Mexican Americans in Texas

Book Description

A brief history of Mexican Americans in Texas.

Remember the Alamo: Americans Fight for Texas (1820-1845)

Book Description

The United States' boundaries have expanded over the centuries—and at the same time, Americans' ideas about their country have grown as well. The nation the world knows today was shaped by centuries of thinkers and events. When Moses Austin first brought American settlers into Texas in 1820, little did he realize the far-reaching consequences of his action. Despite years of conflict and bloodshed, those settlers would eventually join the United States as a new state, adding nearly a million square miles to America's land. Texas changed the shape of America forever!

Tejanos and Texas

Book Description

Mexican Americans in Texas History

Book Description

Old roads, new horizons: Texas history and the new world order / David Montejano -- Occupied Texas: Bexar and Goliad, 1835-1836 / Paul D. Lack -- Mexicanos in Texas during the Civil War / Miguel Gonzalez Quiroga -- Uni.

A Proud and Isolated Nation

Book Description

The basic framework of the American nation was laid out by the Founding Fathers in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. Over the years, these have been amended and reinterpreted, but the central core remains. This title helps to learn about these essential aspects of the United States.

The Mexican Frontier, 1821-1846

Book Description

Reinterprets borderlands history from the Mexican perspective.

They Called Them Greasers

Book Description

Tension between Anglos and Tejanos has existed in the Lone Star State since the earliest settlements. Such antagonism has produced friction between the two peoples, and whites have expressed their hostility toward Mexican Americans unabashedly and at times violently. This seminal work in the historical literature of race relations in Texas examines the attitudes of whites toward Mexicans in nineteenth-century Texas. For some, it will be disturbing reading. But its unpleasant revelations are based on extensive and thoughtful research into Texas' past. The result is important reading not merely for historians but for all who are concerned with the history of ethnic relations in our state. They Called Them Greasers argues forcefully that many who have written about Texas's past—including such luminaries as Walter Prescott Webb, Eugene C. Barker, and Rupert N. Richardson—have exhibited, in fact and interpretation, both deficiencies of research and detectable bias when their work has dealt with Anglo-Mexican relations. De León asserts that these historians overlooled an austere Anglo moral code which saw the morality of Tejanos as "defective" and that they described without censure a society that permitted traditional violence to continue because that violence allowed Anglos to keep ethnic minorities "in their place." De León's approach is psychohistorical. Many Anglos in nineteenth-century Texas saw Tejanos as lazy, lewd, un-American, subhuman. In De León's view, these attitudes were the product of a conviction that dark-skinned people were racially and culturally inferior, of a desire to see in others qualities that Anglos preferred not to see in themselves, and of a need to associate Mexicans with disorder so as to justify their continued subjugation.

Tejanos and Texas Under the Mexican Flag, 1821-1836

Book Description

To be sure, the dramatic shift in land and resources greatly affected the Mexican, but it had its effect on the Anglo American as well. After the 1820s, many of the Anglo-American pioneers changed from buckskin-clad farmers to cattle ranchers who wore boots and "cowboy" hats. They learned to ride heavy Mexican saddles mounted on horses taken from the wild mustang herds of Texas. They drove great herds of longhorns north and westward, spreading the Mexican life-style and ranch economy as they went. With the cattle ranch went many words, practices, and legal principles that had been developed long before by the native Mexicans of Texas - the Tejanos.