat on Canada’s shores and the interplay of the St Lawrence battle with war politics in Ottawa, Washington and London. At the same time, he weaves a second story: how researchers reassembled the scattered war records in Canada, Britain, the United States and Germany and brought the long-forgotten battle to life for new generations of Canadians and international audiences.