The Impact of Consumer Multi-Homing on Advertising Markets and Media Competition

Book Description

We develop a model of advertising markets in an environment where consumers may switch (or “multi-home”) across publishers. Consumer switching generates inefficiency in the process of matching advertisers to consumers, because advertisers may not reach some consumers and may impress others too many times. We find that when advertisers are heterogeneous in their valuations for reaching consumers, the switching-induced inefficiency leads lower-value advertisers to advertise on a limited set of publishers, reducing the effective demand for advertising and thus depressing prices. As the share of switching consumers expands (e.g., when consumers adopt the internet for news or increase their use of aggregators), ad prices fall. We demonstrate that increased switching creates an incentive for publishers to invest in quality as well as extend the number of unique users, because larger publishers are favored by advertisers seeking broader “reach” (more unique users) while avoiding inefficient duplication.

The Importance of Consumer Multi-homing (joint Purchases) for Market Performance

Book Description

"Consumer "multi-homing" (watching two TV channels, or buying two news magazines) has surprisingly important effects on market equilibrium and performance in (two-sided) media markets. We show this by introducing consumer multi-homing and advertising-finance into the classic circle model of product differentiation. When consumers multi-home (attend more than one platform), media platforms can charge only incremental-value prices to advertisers. Entry or merger leaves consumer prices unchanged under consumer multi-homing, but leaves advertiser prices unchanged under single-homing: multi-homing flips the side of the market on which platforms compete. In contrast to standard circle results, equilibrium product variety can be insufficient under multi-homing."--Abstract.

The Importance of Consumer Multi-homing (joint Purchases) for Market Performance

Book Description

Consumer "multi-homing" (watching two TV channels, or buying two news magazines) has surprisingly important effects on market equilibrium and performance in (two-sided) media markets. We show this by introducing consumer multi-homing and advertising-finance into the classic circle model of product differentiation. When consumers multi-home (attend more than one platform), media platforms can charge only incremental-value prices to advertisers. Entry or merger leaves consumer prices unchanged under consumer multi-homing, but leaves advertiser prices unchanged under single-homing: multi-homing flips the side of the market on which platforms compete. In contrast to standard circle results, equilibrium product variety can be insufficient under multi-homing.

The Impact of Consumer Multi-homing Behavior on Ad Prices

Book Description

This study examines the trade-off between online advertising effectiveness and (do-not-track) privacy regulation. Recent literature on ad-financed business model predicts that consumers who patronize multiple platforms (multi-homing) can have less per-impression value as they may see duplicated ads from multiple sources. The use of tracking technology in the digital space may however eliminate the redundant ad provision at the expense of consumer privacy. The presenting paper provides the first empirical evidence on whether multi-homer's attention is less valuable in online media market, under FTC's privacy regulation on tracking. The paper then discusses the potential market outcome if the privacy regulation were removed. The publisher ad data is scraped from BuySellAds and matched with comScore 2016 for consumer multihoming behavior. The study employed a quasi-experiment based on ad location in a webpage to identify the multi-homing effect on ad prices. By finding that the marginal effect of multi-homing (treatment) on ad prices is indeed more negative for the more viewable ads (treated), the paper concludes that consumer multi-homing behavior can increase the tendency of over impressions, and such tendency can decrease advertisers' valuation of ad slots in the digital display ad market.

The Impact of the Internet on Advertising Markets for News Media

Book Description

In this paper, we explore the hypothesis that an important force behind the collapse in advertising revenue experienced by newspapers over the past decade is the greater consumer switching facilitated by online consumption of news. We introduce a model of the market for advertising on news media outlets whereby news outlets are modeled as competing two-sided platforms bringing together heterogeneous, partially multi-homing consumers with advertisers with heterogeneous valuations for reaching consumers. A key feature of our model is that the multi-homing behavior of the advertisers is determined endogenously. The presence of switching consumers means that, in the absence of perfect technologies for tracking the ads seen by consumers, advertisers purchase wasted impressions: they reach the same consumer too many times. This has subtle effects on the equilibrium outcomes in the advertising market. One consequence is that multi-homing on the part of advertisers is heterogeneous: high-value advertisers multi-home, while low- value advertisers single-home. We characterize the impact of greater consumer switching on outlet profits as well as the impact of technologies that track consumers both within and across outlets on those profits. Somewhat surprisingly, superior tracking technologies may not always increase outlet profits, even when they increase efficiency. In extensions to the baseline model, we show that when outlets that show few or ineffective ads (e.g. blogs) attract readers from traditional outlets, the losses are at least partially offset by an increase in ad prices. Introducing a paywall does not just diminish readership, but it furthermore reduce advertising prices (and leads to increases in advertising prices on competing outlets).

Handbook of Industrial Organization

Book Description

Handbook of Industrial Organization, Volume Four highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters written by an international board of expert authors. Presents authoritative surveys and reviews of advances in theory and econometrics Reviews recent research on capital raising methods and institutions Includes discussions on developing countries

Competition for Advertisers and for Viewers in Media Markets

Book Description

Standard models of advertising-financed media assume consumers patronize a single media platform, precluding effective competition for advertisers. Such competition ensues if consumers multi-home. The principle of incremental pricing implies that multi-homing consumers are less valuable to platforms. Then entry of new platforms decreases ad prices, while a merger increases them, and ad-financed platforms may suffer if a public broadcaster carries ads. Platforms may bias content against multi-homing consumers, especially if consumers highly value overlapping content and/or second impressions have low value.

Handbook of the Economics of Marketing

Book Description

Handbook of the Economics of Marketing, Volume One: Marketing and Economics mixes empirical work in industrial organization with quantitative marketing tools, presenting tactics that help researchers tackle problems with a balance of intuition and skepticism. It offers critical perspectives on theoretical work within economics, delivering a comprehensive, critical, up-to-date, and accessible review of the field that has always been missing. This literature summary of research at the intersection of economics and marketing is written by, and for, economists, and the book's authors share a belief in analytical and integrated approaches to marketing, emphasizing data-driven, result-oriented, pragmatic strategies. Helps academic and non-academic economists understand recent, rapid changes in the economics of marketing Designed for economists already convinced of the benefits of applying economics tools to marketing Written for those who wish to become quickly acquainted with the integration of marketing and economics

Multihoming and Market Expansion

Book Description

Conventional assumptions in the classical linear city of Hotelling, the workhorse model in media economics, are (i) that no consumer buys more than one of the goods (they are singlehomers) and (ii) that the market is covered. We relax both assumptions and analyze how exclusive and non-exclusive content affect pricing and profit for media platforms. In contrast to the outcome in a covered market with consumer multihoming, we show that the consumer price in an uncovered market depends on both exclusive and non-exclusive content. If advertisers have a high willingness to pay for exclusive eyeballs, platforms prefer to provide non-exclusive rather than exclusive content.