9/11 and American Empire, Volume 1

Book Description

Were the military and the FAA really that incompetent? Were our intelligence-gathering agencies really in the dark about 9/11? How could so much go wrong at once, in the world's strongest and most technologically sophisticated country? Both the government and the mainstream media have tried to portray the 9/11 truth movement as led by people who can be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists." This volume shows this caricature to be untrue. Coming from different academic disciplines as well as from different parts of the world, the authors are united In the conviction that the official story about 9/11 is a huge deception manufactured to extend Imperial control at home and abroad.

Public Intellectuals and the Common Good

Book Description

In the midst of a divisive culture, public intellectuals speaking from an evangelical perspective have a critical role to play—within the church and beyond. Representing the church, higher education, journalism, and the nonprofit sector, these world-class scholars and practitioners cast a vision for intellectuals who promote human flourishing.

The Handwriting of God

Book Description

The Handwriting of God will answer your questions about the phenomenal Bible Codes while revealing awesome New Code Discoveries hidden in the Scriptures. Can we trust the Bible? Is Christianity credible? There is a war on for the souls and minds of humanity and the main battleground is the issue of biblical authority. Grant has again uncovered new research material that will cause you to search the Scriptures for yourself. He provides new evidence that the Bible is truly “without error” and trustworthy despite the attacks on its authority in our generation. Rebuild the Foundations of Biblical Authority Explore These Fascinating Topics: ·Astonishing New Bible Code Discoveries ·The Christian perspective on the Bible Codes ·Jesus and His disciples’ names revealed in the Old Testament ·The awesome impact of Jesus and the Bible ·Is Christianity credible? ·Can we still trust the Bible? ·The mystery of the Trinity ·The scientific collapse of evolution ·New incredible archeological and scientific discoveries Although the Scriptures were written thousands of years ago, they still speak to us with fresh truth regarding our life and purpose as they communicate the timeless wisdom of God.

God and the New Cosmology

Book Description

'Given the excellent historical context in which Corey frames his case and the rational manner in which he closes off the loopholes, the stage is set for paradigm shift in the secular area. I highly recommend this book.'-Hugh Ross, Astronomer


Book Description

This book explores the powerful new evidence discovered in the last few decades by scientific research in astronomy, the nature of the atom and DNA. These discoveries have caused a revolution in the world view of thousands of scientists as they were confronted with compelling new evidence that our universe must have been created by a Supernatural Mind. Grant Jeffrey’s latest book, Creation, will challenge readers with fascinating new information that confirms the Bible’s claim that “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth”. Content Includes: ·Deep space reveals mysteries of the first moments of creation ·Wonders of the universe point to a Supernatural Creator ·A revolution in our understanding of the universe’s beginning ·Astonishing evidence of the universe’s intelligent design ·Remarkable discoveries about the nature of the atom ·The collapse of the Theory of Evolution ·DNA- The language of God ·Modern science discovers God

The Miracle of Man

Book Description

What Is a Man? Biologically, we are animals--homo sapiens. But men are different, born with consciousness, reason, free will, notions of morality, and other characteristics of what we call "human nature." Why are we different? Were we created by God or are we just accidents of nature? Are you a child of the King or just a child of King Kong? This is a book of apologetics for laypeople. It looks at arguments for the existence of God and especially at those arguments that can be drawn from human nature. It argues in plain language, with illustrations and humor, that we cannot explain human nature without God, that men are miracles.

God of the Towel

Book Description

Jim McGuiggan’s passionate devotional readings draw the reader beyond the commands, the laws, and the history to reveal God’s tender love. Since childhood, you’ve sung the words, “Jesus loves me, this I know.” The tune is as familiar as your own mirrored reflection. But sometimes we have difficulty believing that the creator and sustainer of the universe could be bothered with people like you and me—much less really love us. But when God put on flesh and entered our world, he washed dirty feet, he soothed suffering souls, and he forgave fallen sinners. His message is loud and clear—he loves us! Jim McGuiggan’s passionate, devotional readings draw you beyond the commands, the laws, and the history to paint insightful portraits of God that reveal his tender heart of love.

On the Resurrection, Volume 2

Book Description

While evidence for Christ’s resurrection abounds, there are still those who posit alternative explanations for the empty tomb. In On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations, Gary Habermas offers detailed analyses and rebuttals of the alternate theories surrounding Jesus’s resurrection. Comprehensive in scope, On the Resurrection, Volume 2: Refutations addresses topics such as: Second-century texts that seem to challenge the resurrection Hume’s arguments against miracles The naturalism and skepticism of nineteenth-century German liberalism Alternative theories such as the disciples or others stealing the body, the “swoon” theory, hallucinations, and mythological understanding Habermas engages critically with the arguments and offers a comprehensive apologetic for the reality of Christ’s resurrection.