Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and 1st and 2nd Thessalonians

Book Description

The apostle Paul addresses specific concerns of the early church, focusing on the themes of salvation by grace, redemption, transformation in Christ and perseverance in the face of persecution.

The Philippians, Colossians, First and Second Thessalonians

Book Description

Even though nearly 2,000 years have passed since Paul wrote his letters, students today are facing many of the same issues as the Philippians, Colossians, and Thessalonians. They may be experiencing angst or hurt, or they may be hearing messages that are contrary to what they know to be true about the Gospel. They’re probably even dealing with questions about sexuality and morality. By studying these practical letters of Paul, students will learn ways to faithfully cope with the trials of the their day-to-day lives. Through engaging activities and thought-provoking questions that get right to the heart of Philippians, Colossians, and First and Second Thessalonians, students will learn how to find joy in their journey, discover practical instructions of faith, and get encouragement for times of trial. • In Philippians students will learn how to tell the difference between joy and happiness, and they will learn that true joy comes from serving Christ. • In the letter of Paul to the Colossians, students will be encouraged in their faith, and they will learn how to make a difference in the lives of believers and non-believers alike—whether they can see the impact they make or not. They will also discover how to avoid false teachings. • In the two letters to the Thessalonians, students will learn that as believers they should be living in ways that make others excited to get to know God. They will also learn how to reach out for a Christian community for support when they encounter trials. Written with the busy youth worker in mind, Studies on the Go: Philippians, Colossians, and First and Second Thessalonians provides Scriptural depth and substance to be tackled in a manageable time frame. The questions are real, down-to-earth, and straight to the point to get students quickly into the text so they can hear God’s word on a practical level. Designed for classes, youth groups, and small groups, this curriculum is guaranteed to get students engaged in the Bible.

The Letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians

Book Description

"...Dr Barclay's inimitable style and popular appeal are renowned. With unsurpassed clarity and profound insight he distils the essence of contemporary scholarship for the ordinary man and woman......[from back cover]

Paul's Letters to the Churches

Book Description

The Bible is simply a love letter compiled into sixty-six books and written over a period ofsixteen hundred years by more than forty authors living on three continents. Although theauthors came from different backgrounds, there is one message, one theme, one thread that runs throughout the entire Bible from the first book, Genesis, to the last book, Revelation. That message is God's redeeming love for mankind--a message that is as relevant for us today as it was two thousand years ago.Paul's Letters to the Churches (Romans, First Corinthians, Second Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, First Thessalonians, and Second Thessalonians) were written by Paul over a period of fourteen years to seven churches scattered throughout Asia Minor, Greece, and Rome. These churches were in different stages of maturity and all needed instruction from the great apostle. Though Paul did not found all of them, he was looked to for leadership as these churches moved through various seasons of growth and challenge.As we will see, these letters contain both doctrine and practical explanation. The apostle took the great truths of the life, death, resurrection, and return of Jesus Christ and explained and applied them for the members of these newly established centers of Christian worship and witness. Because of the different circumstances into which Paul sent these letters, each has its own flavor and emphasis. However, the Spirit of God and the purpose of the Scriptures make them as applicable today as they were nearly two thousand years ago when the apostle originally penned them.