The Complex Lives of Star Clusters

Book Description

As with the author’s recent books Extreme Explosions and Under a Crimson Sun, the complex topic of star clusters is broken down and made accessible with clear links to other areas of astronomy in a language which the non-specialist can easily read and enjoy. The full range of topics are addressed regarding how star clusters are formed. Why is it some are dense conglomerates of stars while others are looser associations? Are the young, brilliant clusters seen in neighboring galaxies such as the Large Magellanic Cloud, M33 or M82 analogous to the ancient globulars seen in the Milky Way? How will these clusters change as their stars wane and die? More interestingly, how does living in a dense star cluster affect the fates of the stars and any attendant planets that accompany them? Star clusters form many of the most dazzling objects in the astronomers’ catalogs. Many amateur astronomers are interested in exploring how these objects are created and what it would be like to live among these objects. From the historical views of how star clusters came about to the most recent assumptions about how stars within these clusters evolve, different strands of science, from observation to theory, are woven together into a compelling investigation specifically targeted at amateur astronomers.

The Birth of Star Clusters

Book Description

All stars are born in groups. The origin of these groups has long been a key question in astronomy, one that interests researchers in star formation, the interstellar medium, and cosmology. This volume summarizes current progress in the field, and includes contributions from both theorists and observers. Star clusters appear with a wide range of properties, and are born in a variety of physical conditions. Yet the key question remains: How do diffuse clouds of gas condense into the collections of luminous objects we call stars? This book will benefit graduate students, newcomers to the field, and also experienced scientists seeking a convenient reference.

Dynamics of Star Clusters

Book Description

The emphasis in these proceedings of lAD Symposium No. 113, Dynafrri-,'!s of Star Clusters. and·.~.Le. mab rPIHlon for orZ'lnizinp: thE" symposium in the spring of 1984, was the rapid increase during the preceeding year in our understanding of core collapse. The last I.A.D. Symposium to discuss the dynamics of star clusters at length was No.69, Dynamics of Stellar Systems~ held in Besan~on in 1974. For a few years afterwards, globular clusters receiveu much attention due to the discovery of X-ray bursters and the mounting evidence that X-ray sources in globular clusters were formed in completely different ways than those within our galaxy. Globular clusters, which until this time had a reputation for sedate old age, turned out to lead violent private lives at high energies. However, in the early 80's globular clusters seemed to lose some of the glamor of the 70's. The grand speculations of heavy black holes lurking in their centers had to make way for a variety of observational evidence which indicated that the X-ray sources are low-mass close binaries instead. But, though dynamical fashion turned to heavy galac tic halos and so on, some of the unsolved theoretical problems regard ing the evolution of star clusters kept their fascination for a number of relatively isolated workers. After several years of inconspicuous labor, a number of preprints suddenly appeared in the spring of 1983 that studied the evolution of globular clusters after core collapse.

100 Billion Suns

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New Quests in Stellar Astrophysics II

Book Description

This book presents an up-to-date collection of reviews and contributed articles in the field of ultraviolet astronomy. Its content has been mainly motivated by the recent access to the rest frame UV light of distant red galaxies, gained through large optical facilities. This driveway has derived in a renewed interest on the stars that presumably dominate or have important effects on the integrated UV properties of evolved systems of the nearby and faraway Universe. The topics included in this volume extend from the fresh spectroscopic analyses of high redshift early-type galaxies observed with the 8-10m class telescopes to the fundamental outcomes from various satellites, from the long-lived International Ultraviolet Explorer to current facilities, such as the Galaxy Evolution Explorer. This is one of the few volumes published in recent years devoted to UV astronomical research and the only one dedicated to the properties of evolved stellar populations at these wavelengths. This contemporary panorama will be an invaluable resource in the preparation of the next planned space missions, such as the World Space Observatory and the Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope.

Astronomy and Astrophysics - Volume II

Book Description